Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Americans have been conditioned to accept the loss of life in distant lands, news of drone strikes killing wedding parties and innocent civilians, are spread all over the media. This is a form of conditioning.

In the video below from StormCloudsGathering, you will see just how we as Americans are conditioned to accept the killing of innocent men, women and children, while we sit in our warm homes watching Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus on TV.    Continue reading “Obama’s NDAA 2014: ‘Conflict Records Research Center’ Bolstering National Security Surveillance State”

Pope Francis - Photo by Christoph WagenerThe Truth Wins – by Michael Snyder

Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion?  If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge you to read the rest of this article.  We live at a time when globalization is advancing rapidly.  The global economy is more integrated than it has ever been before, and with each passing year new economic treaties tie us even more closely together.  And “global governance” (as the elite like to call it) is also steadily gaining ground.  Through a whole host of global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements, global governments are working together to a degree that is unprecedented.  Well, what about religion?  Is there evidence that we are also witnessing the globalization of religion?  Well, yes there is.  In fact, it appears that Pope Francis intends to lead the way.   Continue reading “Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion”

Truth Dig

Lest we forget that religion can provide a powerful cover for those looking to abuse the trust of believers, The New Jersey Star-Ledger reports that a local archdiocese built a lavish addition to an archbishop’s retirement home two years after closing a school for alleged lack of funds.   Continue reading “Newark Archbishop Gets $500K Home Upgrade After Parish School Closure”

IPS – by Carey L. Biron

WASHINGTON, Feb 19 2014 (IPS) – An estimated 400 million acres of farmland in the United States will likely change hands over the coming two decades as older farmers retire, even as new evidence indicates this land is being strongly pursued by private equity investors.

Mirroring a trend being experienced across the globe, this strengthening focus on agriculture-related investment by the private sector is already leading to a spike in U.S. farmland prices. Coupled with relatively weak federal policies, these rising prices are barring many young farmers from continuing or starting up small-scale agricultural operations of their own.   Continue reading “Half of U.S. Farmland Being Eyed by Private Equity”

Reuters UK

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Libya’s 340,000 barrels-per-day El Sharara oilfield has been completely shut down since Thursday night due to violent clashes with protesters, the state-run National Oil Corporation said on Saturday.

The key El Sharara field located in the remote south has been repeatedly closed by armed groups and protesters as a way to pressure Libya’s weak central government into political and financial demands.   Continue reading “Protesters shut Libya’s El Sharara oilfield in setback for government”


In what has become a routine occurrence in Turkey, riot squad police attacked demonstrators, citizens and tourists alike in an attempt to suppress a protest against the recently-passed internet law.

Turkey continues sizzling with anti-government protests. The most striking in recent history began In June 2013 over plans to demolish the only remaining tree-filled area in Taksim, Istanbul. Nine months and several government scandals later, a similar feeling is in the air, this time over the internet censorship implemented by President Abdullah Gül on 18 February.    Continue reading “Istanbul and Ankara Internet Protests Suppressed”

Truth Dig

Failing to win a mandate from Venezuelans in elections over the last few years, the leaders of the country’s mainstream, U.S.-backed opposition are exploiting discontent among the population in an effort to topple the democratically elected government, sociologist Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya writes.   Continue reading “‘What You Should Know About the… Protests in Venezuela’”

Alt Thai News

February 23, 2014 (ATN) – Coordinated grenade and gun attacks have been carried out across Thailand by the regime ofUS-backed Thaksin Shinawatra and his nepotist proxy, sister Yingluck Shinawatra in an attempt to quell growing dissent that now includes rice farmers once considered the foundation of the regime’s support. Among those dead and maimed were children. A grisly attack in the eastern province of Trat left scores maimed and a five-year old girl dead. A similar attack carried out in Bangkok left many maimed along with a woman and 12 year old boy dead.   Continue reading “Thailand: Regime Terror Campaign Intensifies”

food grocery whole foods walmart ban 263x164 Dangerous Ingredients: 54% of Food Sold at Walmart is Banned by Whole Foods MarketNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

Whole Foods maintains a list of ‘Unacceptable Ingredients” which includes everything from MSG to high fructose corn syrup. It also includes artificial colors, artificial preservatives, hydrogenated fats, etc. You can see the whole list, updated periodically, hereBut did you know that about 54% of the products sold in stores like Walmart would be banned from Whole Foods due to containing dangerous ingredients? Check out the real differences below.   Continue reading “Dangerous Ingredients: 54% of Food Sold at Walmart is Banned by Whole Foods Market”

Jon Rappoport

A recent study proposes that gluten intolerance and celiac disease are on the rise as a result of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide.

