President Obama’s Internal Revenue Service today quietly released a series of Obamacare “Health Care Tax Tips” warning Americans that they must obtain “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by the federal government – or face a “shared responsibility payment” when filing their tax returns in 2015. The term “shared responsibility payment” refers to the Obamacare individual mandate tax, one of at least seven tax hikes in the healthcare law that directly hit families making less than $250,000 per year. Continue reading “IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return”
Month: February 2014
Judicial Watch released the emails that they obtained via Freedom of Information Law among certain interesting parties. This is what covers:
Continue reading “Surfing in Blood (PART 1): Bloomberg’s Sandy Hook Quick Responce Team.”
American Free Press – by Mark Anderson
When Janet Yellen appeared before the House Financial Services Committee February 11, she gave relaxed answers to most questions. But two members of Congress that day touched a nerve when they each grilled the newly confirmed chairman of the privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve on the merits of former Texas maverick Representative Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Fed.
Mrs. Yellen was also scheduled to address the Senate Banking Committee February 13 as part of her twice yearly report to Congress, but it was postponed. Continue reading “New Fed Chairman Angrily Rejects Central Bank Audit”
UPDATE 2:55 p.m.: At a press conference in Salinas, the district attorney’s office said the arrests were the result of a six-month investigation.
FBI aided in arrests. The scheme allegedly involved officers getting cars that had been impounded, then selling for a profit.
The non-police officer arrested was Brian Albert Miller, owner of Miller’s Towing and brother of King City Police Chief Bruce Miller. Continue reading “Sources say car theft involved in King City police corruption case”
Maybe I should walk my property more.
A Northern California couple out walking their dog on their Gold Country property stumbled across a modern-day bonanza: $10 million in rare, mint-condition gold coins buried in the shadow of an old tree.
Nearly all of the 1,427 coins, dating from 1847 to 1894, are in uncirculated, mint condition, said David Hall, co-founder of Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana, which recently authenticated them. Although the face value of the gold pieces only adds up to about $27,000, some of them are so rare that coin experts say they could fetch nearly $1 million apiece. Continue reading “California couple finds $10 million in rare coins while out walking dog”
Liberty Blitzkrieg- by Michael Krieger
It continues to amaze me how people are completely ignoring what appears to be an incredible amount of shadiness inherent in Facebook’s business model. Whether or not this is intentional click fraud, it is clear that advertisers are not getting what they think they are getting. They won’t be fooled forever, and once they wake up to the money being wasted on fake “likes” and “clicks,” I’m curious to see what happens to their revenue.
The following article from SF Gate is a perfect followup to my post from a couple weeks ago: How Much of Facebook’s Ad Revenue is From Click Fraud? Continue reading “This Man’s $600,000 Facebook Disaster Is A Warning For All Small Businesses”
Dear Depositor:
We don’t want to cause you unnecessary stress or worry, but it might be prudent to pay attention to a series of unusual news reports recently emanating from the banking world. Viewed independently, each event might be rather insignificant.
However, when examined collectively, these events paint a very dire warning for the safety of bank deposits everywhere. Naturally, most all of these have received little to no coverage by the mainstream media. That is to be expected. Continue reading “Top 10 Signs that Reveal Mounting Panic in the World Banking System”
Government has lost its mind. It is no more evident than their decision last week to cut off water to America’s food basket. Squeezed by the worst-ever drought in the state’s history, California is dying of thirst. Crushing news was delivered to farmer’s that no water would be coming from the Federal government. This dreaded decision was compounded by the Sierra Mountains getting just 25% of normal snowpack. There is no water to replenish already dangerously low reservoirs, so no water for farmers. Continue reading “How to Beat Coming Killer Food Shortages”
Before it’s News – by Susan Duclos
An explosive bit of information was obtained by John Moore which he reveals on his February 25, 2014 show, he recieved this information from a private source about the Texas Department of Safety, which runs the Texas Rangers and the Texas Highway Patrol, telling their agents to keep all tactical and survival gear in their vehicles, with them, as of March 1, 2014 and to “be prepared” to possibly be on their own, to work independently after March 1st. Continue reading “Inside Source: EMP March 1st Warning Goes Out”
Today Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was named as the chief defendant in a child trafficking case involving Catholic orphans. Pope Francis will be asked to defend his role in child trafficking during Argentine’s 1970s Junta Dirty War. This case of orphaned children from missing political prisoners was set for trial on March 31 2014 in a Brussels international court.
A witness has agreed to come out of hiding in Spain to testify against Pope Francis.The Argentine civil servant took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials. Continue reading “Catholic Pope Francis charged, trial set, for trafficking orphans”
Huffington Post – by MARK SHERMAN
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police may search a home without a warrant when two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested.
The justices declined to extend an earlier ruling denying entry to police when the occupants disagree and both are present.
Justice Samuel Alito wrote the court’s 6-3 decision holding that an occupant may not object to a search when he is not at home. Continue reading “Supreme Court Makes Big Decision On When Cops Can Enter Your Home”
Military Times – by Patricia Kime
When Army Sgt. Jayson Williams deployed to Iraq in 2003, he was a healthy 33-year-old who enjoyed the outdoors, running and playing with his son.
When he returned home, he found he couldn’t do routine chores without becoming exhausted or needing to take deep breaths.
He deployed twice more, and his condition worsened. First thought to be emphysema, his diagnosis later was changed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And after having an invasive lung biopsy, he received even grimmer news — constrictive bronchiolitis, an irreversible lung disease that robs a patient of lung function. Continue reading “Study: Soil Dust Suspected in Illnesses Among Iraq Vets”