Bearing Drift – by SHAUN KENNEY

Ostensibly a holdover from Virginia’s long tradition of eugenics and forced abortions, did you know that the Commonwealth will pay for your abortion should your baby have… um… deformities?

State Senator Tom Garrett (R-Lynchburg) is carrying a bill that would fix this holdover.

…and true to their DNA of abortionpalooza, the Senate Democrats are outraged — just outraged! — that Garrett would even contemplate dismantling their post-eugenics miracle.  From their release:   Continue reading “Virginia Senate Democrats: Kill the Retards”

Fox News – by Perry Chiaramonte

The independent auditor who postponed a probe into a $34 million “white elephant” of a military facility the Pentagon built in Afghanistan over objections from top leaders is reopening his investigation.

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko delayed his initial probe last summer, after the Pentagon vowed to investigate why millions were apparently wasted on the hulking headquarters at Camp Leatherneck in southwestern Afghanistan. But Sopko said defense officials have not addressed concerns he initially raised, leaving him no choice but to restart his inquiry.   Continue reading “Military watchdog to re-open probe of $34M facility built in Afghanistan but never used”


North Carolina: The Fourth Circuit handed down an interesting Fourth Amendment decision in United States v. Robertson, involving a consent search at a bus shelter.

Several officers converged on the bus shelter to try to figure out if any of the people at the shelter knew of a foot chase involving a gun that had just been reported in the area. Robertson was one of the men sitting at the bus shelter, and he was approached by Officer Welch. Welch asked Robinson, “Do you have anything illegal on you?”, but Robertson remained silent. Welch then waved Robertson toward him and said, “Do you mind if I search you?” Robertson stood up, walked two yards towards Officer Welch, turned around, and raised his hands above his head. Welch interpreted that as consent, and conducted a search. The search recovered a firearm, and that led to charges for illegal firearms possession.   Continue reading “Court ruling: Police searches at bus shelters are a violation of 4th. Amendment”

The Last Refuge

Good grief. Initially I thought this was a spoof, it’s not. While you are looking at the video of the DC house where Dick Duban and Chuck Schumer live, which is beyond creepy alone…… Check out what Chuck Schumer sleeps with (@1:45 mark)   Continue reading “Creepy, Really Creepy – Senator Chuck Schumer Sleeps With Life Sized Barack Obama Cardboard Cutout?”


WASHINGTON—U.S. employers continued to add jobs at a steady pace and the unemployment rate fell in November, a sign of stronger economic growth that may intensify debate within the Federal Reserve about reducing central bank bond purchases as early as this month.

U.S. payrolls rose by 203,000 last month, the Labor Department said Friday. The unemployment rate dropped three-tenths of a percentage point to 7.0%, the lowest level in five years. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires had forecast nonfarm payrolls would rise by 180,000 and the unemployment rate would tick down to 7.2%. September and October payroll numbers were revised up by a combined 8,000.   Continue reading “U.S. Businesses Add 203,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.0%”


iOS 7 and Google Now in Android keep track of users’ locations to help the smartphone makers provide personalized information through their location-based services, like Siri. But the details they track go further than just knowing that you went to Best Buy on Saturday to check out other phones—their maps actually log in how long you were at each location.    Continue reading “How to stop your smartphone from secretly spying on your every movement”

palmsideStoryLeak – by Mikael Thalen

Parents from Washington state’s Puyallup School District successfully ended the implementation of palm-scanners this week after attempts to push the system without parental approval backfired.

According to the district, the devices, which use infrared technology to map vein patterns in students’ palms, would cut back on fraud by linking students pre-paid lunch account information to their biometric data.   Continue reading “Parents Defeat School’s Attempt To Implement Infrared Palm Scanners”

grinch who stole christmas obama christmas tree tax sad hill newsSad Hill News

Before proceeding, I thought it wise to share recent related propaganda spewing from Amerika’s hypocritical fascists (aka ‘the media’). You know, those calling the ‘war on Christmas’ a total farce…

TFN Insider December 2, 2013:

The Mythical ‘War On Christmas’ In Texas Schools   Continue reading “Texas School Bans Christmas Trees, Colors Red And Green”

20130302_inq_dm1duck02-a_600x450PJ Media

Duck Dynasty features a number of things that run against the grain of popular culture. They’re a strong family that runs their own business, which is based on their patriarch’s invention. They go to church. They don’t engage in microwave marriages to pop stars. Their daughters aren’t famous for sex tapes or appearances in men’s magazines. They hunt. With guns.

They also pray, and according to two of the show’s stars, Phil and Willie Robertson, the prayers caused some problems with the producers.   Continue reading “Duck Dynasty Stars: Producers ‘Told Us to Stop Praying to Jesus’ to Avoid Offending Muslims”

TylenolNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

It has been a common household name in over-the-counter pain relief for more than 50 years. But the popular painkiller drug Tylenol is getting a major labeling makeover following a string of personal injury lawsuits. According to the Associated Press (AP), so many Tylenol users these days are suffering major liver damage or dying that the drug’s manufacturer, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, has decided to put a large, red warning label on the cap that informs users about the drug’s risks.

