As Obama recently finished his dictatorial orders on the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, I was given this piece of paper today by my supervisor at work. He stated that it was required by law that every company makes sure that all employees signed a statement saying that they received a copy of this to show what healthcare options we had and that these are what the company can offer us. (Sounds like Mommy government spoon-feeding me)

Requiring me to sign a statement saying that I have received a copy? What’s next? The government telling companies to make me sign a statement to make sure I received a copy on appropriate work attire aka dress code and what my options are? Seriously?   Continue reading “Obamacare already trying to be Pushed through at the Workplace, Yet No One Wants It”

obama fail4 300x300 U.K. paper: U.S. no longer superpower thanks to ObamaThe Western Center For Journalism
In a scathing indictment of the Obama regime, a recent Daily Telegraph column offers an international perspective of America’s current predicament. According to Con Coughlin, a global security expert and defense editor at the United Kingdom-based paper, the superpower status long enjoyed by the U.S. is quickly deteriorating. Most of that blame, he notes, lies with Barack Obama.

Calling the devolution into a federal government shutdown “humiliating,” Coughlin wrote that this represents just the latest in a series of missteps by the 44th president.   Continue reading “U.K. Paper: U.S. No Longer Superpower Thanks To Obama”

Breitbart – by

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) took to Twitter to brag that his state’s Obamacare online exchange, Access Health CT, received 28,000 visitors on day one–and took just 167 insurance applications. That works out to a 0.59% conversion rate of visitors to enrollees.

Connecticut’s low percentage of actual Obamacare enrollees contradicts the narrative offered by the Obama Administration that the widespread technical malfunctions experienced on Obamacare’s grand opening was the result of massive demand from Americans seeking to sign up.   Continue reading “Dem Brags His State Enrolled 126 Out of 28,000 Visitors to Obamacare Site”

Info Wars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The so-called “government shut down” and the furloughing of thousands of non-essential federal employees has not prevented the opening of a $2 billion dollar NSA spy center in Utah which will snoop on Americans’ private emails, Google searches and phone calls.

As we highlighted yesterday, the shut down will only affect the tiny amount of services government provides that Americans actually like.   Continue reading “Government ‘Shut Down’ Doesn’t Prevent Opening of $2 Billion NSA Spy Center”

During those final days of the collapsing Marxist experiment in the Soviet Union, Soviet novelist Chingiz Aitmatov retold the following story, which has been paraphrased here.

On one occasion, so it was narrated, Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped.   Continue reading “Lesson of the Plucked Chicken”

Article at New Republic used this photo to suggest Obama use military force against Tea Party.Examiner – by Joe Newby

On Tuesday, the liberal New Republic published an article that was a not-so-subtle suggestion that Barack Obama use military force against the Tea Party in the same manner Boris Yeltsin used it against hardliners in his government nearly 20 years ago.

“What is a president in a presidential constitutional republic to do when faced with an intransigent, bull-headed faction among his people’s representatives?” Julia Ioffe wrote.   Continue reading “Liberal New Republic suggests Obama use military against Tea Party”

California NDAA banHuffington Post

Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed a statewide ban on indefinite detentions into law Tuesday, prohibiting compliance with provisions of federal law.

After receiving overwhelming bipartisan support in the California State Assembly, Brown approved AB 351, in effect banning any state assistance with federal enforcement of “indefinite detention” of vaguely defined “enemy combatants,” including American citizens, without due process, as outlined in the the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.   Continue reading “Jerry Brown Signs California Ban On Indefinite Detentions”

Global Research – by Prof Peter Dale Scott

“I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”   – Senator Frank Church (1975)

I would like to discuss four major and badly understood events – the John F. Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11. I will analyze these deep events as part of a deeper political process linking them, a process that has helped build up repressive power in America at the expense of democracy.   Continue reading “The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11”

Before It’s News

I am probably going to catch hell for this?
I do think a video such as this needs to be in public domain as much as possible given past whistle blowers and their demise.

Chris Kitze Unsene founder DID NOT ask to be a target… But, his RT News Interview did so anyway.   Continue reading “★Chris Kitze★ Unsene Founder NOW on The RADAR! This Video Serves as his SOUND MIND and if ANYTHING happens to him.. WE KNOW it is FOUL PLAY!”

Economic Policy Journal- by Chris Rossini

Just about every single media outlet has been plastered with “shutdown” propaganda. It’s so thick that you can almost feel their fear, which is Americans may not really give a sh*t.

I know that in my circle, I haven’t heard even the slightest peep about it. Not even for conversation’s sake. No one has said, “Hey did you hear about….?”   Continue reading “Shutdown-palooza Is Sickening”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Agricultural business giant Monsanto Co. reported worse-than-expected losses for its fiscal fourth quarter on Wednesday, due to lower sales of its genetically engineered seeds.

The company forecast for fiscal 2014 also came in below Wall Street expectations, and it revealed plans to buy farming software and data firm The Climate Corporation. The combination sent shares lower in morning trading.   Continue reading “Monsanto loss widens, announces $930M acquisition”

Breitbart – by Mike Flynn

The Obama Administration has decided to block access to public memorials on the National Mall as a result of the government shutdown. Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn’t even effected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Decided to Block Access to Memorials”

FedBid logoThe Weekly Standard – by JERYL BIER

Sometimes timing is everything. Yesterday was day one of the federal government shutdown, and one of the biggest stories of the day was the barricading of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C., nearly preventing a group of 92 veterans from Mississippi who had been flown in on an Honor Flight from visiting the site. But it was also the day that the U.S. Army chose to award a $2,163 contract for a “massage chair”:   Continue reading “Despite Gov’t Shutdown, Army Awards $2,163 Contract for ‘Massage Chair’”

World Events and the Bible

UPDATE: Hobby Lobby has informed us they will not be closing any stores. In fact, they plan on adding an additional 36-60 stores this year. They also advised us the Becket Fund is handling their legal issues with the government at this time. You may contact the Becket Fund with any questions or donations you may wish to contribute to this cause.

Make note this issue is not settled. Hobby Lobby has only won a “temporary” exemption from the new healthcare requirement. This fight is not over for Hobby Lobby or the other businesses being effected by overreaching government. The government cannot make laws restricting you from your right to exercise your religion.   Continue reading “Update: Hobby Lobby Will Not Be Closing Any Stores”

Debris from the collapse of WTC 1 located between WTC 7 (left) and the Verizon building (right). (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)IntelliHub – by Andrew Pontbriand

From September 28-30, the ReThink 9/11 billboard campaign raised an incredible $25,000 dollars to keep it’s 54 foot Billboard active in New York City’s Time Square through October. This comes following a giant month-long effort that raised $225,000 for a 12 city, international billboard campaign that came to fruition on the 12th anniversary of 9/11.

The Billboard campaign focuses to spread awareness about the elephant in the room regarding the 9/11 story, the collapse of building 7. Many polls and on the street interviews by several journalists show that many people were completely unaware that 3 towers fell on that day, which is mind-blowing considering this was the most horrific attack inside America in recent history.   Continue reading “Voting With Dollars – $25,000 Raised in 3 days for ReThink 9/11 Billboard”

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

The United States federal government is so big that it can shut down and somehow no one really notices. That’s the truth. What difference did you notice yesterday? I am sure there are subtle things that we could pick out but when vital services keep running there isn’t a lot to shut down. Because our government sees everything as vital.

The message of Tim Brown’s article the other day is something that a lot of people have been waiting to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I have had conversations in which someone interjected the inevitable…   Continue reading “Multiple Patriot Groups Set to Converge on Washington DC”