South Carolina One Step Closer to Nullifying ObamaCareThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

South Carolina is one step closer to nullifying ObamaCare within the borders of the Palmetto State.

The Constitutional Law Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee passed H3101, the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act. Within days the bill will be heard by the full Judiciary Committee of the state House of Representatives.   Continue reading “South Carolina One Step Closer to Nullifying ObamaCare”

My Way News – by SUSAN HAIGH

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – With an announcement of sweeping proposals to curb gun violence, Connecticut lawmakers said they are hoping to send a message to Congress and other state legislators across the country: A bipartisan agreement on gun control is possible.

Legislative leaders on Monday revealed proposals spurred by the Dec. 14 Newtown school shooting following weeks of bipartisan, closed-door negotiations. A vote is expected Wednesday in the General Assembly, where Democrats control both chambers, making passage all but assured.   Continue reading “Conn. lawmakers unveil bipartisan gun control plan”

APThe Free Beacon – by Bill Gertz

China has placed military forces on heightened alert in the northeastern part of the country as tensions mount on the Korean peninsula following recent threats by Pyongyang to attack, U.S. officials said.

Reports from the region reveal the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recently increased its military posture in response to the heightened tensions, specifically North Korea’s declaration of a “state of war” and threats to conduct missile attacks against the United States and South Korea.   Continue reading “China mobilizing troops, jets near Korea”

NBC News – by Jim Miklaszewski, and Courtney Kube

The U.S. Navy is shifting a guided-missile destroyer in the Pacific to waters off the Korean peninsula in the wake of ongoing rhetoric from North Korea, U.S. defense officials said.

The USS McCain is capable of intercepting and destroying a missile, should North Korea decide to fire one off, the officials said.   Continue reading “US Navy shifts destroyer in wake of North Korea missile threats”

Confiscated weapons are seen at the office of Sonora's State Police in Hermosillo September 7, 2012. REUTERS/Sonora State Police/HandoutReuters – by Louis Charbonneau

(Reuters) – The 193-nation U.N. General Assembly is tentatively planning to vote on Tuesday on a draft treaty to regulate the $70 billion global trade in conventional arms.

IranSyria and North Korea last week prevented a treaty drafting conference at U.N. headquarters from reaching the required consensus to adopt the treaty. That left delegations that support it no choice but to turn to the General Assembly to adopt it.   Continue reading “U.N. General Assembly to vote on draft arms trade treaty?”

Huffington Post – by KATE BRUMBACK

NELSON, Ga. — The city council in a small north Georgia town voted Monday night to make gun ownership mandatory – unless you object.

Council members in Nelson, a city of about 1,300 residents that’s located 50 miles north of Atlanta, voted unanimously to approve the Family Protection Ordinance. The measure requires every head of household to own a gun and ammunition to “provide for the emergency management of the city” and to “provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.”   Continue reading “Nelson, Georgia Family Protection Ordinance Approved, Would Make Gun Ownership Mandatory For Some”

Secret Service to Arrest SheriffsModern Survival Blog – by Ken Jorgustin

Colorado, and apparently Texas (next) are being targeted with an attempt to set up a federal authority framework that will enable Secret Service agents (not just those guarding the president), and others of the U.S. Secret Service including uniformed division officers, physical security technicians and specialists, and other ‘special officers’, to arrest and remove an elected sheriff for refusing to enforce the law (or anyone breaking the law).   Continue reading “Federal Framework Being Set Up To Arrest Sheriffs”

 photo pic2_zps2e5fc84b.jpgTown Hall – by Katie Pavlich 

As the immigration reform Gang of Eight inside the Beltway prepares to announce a deal later this week, claiming border security will come before a path to citizenship for millions of illegals, Border Patrol agents have seen illegal border crossings double and warn the cutting of agent work hours will only result in less border security, not more.   Continue reading “Illegal Border Crossings Double, Border Becomes Less Secure as Beltway Gets Close to Deal on Immigration Reform”

The Wrap – by Lucas Shaw

When executives at Paramount viewed the latest cut of the $175 million Brad Pitt zombie film “World War Z,” they were not concerned by the violence or its reengineered ending. They were worried about a minor plot point that involved a sensitive topic: China.   Continue reading “Zombie Film ‘World War Z’ Changes Scene After Fearing Chinese Censors”

200px-FDIC_2500_sign_by_Matthew_BisanzJonathan Turley – by Lawrence E. Rafferty

The recent news about Cyprus banks confiscating depositor’s funds sent chills throughout the financial world here and abroad.  I couldn’t believe that the plan in Cyprus hinged on the idea that the bank could just steal customer’s funds to balance the bank’s books.  I muttered to myself when I read the story that something as crazy as that couldn’t possible happen here in the United States.  Unfortunately, I learned that the plan to pull a Cyprus type grab here was already in the works.    Continue reading “Could the Banksters Grab Your Bank Deposits?”

