MADISON, Wis. (AP) — While tiny houses have been attractive for those wanting to downsize or simplify their lives for financial or environmental reasons, there’s another population benefiting from the small-dwelling movement: the homeless.

There’s a growing effort across the nation from advocates and religious groups to build these compact buildings because they are cheaper than a traditional large-scale shelter, help the recipients socially because they are built in communal settings and are environmentally friendly due to their size.   Continue reading “Tiny houses help address nation’s homeless problem”

Joaquin "El Chapo"

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mexico’s most powerful drug cartel leader employed high-tech communications gadgetry and sophisticated counterespionage practices to elude an international manhunt for 13 years, The Associated Press has learned. In the end, however, life on the run unraveled for Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman in a decidedly low-tech way.

A traditional wiretap in southern Arizona pointed authorities to a cellphone being used by a top associate. Within a day, Guzman was captured in a high-rise beachfront condominium in Mazatlan, Mexico.   Continue reading “Kingpin’s high-tech gadgetry helped him stay free”

Russian President Vladimir Putin holding a gold barWorld Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Meanwhile, “Ukraine Currency Crashes To Record Low; Abandons Dollar Peg“.

(Video, ZeroHedge) – Lest it be confused that Russia has somehow forgotten about the Ukraine coup, and that it no longer concerns the bread basket (and key gas pipeline hub) of Europe a core strategic resource, moments ago Russian wire services blasted the following diplomatic summary of Russian bullish grace in a china store:   Continue reading “Putin Launches Military Drill In Western, Central Russia; Ruble Drops To Lowest Since 2009”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

As the political powers in America campaign to the American people that their second amendment right to bear arms should be limited and tightly controlled, the citizens of the Ukraine are awakened to the realities of a government which limits and tightly controls the right of the people to bear arms. The recent massacre at Independence Square in Kiev was a experience these citizens won’t soon forget.   Continue reading “Here’s An Example Of Why Ukrainians Are Demanding Their Own “Second Amendment” Today”

Huffington Post by L. Randall Wray

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS’s business practices are unlawful. He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages in this country. MERS is dead. The banks are in big trouble. And all foreclosures should be stopped immediately while the legislative branch comes up with a solution.   Continue reading “New York’s U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS’s Business Model Is Illegal”

honeyNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

As a healing and nutrient-dense food, many of us are familiar with the benefits of raw honey. But did you know that honey can be used in a variety of ways outside the kitchen?

If we only use honey for its sweet taste and glorious texture, we miss out on an entire spectrum of applications. Granted, a batch of local, organic and unpasteurized (raw) honey offers a wealth of nutritional perks, including minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium — not to mention easily digestible simple sugars, which can give you a healthy boost when energy lags. Nevertheless, honey is much more than just a delicious food. Have a look at the following eight alternative uses for this “liquid gold.”   Continue reading “Eight unique ways to use honey beyond the kitchen”

NeuroBrainstorm – by Kevin Loftis

Christianity is based on accounts of Jesus and God in the Bible. The Bible includes various plants that are used often and deemed holy. Some of these plants are psychedelic while others have medical qualities. Both the new and old testament mention the use of these plants in religious purpose. Jesus used shamanic techniques to help establish a stable religion in the name of God.   Continue reading “Psychoactive Plants in the Bible”

Police Chief testifies that cannabis killed 37 people in one dayIntellihub – by John Vibes

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND (INTELLIHUB) — The first week marijuana was legalized in Colorado, a joke article by the website The Daily Currant claiming that 37 people died on the first day, went viral on social media sites.

The report was of course false, as The Daily Currant is a website much like “The Onion”that posts fake news stories that are satirical and meant to be funny. Even though the content of these articles are obviously false, many times people believe them and circulate them as truth because they don’t do enough research.   Continue reading “Police Chief testifies that cannabis killed 37 people in one day”

seeds and grains for shtfCrisis Survivor Tips – by Jeremym

Why store seeds?

Storing seeds is important for you and your family. It is a form of insurance because it provides you a dependable long term food source when crap hits it. These seeds can be beneficial to your family when grown and harvested.

When storing seeds, make sure that you store only open-pollinated seeds like organic or heirloom seeds and not hybrid seeds which are artificially pollinated and mainly created for commercial farmers. Produce from hybrid seeds are often not as nutritious and tasty as produce from heirloom seeds. Also, hybrid seeds do not store well and plants from them gradually lose their quality in the second or third generation.   Continue reading “Seeds to Store for SHTF”

Ares-Armor-BillboardFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Ares Armor is a small tactical company that operates a store in National City, California. Recently the town of National City disapproved of a sign displayed at the National City store location and told the store, “Take down the sign or go to jail. We do not approve of guns…or you.”

The store has been in compliance with the law and was not doing anything illegal. So why is there a fuss? It’s because of the guns and the message of freedom being promoted by Ares Armor.   Continue reading “Ares Armor Tactical Store Threatened with Fines & Jail Time for AR-15 Sign”

mexico-americaTop Right News – by Brian Hayes

As if it isn’t enough we have to battle BOTH parties to keep tens of millions of illegal invaders from being handed amnesty, we also have to fight just to maintain our common language. And as with the La Raza Studies battle in Tucson, Arizona is once again the battlefield.

An Arizona college is being sued for labeling a student a “bigot” and punishing her with a long-term suspension after she requested that English be used in her nursing studies class so she could learn the subject.   Continue reading “Arizona Nursing Student Sues After Being Suspended for Requesting Instruction in ENGLISH”

Capitalism Institute

If you have ever had a conversation with a die-hard liberal about the Second Amendment, chances are you have probably been called “paranoid” a time or two (…or fifty).

“What are you talking about? The government is not going to take your guns; I don’t know what you’re so worried about,” I can recall from a particular conversation. “Seriously, you’re just paranoid!”   Continue reading “SURREAL: Citizens Told They Have “One Last Chance” to Register Guns”

JP Morgan Chase & Company headquarters in New YorkPress TV

The largest US bank, JPMorgan Chase, has announced that it would slash 8,000 jobs in its consumer and community banking division this year.

The bank said on Tuesday that the cuts amount to nearly three percent of its workforce of 251,000 and will be in the mortgage and consumer banking sectors. The two divisions saw 16,500 jobs lost in 2013.   Continue reading “US banking giant JPMorgan Chase will slash 8,000 jobs this year”

Freedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

In his first TV commercial, Bill Connor, who is looking to unseat South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, uses Graham’s own words against him, showing viewers that Graham isn’t as conservative as his electorate want him to be.

The spot, which according to The State, cost the Connor campaign $7,500 to produce, starts by posing: “Conservative Republicans love Hillary Clinton, right?”   Continue reading “Bill Connor’s “Lindsey Graham for Hillary” Ad Uses Graham’s Own Words Against Him”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Ares Armor is a small tactical company that operates a store in National City, California. Recently the town of National City disapproved of a sign displayed at the National City store location and told the store, “Take down the sign or go to jail. We do not approve of guns…or you.”

The store has been in compliance with the law and was not doing anything illegal. So why is there a fuss? It’s because of the guns and the message of freedom being promoted by Ares Armor.   Continue reading “Ares Armor Tactical Store Threatened with Fines & Jail Time for AR-15 Sign”