On June 15, 2012, Obama took an unconstitutional executive action in announcing a “shift in policy”.  The new policy directed the Department of Homeland Security to stop the deportation of one million illegal aliens who would fall under the criteria embodied in the so called Dream Act, said legislation having previously failed to make it to a vote in the US Congress.  Department of Homeland Security Czar in Charge, Janet Napolitano, then sent a memo to ICE directing it’s agents to cease arresting any illegals appearing to fall under the criteria of the so called Dream Act.

When these outrageous acts fell under the scrutiny of the people, the only response from the insurgent in the White House was that any criminals falling under the criteria would be exempt from the amnesty.  Now in the past week we have seen these criminal individuals released onto our streets as a part of the so called sequester cuts.  Continue reading “Obama Administration Unleashes Foreign Criminals on the People of the United States”

Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America?  Is Something Happening To The Earth's Crust? - Photo by Brian StansberryEnd of American Dream – by Michael

Where are all of these giant sinkholes coming from?  Of course there have always been sinkholes, but over the past few years it seems like both the severity and the number of giant sinkholes has been increasing dramatically.  So exactly why are so many giant sinkholes appearing all over America all of a sudden?  Is something happening to the earth’s crust, or is there some other explanation?

The “experts” are blaming this epidemic of sinkholes on things like loose soil, acidic groundwater, new construction, leaky water pipes, coal mines, fracking, long periods of drought followed by rain, and depletion of underground aquifers, but do they really understand what is going on?  Continue reading “Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America? Is Something Happening To The Earth’s Crust?”

Could Playing in the Dirt Poison Your Kids?Care 2 – by Beth Buczynski

A study published recently in the journal Environmental Science and Technology confirmed that contaminated soil is to blame for increased blood lead levels in children during the summer. The research, which tracked more than 367,000 children in Detroit over a nine-year period, found that seasonal fluctuations in blood lead levels found in children are the result of resuspended dust contaminated with lead. Continue reading “Could Playing in the Dirt Poison Your Kids?”

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

Daniel Gauntlett, a homeless man in the U.K., froze to death last week on a particularly cold night as he lay outside an abandoned house due to be bulldozed; neighbors had called the police on him once before, so he didn’t dare try to get inside.

His death sparked headlines, debate about the country’s rising homelessness – perhaps 50,000 to 100,000, juxtaposed with an estimated 710,000 empty homes – and criticism of a harsh government policy toward squatters and the homeless, quaintly called rough sleepers.Gauntlett was also remembered in an outraged, heartfelt video from Mark McGowan, a British activist, social critic, performance artist and taxi driver. So Gauntlett’s death was noted, and mourned. Continue reading “Rough Sleepers”

Big food companies have a new secret weapon aimed right at your kid’s sweet tooth: milk.

Yes, milk. The powerful dairy lobby is pushing the FDA to approve the artificial sweetener aspartame for use in dairy products. The goal is to turn the wholesome drink into another artifical flavor-laden sweet snack. Continue reading “Tell the FDA: We don’t want aspartame in our milk.”

homeland security mrapThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

This is getting a little creepy.
According to one estimate, since last year the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm.

DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP). Continue reading “Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile”

The Jewish Week – by Douglas Bloomfield

At a time when sequestration is about to take a big bite out of the Pentagon budget, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will be sending thousands of its citizen lobbyists to Capitol Hill next week to make sure Israel is exempted from any spending cuts.

This could prove a very risky strategy at a time when millions of Americans will be feeling the bite of the sequestration debacle, from the defense budget to the school lunch program. Continue reading “AIPAC To Hill: Don’t Touch Israel Aid”

Economists: The Unholy Priests of the BankstersGlobal Research – by Gabriel Donohoe

“Political Economists,” according to Stephen Zarlenga in The Lost Science Of Money, “became the priesthood of the new Bank aristocracy, often serving as a propaganda apparatus to whitewash the monetary power structure. They put forward false ideas and smoke screens on the nature of money, primitive concepts that help entrench the bankers.” Continue reading “Economists: The Unholy Priests of the Banksters”

The Survivalist Blog – by Glenn

I remember getting my .30-06 as a present for my 18th birthday. Well, what I got was an unfinished stock, a barreled action, and a fixed 4x scope.

After finishing the stock (I use that term loosely since I never wanted a fancy rifle), I took my rifle to the local gunsmith and had him mount the scope. He bore sighted it, sold me a box of ammo, and sent me out to his range. Continue reading “How to Sight in your scoped rifle with a single shot”

Washington Post – by Danielle Douglas

Within the next 31 days, 4.2 million homeowners who suffered abusive foreclosure tactics at the hands of some of the nation’s largest banks will be notified of their compensation, banking regulators said Thursday.

The Federal Reserve and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued the final details of a sweeping $9.3 billion agreement with 13 mortgage servicers, including JPMorgan Chase, Citibank and Bank of America, under consent orders for fraudulent and flawed foreclosure practices. Continue reading “Foreclosure victims to get compensation alerts in $9.3B agreement starting Friday”

The Organic Prepper

SHTF events come in many different flavors.  While most of us think of things like natural disasters, economic collapse and pandemics, many occurrences are much more mundane.  They are those small personal disasters that can hit any of us, at any time.

Maybe your refrigerator stops making that weird humming noise and gives up the ghost altogether. Continue reading “Financially Prepped: The Importance of an Emergency Fund”

New York Post – by LARRY CELONA

A veteran Queens cop was busted for allegedly arranging a torrid tryst with two hookers he met while on patrol and in uniform, sources said yesterday.

Officer Luis Gutierrez, 37, of the 114th Precinct in Astoria was arrested Thursday as he arrived to meet the prostitutes in the parking lot of a Wendy’s restaurant on Northern Boulevard. Continue reading “Cop busted for allegedly arranging tryst with hookers”

Mayor Michal Bloomberg and Christine Quinn marched in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade held today in Far Rockaways. Photo taken along Newport Avenue on March 2, 2013.NY Daily News – by KERRY WILLS AND JONATHAN LEMIRE

Mayor Bloomberg was dogged by jeers as he marched in a St. Patrick’s Day parade through the Rockaways, booed by some residents frustrated with the city’s response to Hurricane Sandy.

The parade was a welcome break for the Queens neighborhoods devastated by the storm but the dozens of boarded-up businesses and damaged homes along the route were a symbol of the work that still needed to be done — and the raw feelings of the locals. Continue reading “Mayor Bloomberg booed at St. Patrick’s Day parade through the Rockaways”

Two held in Britain over New York ‘cannibal’ cop case.Reporters – 365

Two men have been arrested in Britain in connection with the ongoing case of a New York policeman accused of plotting to kidnap and eat women in the US, police said Saturday.

Gilberto Valle, 28, an officer of six years’ service in the New York Police Department, is charged with conspiracy to kidnap and illegally accessing police criminal databases to research potential victims. Continue reading “Two held in Britain over New York ‘cannibal’ cop case.”