Max Velocity Tactical

Here is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom/resistance fighter, in my opinion:

A terrorist engages in indiscriminate killing in order create fear and further his agenda, which will include the killing of innocents, children, with tactics such as bombs/attacks in crowded public places.

A Freedom/Resistance fighter will engage legitimate targets, whether military or enemy facilitators. They will not target innocents or children.   Continue reading “Terrorist Vs. Freedom Fighter”

formationMax Velocity Tactical

This in via email, from SP:

“I posed a question in the SWAT Threat thread concerning if/how/when/should someone that has just escaped a no-knock raid thus taking to the hills, and whether at some point the person is going to have to put their position forward to the media justifying their actions (MSM or alternative media), and if so how important would it be.

Chuck replied to the question and posed the concept of the Information Operations will be just as important as Kinetic Operations.   Continue reading “Fugitive Media Management!”

Max Velocity Tactical

A reader sent me this link to a long thread at Small Wars Council. Honestly, I groaned inwardly: I haven’t read the thread in its entirety. However I’m going to take the opportunity to comment on squad size and organization.

The topic of squad size and organization is a big one, with lots of opinions, and we could go on forever and get wrapped around the axle. I will simply give a quick opinion, and what I think is a utilitarian approach.   Continue reading “The Squad – Size and Organization”

Mexico Radioactive TheftAP The Big Story

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A Mexican government official says six people being tested for possible radiation exposure are suspects in the theft of truck carrying cobalt-60.

The official says the six were arrested Thursday and taken to the general hospital in Pachuca for observation and testing for radiation exposure.   Continue reading “6 Detained in Mexico Theft of Radioactive Material”


Bill de Blasio, NYC’s new Trotskyite Sandinista Commandant, was an outspoken supporter of the Occupy Wall Street movement and many of the progressive values it espoused. He spoke at Zuccotti Park in October of 2011, and heralded the activists for dragging “the growing crisis of income inequality out into the light of day.” He called Bloomberg’s decision to evict the occupation in the dead of night “troubling” and said he would have let the protest “play out.” His police commissioner, however, would have swept that park clean as soon as the first twinkle fingers hit the air.   Continue reading “De Blasio’s New NYPD Commissioner Would Have Crushed Occupy Wall Street Like A Cockroach”

nypd journalists Huffington Post – by Murray Weiss

NEW YORK — The NYPD has ordered the city’s 77 police precincts to stop giving out any information to the media about crimes taking place in their neighborhoods, cutting off a long-standing source of information for New Yorkers.

According to a terse NYPD edict transmitted citywide, precinct commanders were instructed: “Any requests by media to view complaint reports be referred to the office of the Deputy Commissioner For Public Information.”   Continue reading “NYPD Crime Reports To Be Denied To Journalists”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms in 1994 to 310 million firearms in 2009, crime fell—and fell sharply.

According to the report, the “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” rate was 6.6 per 100,000 Americans in 1993. Following the exponential growth in the number of guns, that rate fell to 3.6 per 100,000 in 2000.   Continue reading “Congressional Study: Murder Rate Plummets as Gun Ownership Soars”

NORL-39 octopus logo.jpgFox News

The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office launched a new spy satellite Thursday evening on mission NROL-39 — and the new logo and tagline are quite an eye opener.

The new logo features a giant, world-dominating octopus, its sucker-covered tentacles encircling the planet while it looks on with determination, a steely glint in its enormous eye. The logo carries a five-word tagline: “Nothing is beyond our reach.”   Continue reading “‘Nothing is beyond our reach,’ National Reconnaissance Office’s new logo claims”

obama mandelaUSA Today – by David Jackson

From White House spokesman Jay Carney:

“President Obama and the First Lady will go to South Africa next week to pay their respects to the memory of Nelson Mandela and to participate in memorial events. We’ll have further updates on timing and logistics as they become available.”

Officials have held off on a detailed announcement as travel plans, logistics, and security are worked out; services for Mandela will be part of a mourning period in South Africa that will last about 10 days.   Continue reading “Obama to attend Mandela services”

cold-dead-handsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Within the upper echelons of our military there still remain men and women who are committed to the fundamental laws of the land. But assuming that all members of our military will be there to support the Constitution of the United States when our nation needs them most would be a mistake.

Understand this: There are those within their ranks who would turn on their oaths and forcibly seize the very rights our Founders fought so hard to preserve without giving it a second thought.   Continue reading “Army Officer Wants You Disarmed: “We Will Pry Your Gun from Your Cold, Dead Fingers””

The Environmental Protection Agency says chemicals from CNN Money – by James O’Toole

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Environmental Protection Agency said this week that chemicals from “fracking,” a controversial method of extracting natural gas from the ground, have polluted groundwater in Wyoming.

The findings represent the first time in the heated debate over fracking that the agency has drawn such a connection, which has long been claimed by environmental activists.   Continue reading “EPA sounds alarm on fracking in Wyoming”

Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images / AFP RT News

A tiny free app for Android devices turned them into a flashlight, but also secretly collected users’ location and device IDs to sell to mobile ad firms, the US Federal Trade Commission alleged. The app’s maker has agreed to settle compensation claims.

As many as 100 million people who installed the “Brightest Flashlight Free” app on their mobile phones and other devices were subject to the dubious practice. The FTC acted to investigate after complaints from tech-savvy users who wondered why a flashlight app would need to know a phone’s location.   Continue reading “Flashlight bug: Phone app spied on users for ad networks”

Time-lapse photography shows the launch of a drone from the submerged submarine USS Providence. (Photo: NAVSEA-AUTEC)RT News

The US Navy has successfully launched an unmanned aerial system from a fully submerged submarine, marking the successful completion of a nearly six year long program designed to further the Navy’s drone capabilities.

The fuel-cell powered, completely electric unmanned aerial system (UAS) was developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) with funding assistance provided by the Department of Defense Rapid Reaction Technology Office and the SwampWorks innovation program.   Continue reading “US Navy submarine fires drone from underwater”

Private Manning arrives alongside military officials at a US military court facility to hear his sentence in his trial at Fort Meade, Maryland on August 21, 2013. (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)RT News – by Robert Bridge

Buried deep inside a bulging US Army dossier relating to Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning’s court martial are 13 pages of online chat between Manning and a Wikileaks contact believed to be Julian Assange.

The communications, first published on the US Army’s FOIA reading room in late November but since removed, provide some interesting insight as to what may have motivated former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to release the biggest haul of classified documents in US history.    Continue reading “‘Going to be one hell of a decade’ – Manning to Wikileaks (2010)”