The communist insurgents within the United States continue their push to disarm we American nationals, even to the point of presenting poll numbers which have been proven to be false via their own previous admissions.  Captain Mark Kelly, the husband of ex-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was making the rounds over the weekend, spouting his sedition while trying to present himself as some kind of American hero.

Let’s look at this logically and ask the question. Does the government grant the people their rights?  Was the Bill of Rights written by the government to outline the privileges they were to bestow upon us, said privileges of course to be revoked, altered, or regulated at the government’s whim?   Continue reading “Communists Stand in Defiance of Bill of Rights”

North Korea has threatened to attack the United States in retaliation for tightening sanctions and military exercises with South Korea, which included near border fly-overs with B2 Stealth Bombers capable of delivering a nuclear payload.  Some of the traitors within our government are saying the threats from North Korea must be taken seriously, while others define the statements as “war mongering rhetoric”.

We Americans are quite aware of the fact that the Israeli Zionists want to bring us to war in the Middle East and any move in this venue would be closely scrutinized and quickly rejected.    Continue reading “North Korea is Starving for a Fight”

On January 4, 2012, the insurgent infiltrator, Barry Soetoro, sent a memo to Homeland Security, putting an end to any illusion of border security and  instituting a blanket amnesty for any and all who would care to stroll across our southern border and shove their faces into the trough.

The number of illegals within the United States has, for the past few years, been reported to be at 11 million.  Now we find out that that number represents only a fraction, as it is admitted that only 3% of those who have been crossing into the United States are even so much as noticed.    Continue reading “The North American Union – Whether You Want It Or Not”

The Organic Prepper

One of the best things about holidays is getting together with family and having a huge feast.  If you are of the frugal mindset, sometimes it can be overwhelming to spend all that money for just one meal.

Instead of eating endless meals of leftovers until you never want to see another slice of ham as long as you live, try preserving those leftovers and adding them to your preps.  You can then repurpose them and serve them in an entirely different way, eliminating food fatigue.   Continue reading “15 Ways to Prep with Holiday Leftovers”

Joe and Mary ReneauMother Jones – by Michael Behar

AT EXACTLY 10:53 P.M. on Saturday, November 5, 2011, Joe and Mary Reneau were in the bedroom of their whitewashed and brick-trimmed home, a two-story rambler Mary’s dad custom-built 43 years ago. Their property encompasses 440 acres of rolling grasslands in Prague, Oklahoma (population 2,400), located 50 miles east of Oklahoma City. When I arrive at their ranch almost a year later on a bright fall morning, Joe is wearing a short-sleeve shirt and jeans held up by navy blue suspenders, and is wedged into a metal chair on his front stoop sipping black coffee from a heavy mug. His German shepherd, Shotzie, is curled at his feet. Joe greets me with a crushing handshake—he is 200 pounds, silver-haired and 6 feet tall, with thick forearms and meaty hands—and invites me inside. He served in Vietnam, did two tours totaling nine years with the Defense Intelligence Agency, and then, in 1984, retired a lieutenant colonel from the US Army to sell real estate and raise cattle. Today, the livestock are gone and Joe calls himself “semiretired” because “we still cut hay in the summers.”   Continue reading “Fracking’s Latest Scandal? Earthquake Swarms”

Roadkill For Dinner? Montana Wants To Make It LegalCare 2 – by Beth Buczynski

We’ll all see them. The forsaken carcasses of animals who wanted to cross the road but ended up getting steamrolled by passing traffic. Roadkill is yet another consequence of humanity’s encroachment on the natural world, and it’s even more common in areas where there’s more wildlife than people.

We may shudder or feel sympathy for the poor animal while passing by, but once it’s in our rear-view mirror, few give roadkill a second thought. Some in Montana feel that’s a wasted opportunity.   Continue reading “Roadkill For Dinner? Montana Wants To Make It Legal”


According to InvestmentWatch and Alex Jones a secret DHS memo to banks claims they can open any safe deposit box or storage unit without a warrant. This story originally came out sometime in 2011 and was posted by Know The Lies and numerous other sites.  It’s hard to track down where this alleged story originated from, I haven’t been able to find any documents to back up these claims. In the 2011 article they referenced a CRS report titled “Homeland Security: Banking and Financial Infrastructure Continuity”  I could find no reference to DHS prying open our safe deposit boxes or storage units.   Continue reading “Why does DHS consider activists criminals and are they spying on our safe deposit boxes?”