Michelle_Obama_03153Minutemen News

When Michelle Obama declined to attend a crucial “shirtsleeves” summit between her husband and the newly promoted president of China last June, it was widely seen in Beijing as a stinging political snub.

The meeting was to be an unprecedented pairing of first ladies; Xi Jinping’s wife, an elegant People’s Liberation Army singer, has enough star power inside China to match her American counterpart. When Mrs Obama cancelled, it sent a signal that Peng Liyuan was an unwanted guest.   Continue reading “Michelle Obama Tries to Take the Politics Out of US-China Relations With Family Trip”

Obama OvertimeCNS News – by Penny Star

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force seized on an advocacy group’s report on transgender military service Thursday to call on President Barack Obama to issue an executive order allowing transgender men and women to serve in the military.

“We commend the commission for stating independently what we all know: there is no compelling medical reason to exclude trans people from serving their country, and transitions would place almost no burden on the military,” Rea Carey, executive director of the task force, said in a press release . “The President should sign an executive order to lift the transgender military service ban.   Continue reading “LGBT Group to Obama: Sign Executive Order Opening Military to Transgenders”

on February 2, 2010 in Washington, DC.Minutemen News

Sen. John McCain called for massive military assistance to Ukraine Saturday, while warning that Russia’s actions in its former Soviet neighbor could lead to unprecedented measures by the United States and it allies.

“Ukraine is going to need a long-term military assistance program from the United States,” the Arizona Republican told reporters a Senate delegation visit to the Ukrainian capital, voicing what he said was a personal opinion.   Continue reading “McCain: US Should Give Ukraine ‘Long-Term’ Military Aid”

Patriot Supply

The Story of Us

When I started My Patriot Supply in the fall of 2008 I was motivated by a passion for preparedness and self-reliance that had been rapidly growing inside of me over a period of several years. I had witnessed 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and at one point I was even homeless because a tornado had demolished my apartment complex.     Continue reading “My Patriot Supply – Our Story”

Paul Craig Roberts

Why is Washington so opposed to Crimean self-determination? The answer is that one of the main purposes of Washington’s coup in Kiev was to have the new puppet government evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Washington cannot use the government Washington has installed in Ukraine for that purpose if Crimea is no longer part of Ukraine.

What Washington has made completely obvious is that “self-determination” is a weapon used by Washington in behalf of its agenda. If self-determination advances Washington’s agenda, Washington is for it. If self-determination does not advance Washington’s agenda, Washington is against it.   Continue reading “Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War”

Weapons displayed to state media by Interior Affairs Minister Rodriguez Torres (right) today. (AVN)Venezualanalysis

Mérida, 14th March 2014 (Venezuelanalysis.com) –Three paramilitary groups have been captured in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo, following a series of deadly shootings during protests on Wednesday.

President Nicolas Maduro announced on Thursday that the paramilitaries had been allegedly operating in Carabobo’s state capital, Valencia.   Continue reading “Paramilitaries Armed With C-4 Detained in Venezuela”

Alt Thai News- by Tony Cartalucci

Farmers in Thailand have found themselves at the center of a long, protracted political struggle pitting Thailand’s traditional establishment against a “populist” upstart backed by foreign interests. The resulting spotlight farmers now find themselves in is an opportunity to share their plight with a wider audience and by doing so, perhaps receive the care and attention they so badly need and rightfully deserve.    Continue reading “Let Me Tell You About Thailand’s Rice Farmers”

Information Dissemination – by Galrahn

Tom Hill @te3ej has been tracking the Russian Tug Nikolay Chiker for the last few weeks as it made its way down to Cuba with Russia’s premier spy ship the Viktor Leonov CCB-175. Yesterday Tom Hill noted the tug has taken up position just off the coast of Florida – now for two days at 29 18 00.0N, 80 30 00.0W.

While some mock the Russians for always deploying tugs with their Navy, I’ve grown to appreciate it as I have now observe them use the tugs effectively both in soft power operations and now military operations like trapping the Ukrainian fleet. Navy’s can do a lot when they have ships with incredible utility like Fleet tugs, indeed one might ask how the US government screams really loud about climate change, but doesn’t build ships like icebreakers and fleet tugs. Like I’ve always said, we should all start to actually worry about the effects of climate change the day the government starts buying a bunch of those types of ships, because that will be the day the government is legitimately worrying about it.   Continue reading “Watching the Russians… Off Florida’s Coast”

OSNet Daily

MSM plays the “extremist pilot in a flight simulator” card. British tabloids push the good old “Al Qaeda shoe bomb” narrative. Iranian patsies sheep dipped through Qatar and China on route to Germany. Is it just us, or is anyone else having a 9/11 Déjà vu 

Predictably, there is still no sign of the missing plane, which begs for the question: why are all those super powers and regional powers allocating so many assets in a futile search for a mirage ? The plane was obviously landed in a remote location and hidden upon landing to render visual surveillance irrelevant. Is there a major diversion psyop going on right now? And what are they trying to divert from ?   Continue reading “Flight 370: Plot thickens as media disinfo efforts intensify”


TEL AVIV – In recent weeks, representatives for the Obama administration have held meetings with a senior politician here in which the U.S. delegates brought up the possibility of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, according to an informed Jerusalem diplomatic source.

The meetings were held with Israel’s popular finance minister, Yair Lapid, founder and leader of the Yesh Atid Party, which became the second-largest party in the Knesset winning 19 seats in the last election.   Continue reading “White House Seeks to Replace Netanyahu?”

Charleston Voice

And now Ukraine sends their gold reserves to the US for safekeeping! Ouch, bad idea!

The US Fed Still has not Disclosed What They’ve Done with Germany’s Gold Reserves! Enough to make a prudent man wonder how many other foreign central banks may  have had their custodial gold ‘misplaced’ by the Fed, eh?    Continue reading “NY Fed Has Stolen and – Mostly SOLD – Germany’s Gold Reserves”