Heart - Photo by Louise Docker from Sydney, AustraliaThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Are you ready for some inspirational stories that will make your heart jump for joy?  These days, it is so easy to get down.  Both individually and as a nation, we have so many problems and it often seems like things just keep getting worse.  For example, this week we learned that pending home sales in the United States just dropped by the most in 3 years and that they have now been declining for 8 months in a row.  And without a doubt, incredibly challenging times are on the horizon.  In response, a lot of people are going to choose to complain bitterly and curse the darkness.  Others are going to respond with fear and will try to hide from the world as much as they can.  But I don’t think that either of those approaches is a good way to react to the problems that we will be facing.  Continue reading “Meet 5 People Who Made A Decision To Shine A Light In The Darkness”

   Do you belong to a political discussion or activist group that has a moderator who forbids or censors any conversation relating to Zionism and/or Jews in general?

Maybe he insists that it’s offensive, or that it deters membership, or that it hurts the cause, but the fact of the matter is that he’s part of the false-opposition system that’s maintained by both government agents and Zionist organizations, and their goal is to corral as many activists as they can into their groups, and make sure that whatever time they have to devote to political activism is wasted in futile efforts.   Continue reading “Political Distractivists”

nc 1It happened in my apartment complex Thursday afternoon in Mckinney, TX between 4pm-4:30pm. I did not arrive at my apartment until around 6:30pm, but from the pictures that I took, the police were still there quartering off part of the area with yellow tape. A total of six cop cars and two unmarked cars were there with detectives and forensics investigating the scene.

Upon walking up to one of the cops, he quickly told me that everything was ok and after I repeatedly asked him the question and told him that I lived here and had a right to know, he rose his tone and then said, if you want to know, talk to the manager of the complex.   Continue reading “Shots Fired in an Apartment Complex in McKinney, TX”

Washington’s Blog

Turkey Admits Plan to Carry Out False Flag

Zero Hedge reports:

As we noted here, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan had blocked Twitter access to his nation ahead of what was rumored to be a “spectacular” leak before this weekend’s elections. Then this morning, amid a mad scramble, he reportedly (despite the nation’s court ruling the bans illegal) blocked YouTube access. However, by the magic of the interwebs, we have the ‘leaked’ clip and it is clear why he wanted it blocked/banned. As the rough translation explains, it purports to be a conversation between key Turkish military and political leaders discussing what appears to be a false flag attack to launch war with Syria.   Continue reading “Turkish Political and Military Leaders ADMIT to Planning False Flag Terror to Justify a War with Syria”

california-tsunamiPatriot Net Daily – by John

Well, I’m surprised, are you? I find this extremely interesting that the threat level is so high!

Five California harbors – including three here in the Southland – are preparing for future tsunamis under a new state project that arms them with maps that identify potential problem areas.

KNX 1070′s Jan Stevens reports officials will use the maps to take into account tsunamis of different strengths and sources, allowing harbor managers to draw up emergency plans to get vessels to safety.   Continue reading “Southern California Harbors To Prep For Potential Tsunami Threat”

1All Self Sustained

Anyone who’s spent time in extreme weather with their guns knows that bad effects cold temperatures and rain can have on your rifle.

Water can damage your guns, causing corrosion, rust, and other negative effects on your weapons.

Even if you buy a rifle that is made for “all weather”, the effects of extreme weather are still hard to avoid.   Continue reading “3 Easy Tips To Weatherproof Your Guns”

Imgp5524All Outdoor – by Major Pandemic

Many long time readers will remember Ruger Mini-30 featured in the Testing the Cooper Scout Rifle Concept article. The results from the Mini-30 were more than impressive during realistic testing.

Based on my research, I had found that Jeff Cooper hailed the 30-30 as an excellent all-around scout round which had proven itself through history. The 30-30 is by today’s standards considered a medium weight rifle round, with actually about the same 800 Ft/lbs of energy at 200 yards as a standard Russian 7.62×39 AK round. (Technically the AK round is a bit more powerful). Even at 200-yards, the 30-30 and 7.62×39 are still a very deadly round for whitetail and hog hunting. On the other side of the equation, the 7.62×39 rifle round has proven to be a, extremely deadly defensive round in every country around the world.   Continue reading “Ruger Mini-30 Rifle”

SorosVeterans Today – by Yoichi Shimatsu

BANGKOK – It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel’s embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a “strike by diplomatic staff”. This fork-tongued alibi was obviously meant to prevent law enforcement agencies across Asia and the Western world from questioning Israeli intelligence agents and military attaches about the whereabouts and fate of the hundreds of passengers.   Continue reading “Role of Israel and Soros Exposed by MH370 Twin Jet in Tel Aviv”


Article first appeared in lewrockwell.com:

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court has been issuing general warrants to the National Security Agency (NSA) since 1978, but it was not until last June that we learned that these general warrants have been executed upon the telephone calls, text messages, emails, bank records, utility bills and credit card bills of all persons in America since 2009.   Continue reading “What’s happened to ‘probable cause’ in America?”


“Forensic remains, evidence and records of murdered children evidently were ordered destroyed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby” Kevin Annett of the ITCCS said today to this reporter about evidence recently filed in an international court on an elite group referred to as the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult.

“Welby appeared to be prompted in part by Queen Elizabeth and Royal Family members’ alleged regular participation in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult murder rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford, Ontario” Annett continued.   Continue reading “Queen Elizabeth had Archbishop destroy evidence of Royal Family Satanic Cult?”

Fukushima Radiation - University Of New South WalesThe Truth Wins – by Michael Snyder

A Canadian high school student named Bronwyn Delacruz never imagined that her school science project would make headlines all over the world.  But that is precisely what has happened.  Using a $600 Geiger counter purchased by her father, Delacruz measured seafood bought at local grocery stores for radioactive contamination.  What she discovered was absolutely stunning.  Much of the seafood, particularly the products that were made in China, tested very high for radiation.  So is this being caused by nuclear radiation from Fukushima?  Is the seafood that we are eating going to give us cancer and other diseases?  The American people deserve the truth, but as you will see below, the U.S. and Canadian governments are not even testing imported seafood for radiation.  To say that this is deeply troubling would be a massive understatement.   Continue reading “School Science Project Reveals High Levels Of Fukushima Nuclear Radiation in Grocery Store Seafood”

Mami’s Shit – by RJ Livegood

Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking process.   Continue reading “Things that highly creative people do differently”

Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity celebmeatPrison Planet – by Adan Salazar

A company is aiming to take advantage of the mindless celebrity worship culture by planning to feed fanatics their favorite celebrities.

Hundreds of people are petitioning celebrities to donate tissue samples to BiteLabs.org, a company that says it will produce “artisanal salami” from celebrity tissue samples for human consumption.   Continue reading “Soylent Green: Company Wants You to EAT Your Favorite Celebrity”