Reuters / Mike Blake RT News

After more than a decade of feeding the homeless in Columbia, South Carolina, one group’s tradition could be in danger of ending as the city begins enforcing rules to limit the gathering of large groups in public parks.

As of February 15, Columbia began requiring any group of 25 people or more to pay for and obtain a permit 15 days in advance if they wished to use the city’s parks for an event. This requirement was extended even to non-profit groups and charities, though their fees would be smaller.   Continue reading “South Carolina city requires fees and permits to feed the homeless”

Bret Bohn was a Alaskan field guide. (Source: family photo)Police State USA

ANCHORAGE, AK — (EXCLUSIVE) — A young man’s deteriorating health led the state of Alaska to assume full control of his medical care — against his own written will and the against the wishes of his family.  Since last October he has been trapped in a hospital, isolated without visitors, on an extensive series of psychotropic drugs, in a condition that continues to diminish.   Continue reading “Man’s medical condition leads to indefinite detention, forced medication”

Update: Trail of dead bankers reaches Arizona, death count is now at 9Intellihub – by John Vibes

SCOTTSDALE, AZ (INTELLIHUB) — Former National Bank of Commerce CEO James Stuart Jr. was found dead, the morning of Feb. 19. A family spokesman did not say what caused the death. This brings the total of banker deaths in recent weeks to 9, and like the other recent deaths, this one comes with no explanation.

In 1969, he joined Citibank in New York City, where he worked as a loan officer. In 1973, he was named executive vice president of First Commerce Bancshares, a holding company that owned Nebraska Bank of Commerce and six other banks. He became the holding company’s chairman and CEO in 1978 and assumed top leadership of NBC in 1985, The Journal Star reported.   Continue reading “Update: Trail of dead bankers reaches Arizona, death count is now at 9”

joe bidenThe Guardian – by Tom McCarthy

Vice-president Joe Biden on Tuesday dwelled at length on the question of whether he would jump into the 2016 presidential race, telling the hosts of The View talk show that he has the support of his wife should he decide to run, and that his decision will not hinge on whether Hillary Clinton runs.

“I absolutely have not said no,” Biden said. “I’m as likely to run as to not run.”   Continue reading “Joe Biden talks 2016 US presidential race and healthcare on The View”

Dr. Mercola

Do you want to live to be 100? How about 110, or even 120? Statistically, the younger you are, the greater your chances of reaching those milestones—that much is known.

There is even a fairly strong possibility that lifespans beyond 150 will be possible in the next few decades as improvements in 3D printing, stem cell, and nanotech continue to improve.   Continue reading “How Centenarians Explain Their Longevity”

Independent – by ANTONIA MOLLOY

A blind man in Florida who shot and killed his friend has had two guns returned to him after being acquitted last month of murder under the state’s stand-your-ground law.

John Wayne Rogers, 40, shot 34-year-old James T. DeWitt in the chest with an assault rifle in March 2012, after a long drinking session in Rogers’ home in Geneva, in eastern Seminole County.

Prosecutors had charged Rogers with first-degree murder over the killing of DeWitt, who was staying the night, but a judge ruled that he had acted in self-defence.   Continue reading “Blind Florida man gets his guns back after being cleared of fatal shooting in stand-your-ground defence”

AFP Photo/Mandel NganRT News – by Eric Draitser

Over the last decade, America has quietly expanded its military presence throughout Africa in an attempt to counter Chinese and other emerging nations’ influence, while consolidating control over critical strategic resources and trade routes.

The United States, like its allies Britain and France, has long maintained influence and indirect control in Africa through financial institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and African Development Bank. It has exerted political influence using aid organizations such as USAID and NGOs like the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House and others.   Continue reading “US expands military net over Africa, checking China’s influence”

NATO moving east, building 'Roman Empire' in Europe – FM Živadin JovanovićVoice of Russia

NATO’s first act of illegal “humanitarian” aggressive war called “Operation Deliberate Force” in 1995 against the Republic Srpska which it got away with and emboldened it to later carry out “Operation Allied Force”, the merciless brutal air campaign against civilian targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The fact that NATO was allowed to get away with these acts of aggressive war and that the US/NATO architects were allowed to carry out such scenarios emboldened the “alliance” even further and has led to the recent global expansion by NATO and the scores of “regime change” and “resource wars” presented as “humanitarian interventions”. The scenario is almost identical every time and is currently being played out in Ukraine. On the 15 year anniversary of the aggression on Yugoslavia, in an exclusive interview, the Voice of Russia spoke to the last Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Živadin Jovanović.   Continue reading “NATO moving east, building ‘Roman Empire’ in Europe – FM Živadin Jovanović”

Voltaire Network

The European Commission announced having “freed up” Syria’s frozen assets, in order to fund the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons.

This unilateral decision runs counter to the OPCW resolution, adopted 15 November 2013, which highlights Syria’s financial inability to pay for their destruction and creates a special international fund as a substitute.   Continue reading “European Commission seizes frozen Syrian assets”

"The War is Worth Waging": Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural GasGlobal Research – by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

The 2001 bombing and invasion of Afghanistan has been presented to World public opinion as a “Just War”, a war directed against the Taliban and Al Qaeda, a war to eliminate “Islamic terrorism” and instate Western style democracy.

The economic dimensions of  the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) are rarely mentioned. The post 9/11 “counter-terrorism campaign” has served to obfuscate the real objectives of the US-NATO war.   Continue reading ““The War is Worth Waging”: Afghanistan’s Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural Gas”

elchapoguzmanDaily Slave – by Lee Rogers

There are a number of questions surrounding the high profile arrest of the Mexican drug lord known as El Chapo Guzman.  Not surprisingly, none of these questions are being asked by anybody in the corporate controlled media.  Instead, they are acting like this was just a straight forward arrest which is curious considering Guzman’s history.  Guzman was said to be the man in charge of the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel which has been called one of the most powerful drug cartels not just in Mexico but the entire world.   The cartel has historically maintained close ties to the United States government which is one of the primary reasons why it has grown into such a successful business enterprise.  None of this history is being discussed giving people a completely false notion of what’s really going on.   Continue reading “Arrest of Obama’s Business Partner Sinaloa Drug Cartel Head El Chapo Guzman Was Likely Faked”

US officials fear that cyber attacks on Syria’s air power, its electric grid or its leadership would prompt Syrian retaliation in the United States.Press TV

The United States is developing a battle plan against Syria that featured a sophisticated cyber attack on the Syrian military and President Bashar al-Assad’s command structure, a report reveals.

The National Security Council met Thursday to explore what one US official called “old and new options,” The New York Times reports, referring to a US plan in 2011, when the Pentagon and the National Security Agency first examined the use of cyber arms against Syria.   Continue reading “US planning for cyber attacks on Syria”

Educate Yourself – by Dr. John Coleman

From: Conspirators’ Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300

1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.    Continue reading “21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300”