Even when taken at recommended doses, acetaminophen, the primary active ingredient in Tylenol, can cause major damage to the liver, potentially leading to liver failure and even death. In fact, acetaminophen is currently the leading cause of sudden liver failure in the U.S., as its toxic metabolites have been shown to kill liver cells. The drug is so toxic that as many as 80,000 people are rushed to the emergency room annually due to acetaminophen poisoning, and another 500-or-so end up dead from liver failure.   Continue reading “Tylenol can kill you; new warning admits popular painkiller causes liver damage, death”

Video Rebel’s Blog

People’s Bank of China warned financial institutions not to trade in Bitcoins. Afterwards, Bitcoin dropped $370 in one day. This video comes from the StormCloudsGathering YouTube channel. I have taken the liberty to post his video on Revolution along with the 3 1/2 minute one on Bitcoin.

I will comment on gold and silver down below the two videos.   Continue reading “Video: Bitcoin: What You’re Not Being Told”


Statements by PM Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry After Their
Meeting in Jerusalem 05/12/2013

Netanyahu: It’s good to have you again, Secretary of State John Kerry. John,
you’re a welcome friend and it’s good to welcome you back in Jerusalem.   Continue reading “Statements by Netanyahu and Kerry After Meeting in Jerusalem”

Erie TV News – by Emily Matson

A bizarre story coming out of Ashtabula, Ohio.
The elderly wife of a county judge is sitting in jail, charged with trying to kill him.

The details of the arrest are still unfolding. But investigators say a woman is in custody, charged with intentionally poisoning her husband, who’s also a common pleas judge.   Continue reading “Wife Arrested In Poisoning Investigation of Ashtabula County Judge”

Godlike Productions – by ObZen Maka

Looking to buy a gun? Low budget? You’re in luck.

I’m making this thread with the intent you’ll come back to it as a resource. So to make both the skimmers and the serious buyers happy, I’ll attempt to keep it sweet.

We’re not all made of money, and we’re not about to compromise on reliability or performance. After all, when you need it most, your life or the life of your loved ones will be depending on it. But you already knew that.    Continue reading “The Top Three Affordable SHTF Guns”

Political Vel Craft

As more people became dissatisfied with federal government controls and land grabs, it was inevitable that local law enforcement would eventually see the bigger picture.

Obama’s Idiocracy

At the northern California fairgrounds of Yreka last month, seven California sheriffs and another from Oregon gathered with a large group of citizens to say that they are finally going to do something about it.   Continue reading “U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!”

microwave oven 263x164 Microwave Cooking: Cancer for Convenience?Natural Society – by Paul Fassa

It’s a bit controversial, but you should know that using a microwave oven could be damaging your health. Swiss scientist Hans Hertel did independent research on microwave cooking that was once banned from publication by a court gag order demanded by an industry association. He was told to recant or be arrested. His findings were not favorable for microwave-oven users.

Hertel’s research corroborated early Soviet Russian research that led to a ban on microwave ovens, which was lifted after the “iron curtain” fell to increase microwave oven sales.   Continue reading “Microwave Cooking: Cancer for Convenience?”

eric in p coatThe Gazette – by Dave Philipps

Facing pressure to combat drug use and sexual assault at the Air Force Academy, the Air Force has created a secret system of cadet informants to hunt for misconduct among students.

Cadets who attend the publicly-funded academy near Colorado Springs must pledge never to lie. But the program pushes some to do just that: Informants are told to deceive classmates, professors and commanders while snapping photos, wearing recording devices and filing secret reports.   Continue reading “Honor and deception A secretive Air Force program recruits academy students to inform on fellow cadets and disavows them afterward”

Huffington Post

The United States Air Force Academy is defending its use of cadet “spies” after a local newspaper broke the story that one its informants was expelled for misconduct committed at the secret instruction of the academy.

The Colorado Springs Gazette first reported on the academy’s program Sunday in an article titled “Honor and Deception.” Operating out of a law enforcement branch of the Air Force called the Office of Special Investigations, or OSI, 24-year-old Eric Thomas said that as a cadet he was instructed to help gather information on sexual assaults, drug use and other aspects of misconduct committed by his fellow cadets.   Continue reading “Air Force Academy Defends Use Of OSI Student Spying Program To Catch Rule-Breaking Cadets”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

With the Holiday shopping season off to a slow start according to preliminary retail sales numbers and with the stock market sitting near all time highs, one can’t help but wonder what will happen when investors realize the economy isn’t really doing as well as we’ve been told by the experts.

The evidence suggests that we can expect devastating global economic changes in 2014 as a result of our national debt, further impoverishment of the working class, and massive new tax burdens resulting from President Obama’s health care legislation. The fundamentals, by most accounts, are indicative of an economy on the cusp of atotal detonation within the next year.   Continue reading “Stunning Chart: Today’s Stock Market is Eerily Reminiscent of 1929…”