The National Library of Medicine states that celiac disease “damages the lining of the small intestine and prevents it from absorbing parts of food that are important for staying healthy. The damage is due to a reaction to eating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats.”   Continue reading “Study: Monsanto’s Roundup causes “gluten intolerance””

Pro-Russian rally in Sevastopol, February 23, 2014RiaNovosti

WASHINGTON, February 23 (RIA Novosti) – A senior US official on Sunday warned Moscow not to send troops into Ukraine amid the political crisis gripping Russia’s ex-Soviet neighbor, saying such a move would constitute a “grave mistake.”

“It’s not in the interests of Ukrainian or of Russia or of Europe or the United States to see the country split. It’s in nobody’s interest to see violence returned and the situation escalate,” White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press.”   Continue reading “Obama Official Warns Russia on Military Action in Ukraine”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Before the Ukraine, there was Syria. Before Syria, there was Iran. For over 30 years, Iran was the perpetual strawman of every attempt to escalate hostilities in the middle east. One only needs to recall that the original “red line” was not Obama’s but that of Israel’s PM Netanyahu referring to Iran’s nuclear program (which most likely was under the control of Stuxnet, and thus the NSA, more than it was Iran’s to begin with).   Continue reading “US And Israel Quietly Provide Military Support And Parts To Iran, Which In Turn Is Arming Syria”

police_brutality01Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

The New Mexico State Police and the Albuquerque Police Department have come under fire in recent years for unjustified use of excessive force and for police-involved shootings.

Incidents have occurred with enough frequency in the state to trigger a Department of Justice investigation that launched in 2012 and is still ongoing.   Continue reading “Warning to Residents of New Mexico: Your Police Are Being Taught to Use More Deadly Force”

WND – by Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – President Obama’s own Democratic Party has impeded the globalist agenda at this week’s North American Leaders’ Summit Meeting at Tuloca, Mexico, the successor to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America that was launched by President George W. Bush.

The Los Angeles Times reported Obama and his two North American counterparts “made little progress Wednesday in boosting their ambitions plans to ease borders and expand into new frontiers.”  Continue reading “Surprise For Obama’s North American Agenda”

Florida Power & Light’s St. Lucie Nuclear Plant is on Hutchinson Island, about 50 miles north of West Palm Beach.Tampa Bay Times – by Ivan Penn

Yet another Florida nuclear plant may be in trouble.

More than 3,700 tubes that help cool a nuclear reactor at Florida Power & Light’s St. Lucie facility exhibit wear. Most other similar plants have between zero and a few hundred.

Worst case: A tube bursts and spews radioactive fluid. That’s what happened at the San Onofre plant in California two years ago. The plant shut down forever because it would have cost too much to fix.   Continue reading “Cooling tubes at FPL St. Lucie nuke plant show significant wear”

The problem of the two-headed snake still exists if the U.S. and the European Union pledged aid for a new cabinet. The Ukrainian people are still in danger!

Financial Juice – by Daryna Krasnolutska, Kateryna Choursina and Ilya Arkhipov

Ukrainian parliament Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov, handed presidential powers as lawmakers prepare to form a coalition government, warned that the economy was in a “pre-default situation.”   Continue reading “Ukraine Interim Leader Warns of Economic Danger”

Prevent Disease – by DAVE MIHALOVIC

The CDC has been shunning the correlations between thimerosal and neurological disorders for a very long time. Although the FDA gave a two year deadline to remove the mercury based preservative from vaccines after the neurotoxin was banned in 1999, it still remains to this day in 60 percent of flu vaccines. A vaccine industry watchdog has now obtained CDC documents that show statistically significant risks of autism associated with the vaccine preservative, something the CDC denies even when confronted with their own data.   Continue reading “PhD Scientist and Biochemist Reveals Hidden CDC Documents Showing Thimerosal In Vaccines Increase Neurologic Disorders”

English: Barack Obama delivers a speech at the...Forbes – by Harry Binswanger

President Obama’s Kansas speech is a remarkable document. In calling for more government controls, more taxation, more collectivism, he has two paragraphs that give the show away. Take a look at them.

there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes–especially for the wealthy–our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.   Continue reading “Obama To Americans: You Don’t Deserve To Be Free”