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Month: March 2014
Wired – by SPENCER ACKERMAN, May 25, 2011
You think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden says it’s worse than you know.
Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. Wyden (D-Oregon) says that powers they grant the government on their face, the government applies a far broader legal interpretation — an interpretation that the government has conveniently classified, so it cannot be publicly assessed or challenged. But one prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy ”dragnets” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently. Continue reading “There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says”
The Occidental Observer – by Kevin McDonald
A theme at TOO, most recently the early days of the Israel Lobby, is that Jewish wealth and willingness to contribute to ethnic causes is a cornerstone of Jewish influence. Simply put, Jewish causes are lavishly funded and provide ample career opportunities. Now the Forward is beginning a series of articles on “the Jewish charity industry”: “26 billion: the Jewish Charity Industry Uncovered.“ Continue reading “Forward Study of the Jewish Charity Industry”
The Obama administration has been helping to facilitate a series of events nationwide at Mexican Consulate offices to enroll people in Obamacare – and a key activist says the efforts are “our responsibility” regardless of citizenship.
“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday. Continue reading “Obamacare Navigators Helping People Enroll At Mexican Consulates”
As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.
An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power to operate.
A conventional generator needs 15KW to produce 10KW of power. Continue reading “Quantum Energy Generator Open Sourced”
They have been testing ability to run her for a while.
They will be trying to run her with Rand for the next BS election. This will shut up the “Conservatives”. A Tea party guy and a black woman. Everyone can go back to sleep now. Rand and Condi will save us.
Damn the red pill sucks sometimes.
The Weekly Standard -by STEPHEN F. HAYES
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Barack Obama of dramatically weakening the United States’ position in the world, drawing a straight line between Obama’s ever-yielding foreign policy and the increasing troubles around the world. Continue reading “Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership”
New York Post – by John Crudele
The Census Bureau’s Philadelphia office wasn’t just corrupting the nation’s unemployment rate by fabricating data. It was also filing false information about inflation in this country.
Just how large an effect this fraud was having on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) — and consequently the cost of living adjustments for Social Security recipients and others — is not yet known. Continue reading “Census office survey scandal grows as inflation stats faked”
It’s been a while since we’ve had a good gallery of faces of evil, so let’s feature the freakish women who have been granted huge amounts of power in the corporate-industrial illuminist world. You’ll soon realize why. Just that top picture of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg-Vulture should be enough to close the deal. Search any of her pictures, they’re all just as inhumanly non-empathetic, frightening and chilling.
Thugs come in many forms, including the seemingly feminine. Continue reading “Wicked Women in Places of Power”
Bloomberg View, March 26, 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah tomorrow, and the president’s critics have been sounding a warning: By parting with the Saudis on Egypt, Syria and Iran, they say, his administration is endangering a vital alliance. The truth is, the relationship with Saudi Arabia is overdue for a recalibration.
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia still have common interests — in fighting terrorism, for example — and Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth means it will hold disproportionate sway in Washington for years to come. But neither Obama nor his critics (nor, for that matter, Saudis themselves) should kid themselves. Saudi Arabia is not a natural ally of the U.S., and probably never has been. Continue reading “Saudi Arabia Isn’t America’s Friend”
The Daily Beast – by Josh Rogin
An Obama administration official warned Thursday that the Russian army is now fully prepared to invade eastern Ukraine if Putin decides to take further military action.
It’s already too late to stop the ubiquitous tracking and monitoring of the public through biometrics, says Peter Waggett, Programme Leader at IBM’s Emerging Technology Group. We need to stop worrying about prevention, and start working out how to make the most of data garnered from that kind of surveillance.
“We’re fighting the wrong battle when we ask should we stop people being observed. That is not going to be feasible. We need to understand how to use that data better,” urged Waggett, who was speaking as part of a Nesta panel debate on what biometrics mean for the future of privacy. Continue reading “Get ready to have your biometrics tracked 24/7”
Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis
It is painful to watch the last spasms of America playing out as clearly as if reading it from history. America is not just a place, it is a set of ideals so successful that it is easy to let one or two slide in the interest of peace. While the true ideal of liberty might be able to take a body blow now and then, it is always with the understanding that there will be a counter-punch that will set things right.
The clear decline of America is that it has stopped counter-punching and is just lying on the ropes being pummeled by a merciless federal government. The government has been so focused on landing one blow after another that it has become confident of a knockout. It will succeed in stripping every last vestige of liberty from the people once and for all. But, that changes the game. Continue reading “The Indomitable Spirit of An Armed Citizenry”
Ares Armor forced to defend their 1st Amendment Rights
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA – The Local Government of National City thinks it is acceptable to re-interpret their own city code to suite their political agenda if a message appears that does not suite their liking. They have chosen to attack us based on opposing political views. They have abused their elected positions in order to silence those who do not agree with them. WE WILL NOT BE REMOVING OUR SIGN. I WILL GO TO JAIL FIRST! If it is a fight they want, it is a fight they shall have. Continue reading “Ares Armor vs Local Government”
Tonight we’ll begin our look at the period of time known as the, “Tribulation”.
* What might the events running up to it look like?
* Are they similar to what we’re seeing in today’s headlines?
Also, we’ll examine what some of the terminology means, where it’s used, and why. Continue reading “Join us tonight for the Liberty Bible Hour”