ram-RADisinformation – by JacobSloan

Cannabis can have tremendous benefits for sick creatures, but veterinarian Dr. Andrew Springer Browne, who has treated numerous pets that got a hold of their owners’ pot brownies, warns that animals should never ingest THC. Via the The New Inquiry:

Yes, an animal can get high on marijuana, but I would call it a very bad trip rather than being stoned or high.   Continue reading “Can Animals Get High On Marijuana?”

Latinos Shift 'Fast & Furious 6' Into Overdrive at Holiday Box OfficeNow I’m not one to post movie articles on From the Trenches, but this one has MSM sociological propaganda (Obama school tactics) written all over it and if you read the comments in the article, you’ll notice that most people aren’t too happy with it, either. 

They try to claim that the reason why Fast and the Furious has been so successful the past 10 years is because of its diverse cast made up of Mexicans, Hispanics, White, Black and Asians.    Continue reading “Latinos Shift ‘Fast & Furious 6’ Into Overdrive at Holiday Box Office”

The Greeks continue now argue against the decisions of their government.Nieuwblad – by Kristof Simoens [Translated from Dutch]

If it depends on the government in Athens, Greeks who fly their taxes can not pay the jail. And that from an outstanding debt of 5,000 euros. One consolation: they do not have to share with rapists, murderers, drug dealers or the cell.

It goes from bad to worse with Greece.To force people to pay their taxes and make the legendary tax evasion in the country, so rid the government in Athens a bill ready with a serious stick: imprisonment.   Continue reading “Greece threatens labor camp for poor taxpayers”

Signs of the Times – by David Swanson, War is Crime

Imagine if at some point during the 1990s or 1980s the President of the United States had given a speech. And this was his speech:

My fellow Americans, I’ve been regularly shooting missiles into people’s houses in several countries. I’ve wiped out families. I’ve killed thousands of people. Hundreds of them have been little children.   Continue reading “Memorial Day THIS”

Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled against environmental groups attempting to force the EPA to regulate ammunition as a hazardous toxin.

In 2010, the EPA said it did not have the authority to regulate the Second Amendment.   Continue reading “Judge Shuts Down Effort by Environmentalists to Outlaw Lead Bullets”

adoba-dearborn-facade_heroCBS Detroit

DEARBORN (WWJ) – Police in Dearborn are trying to understand why a pressure cooker was left in the restroom of the Adoba Hotel, forcing the evacuation of guests until the early morning hours.

The evacuation also canceled Sunday night’s banquet of the University of Muslim Association of America.   Continue reading “Pressure Cooker Discovered At Dearborn Hotel”

Backwoods Survival Blog

Hemp is truly one of nature’s miracle plants. It can be eaten, woven into fiber, and made into paper and even oil. It is hardy and durable, easy to grow, and — believe it or not — it can be made into a variety of construction materials — from pipes to insulation to a concrete substitute called Hemcrete — that rival their industrial counterparts in cost and functionality.     Continue reading “Hemp as a Building Material? Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It!”

New York Observer – by Alyssa Berlin

Forget the great outdoors.

The Department of Consumer Affairs has sent notice to 17 New York restaurants, telling them that that they will have to close their sidewalk seating areas unless they are willing to comply with the city’s zoning regulations.   Continue reading “City Cracks Down on Sidewalk Cafes Just in Time for Summer”

A member of the bomb squad searches the suspicious vehicle on the Brooklyn Bridge on Monday.CNN

The New York Police Department gave an “all clear” Monday after an unattended, suspicious vehicle prompted authorities to shut the Brooklyn Bridge.

The vehicle was found in the right lane of the Manhattan-bound side of the bridge, mid-span, a police spokesman said.   Continue reading “All clear given at Brooklyn Bridge after suspicious vehicle prompts closure”

Rep. Adam SchiffEnd the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

According to a report, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is preparing legislation that would end the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and in doing so would remove much of the authority for the war on terror and all that comes with it.

The AUMF has been used to justify everything from indefinite detention of Americans to assassinations carried out by drones so legislation that would “sunset” the AUMF would bring about many changes.   Continue reading “Rep. Adam Schiff preparing legislation that could end AUMF, remove authority for war on terror”

Activist Post

A concerted effort has been afoot for some time to merge local police with federal authorities to respond to the implementation of citizen spy “snitch” programs. This has been best illustrated by the role of threat fusion centers, which are integrating data from public and private sources alike — even universities.

The FBI has now made public their “Communities Against Terrorism” Suspicious Activity Reporting flyers.   Continue reading “25 Reports That Can Put You on the Terror Watch List”

John McCainThe Daily Beast

Sen. John McCain Monday became the highest-ranking U.S. official to enter Syria since the bloody civil war there began more than two years ago, The Daily Beast has learned.

McCain, one of the fiercest critics of the Obama administration’s Syria policy, made the unannounced visit across the Turkey-Syria border with Gen. Salem Idris, the leader of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army. He stayed in the country for several hours before returning to Turkey. Both in Syria and Turkey, McCain and Idris met with assembled leaders of Free Syrian Army units that traveled from around the country to see the U.S. senator. Inside those meetings, rebel leaders called on the United States to step up its support to the Syrian armed opposition and provide them with heavy weapons, a no-fly zone, and airstrikes on the Syrian regime and the forces of Hezbollah, which is increasingly active in Syria.   Continue reading “John McCain Slips Across Border Into Syria, Meets With Rebels”