Leaking MCHN tanks at Freedom Industries are being off loaded into tanker trucks on January 10, 2014 in Charleston, West Virginia.(AFP Photo / Tom Hindman)RT News

Weeks after spilling about 10,000 gallons of chemicals into West Virginia’s Elk River, chemical maker Freedom Industries reported another toxic leak Thursday at their facility in Charleston. Yet none of the material has reached the river, officials said.

Contractors for Freedom Industries hit an underground pipe with an excavator Thursday night, unleashing water and the same crude MCHM chemical that leaked from the company’s tank farm into the Elk River on Jan. 9. The earlier incident ultimately spoiled drinking water for around 300,000 nearby residents.   Continue reading “West Virginia’s Freedom Industries suffers another chemical spill”

A full-body scanner at O'Hare International Airport (AFP Photo / Scott Olson)RT News

The Transportation Security Agency was aware that, before they were even introduced, the full-body scanners used at airport security checkpoints were flawed, according to a former TSA agent who alleges employees regularly peered and laughed at travelers.

Jason Edward Harrington, who spent years for the TSA as he studied for a creative writing degree, wrote a long piece in Politico detailing the ineptitude and casual jokes that often came at the expense of the agency’s own inability to prevent an airplane hijacking.   Continue reading “‘Useless’ TSA scanners provided endless fodder for employees, former agent alleges”

Protesters against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline hold placards across the street from where US President Barack Obama attends a Democratic Party fundraising event in San Francisco, California (AFP Photo / Jewel Samad)RT News

The US State Department raised few objections to the environmental impact of the Keystone XL pipeline in a report released Friday, saying that the project won’t impact the pace of Canadian oil sands development and its contribution to climate change.

While the State Department took no position on the project and stopped short of recommending if the line should be built, it did claim the pipeline is more environmentally sound than other options.   Continue reading “Keystone pipeline won’t hurt environment much, US govt report says”

A handout picture released by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) on January 21, 2014 shows a general view of destruction in Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp in southern Damascus where the organisation say thousands are trapped and in dire need of aid. (AFP/UNRWA)RT News

Mass starvation, disease and hopelessness abound in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus. Although a UN agency has managed to make its first food aid delivery to the rebel-held camp in weeks, many people are on the brink of starvation.

Mass starvation, disease and hopelessness abound in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus. Although a UN agency has managed to make its first food aid delivery to the rebel-held camp in weeks, many people are on the brink of starvation.   Continue reading “‘We want to go out!’: 18,000 starving inside Syrian refugee camp”

College Fix

The United States government paid for a study to analyze a Defense Department study that evaluated a series of other studies.

This really happened.

How much taxpayer money did the government spend in order to study a study of its studies?   Continue reading “True Story: Government Conducted a Study of a Study about Studies”

I smell trouble. The tribe is surely trying to focus attention on the superbowl. I’ll send more after this but this is what I found out concerning the ‘white powder’ being sent to the superbowl hotels and what-not. Certainly didn’t sit well with me.

While I think they are gearing up for a false-flag somewhere, think the superbowl is a total distraction. Maybe they’re testing reactions etc. Who knows. Here’s what I’ve pieced together so far.   Continue reading “Super Bowl Powder Bullshit”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Mr. and Mrs. America, is this really the country you want for yourselves and your children? When we are stopped by police to have our genitals felt, when TSA gropes us at the airports and now snipersF-16s and Black Helicopters at the Super Bowl… We have become prisoners in our own country and no one seems to notice or care.

(VideoCBS) – The pregame festivities at Super Bowl Boulevard in Times Square have been taking place under tight security, with an NYPD presence on literally every block.   Continue reading “Super Police State for the Super Bowl”

Terror Groups Reportedly Hiding Missiles, Military Assets in Apartment Buildings, Mosques and Water ReservoirsThe Blaze – by Sharona Schwartz

Islamist militants are using the cover of residential dwellings and civilian facilities – such as water reservoirs – in which to hide their military assets in an effort to prevent future attack by the Israeli military, according to a senior Israeli official and an Israeli media report.

Commander of the Israeli Air Force Major-General Amir Eshel said on Wednesday that the Shiite terror group Hezbollah has placed “thousands” of military bases inside apartment buildings in Lebanon and that Israel would not be deterred from striking those buildings, even if civilians end up being killed.   Continue reading “Israel’s Excuse for Bombing Lebonan”

Washington’s Blog

Our Actions Are More Powerful Than We Realize

David Swanson writes:

Almost every [history of past activism] includes belated discoveries of the extent to which government officials were influenced by activist groups even while pretending to ignore popular pressure.   Continue reading “The Powers-That-Be Are Secretly Terrified of the People’s Power … And Only PRETEND They’re Firmly In Control”

fbi-badge2Phandroid – by Quentyn Kennemer

We come across tons of interesting patents each and every day, but recently none have caused as much concern and curiosity as this one. Google recently filed a patent for a system that identifies when and where a “mob” event takes place and sends multimedia alerts to relevant parties. The patents are actually titled “Mob Source Phone Video Collaboration” and “Inferring Events Based On Mob Sourced Video“.

No… not that mob. In this case a “mob” is essentially an activity or event attracting an abnormal amount of attention in the form of video recording and picture taking. Here’s a quick blurb from the patent description:   Continue reading “New Google patent suggests automatically sending your videos and photos to law enforcement”

christie-2014stateUSA Today – by John Schoonejongen, Asbury Park Press

There is evidence that Gov. Chris Christie knew of the George Washington Bridge access lane closings as they were happening, says a lawyer for the former port authority official blamed for the politically motivated incident, but Christie’s office denied the allegation.

A Friday letter from David Wildstein’s attorney says “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the Governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference he gave immediately before Mr. Wildstein was scheduled to appear before the Transportation Committee.   Continue reading “Ex-aide: Christie knew about lane closures on bridge”

AP California DroughtUSA Today, KXTV

SACRAMENTO — In a move to protect residents from more severe water shortages, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced Friday it was taking several actions to conserve the state’s water supply.

“The harsh weather leaves us little choice,” DWR Director Mark Cowin said. “If we are to have any hope of coping with continued dry weather and balancing multiple needs, we must act now to preserve what water remains in our reservoirs.”   Continue reading “Calif. agency halts water allocations amid drought”

(Source: HealthDay)Police State USA

To understand why the United States is the most incarcerated nation in the world, all aspects of the legal system must be scrutinized.  One of the least considered points of corruption is the crime lab.

A recent study found that crime labs across the country are literally being incentivized to turn out results that will be favorable to prosecutors in getting criminal convictions.   Some say that this introduces a point of compromise in a process that is supposed to be free of bias and partiality.   Continue reading “State crime labs are incentivized to get false convictions”