Storm clouds gatheringWorld Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Understand who controls the money and the world’s monetary system:The Money Masters

(Video, Source: USA WatchDog) – World renowned gold expert Jim Sinclair is worried about the crisis in Ukraine.  Sinclair says,“Welcome back to the cold war that can get hot overnight.”  It appears President Obama has brought back the Cold War, and Sinclair contends, “He’s brought it back by changing to a new normal diplomacy, making outrageous threats on a continuing basis rather than seeking a solution.”   Continue reading “Putin Has Nuclear Economic Bomb – Jim Sinclair”

MuckRock – by Shawn Musgrave

FOI Requests:

Last month, NYPD rejected my request for the department’s guides to processing freedom of information requests, the latest in a baffling series of denials.   Continue reading “NYPD counsel doubles down, rules freedom of information manual is confidential”

(Ron Tarver / Staff Photographer) – by Sam Wood

An elderly Pennsylvania man was tasered by police not once, not twice, but six times in a Wal-Mart parking lot after being mistaken for his brother, according to a suit filed in federal court.

According to the suit, Robert Gross, 76, had driven his brother, Carl Gross Sr., to see Carl’s granddaughter Aug. 21, 2012 at an Allentown hair cutting salon.   Continue reading “Suit: Elderly man tasered 6 times after being mistaken for his brother”


RENO, Nev. — Authorities in a Nevada county are reviewing a “forfeiture program” and have settled lawsuits with two men who said a sheriff’s deputy violated their civil rights when they were stopped for speeding, searched for drugs and forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars.

The Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office also confirmed in a statement late Friday that it has launched an internal review of the county’s program, but that there is no indication there have been any illegal stops or any wrongdoing on the party of Sheriff Ed Kilgore or his deputies.   Continue reading “Lawsuits over cash seizures settled in Nevada”

Wireless electricity? It's hereCNN – by Matthew Ponsford and Nick Glass

Katie Hall was shocked the second she saw it: a light-bulb glowing in middle of a room with no wires attached.

Looking back, it was a crude experiment, she remembers: a tiny room filled with gigantic cooper refrigerator coils — the kind you’d see if you cracked open the back of your freezer.

She walked in and out between the coils and the bulb — and still the bulb glowed.   Continue reading “Wireless electricity? It’s here”

File – In this May 20, 2009, file photo, Jeff Arnett, the master distiller at the Jack Daniel Distillery in Lynchburg, Tenn., drills a hole in a barrel of whiskey in one of the aging houses at the distillery. Jack Daniel's is fighting efforts in the state Legislature to dial back the legal definition of Tennessee whiskey, including a provision that requires the spirit to be aged in new oak barrels. Photo: Mark Humphrey, AP / APChron – by ERIK SCHELZIG and BRUCE SCHREINER

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — If it isn’t fermented in Tennessee from mash of at least 51 percent corn, aged in new charred oak barrels, filtered through maple charcoal and bottled at a minimum of 80 proof, it isn’t Tennessee whiskey. So says a year-old law that resembles almost to the letter the process used to make Jack Daniel‘s, the world’s best-known Tennessee whiskey.

Now state lawmakers are considering dialing back some of those requirements that they say make it too difficult for craft distilleries to market their spirits as Tennessee whiskey, a distinctive and popular draw in the booming American liquor business.   Continue reading “Jack Daniel’s opposes changing Tenn. whiskey law”

Fox News

The United States and its European allies are expected to announce sanctions against Russia Monday after Crimea’s election chief announced that just under 97 percent of voters in the region supported leaving Ukraine and becoming a Russian province in a referendum held Sunday.

Mikhail Malyshev said in a televised news conference that the final tally of voters in favor of joining Russia was 96.77 percent. The announcement was merely confirmation of what had been expected once the referendum was announced by the region’s parliament earlier this month.    Continue reading “Crimea parliament declares independence, asks to join Russia after landslide vote”

Johnson family pond.jpgFox News – by Barnini Chakraborty

All Andy Johnson wanted to do was build a stock pond on his sprawling eight-acre Wyoming farm. He and his wife Katie spent hours constructing it, filling it with crystal-clear water, and bringing in brook and brown trout, ducks and geese. It was a place where his horses could drink and graze, and a private playground for his three children.

But instead of enjoying the fruits of his labor, the Wyoming welder says he was harangued by the federal government, stuck in what he calls a petty power play by the Environmental Protection Agency. He claims the agency is now threatening him with civil and criminal penalties – including the threat of a $75,000-a-day fine.    Continue reading “Wyoming welder faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building pond on his property”

malaysianairlinesDaily Slave – by Lee Rogers

The corporate media has literally spent over a week obsessing endlessly over conspiracy theories involving the alleged disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.  If you’ve tuned into any of the American cable news networks be it Fox News, CNN or MSNBC over the past several days you would think that this is the only news story of importance.  These propaganda pushers have logged countless hours engaging in speculation and conjecture over what may or may not have happened with this airplane.  Meanwhile, historically significant events are unfolding in Ukraine that could impact the world for years to come.  The whores in the corporate media have intentionally chosen to provide little coverage of these developments in favor of discussing hours upon hours of Flight 370 conspiracy theories.  It’d be one thing if they were providing real analysis but all of their coverage is designed for the purpose of distraction.   Continue reading “Media Focuses in on Flight 370 Conspiracy Theories while World Edges Closer to War”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The Russians pulled their Treasury bonds out of New York. And Russian corporations are pulling their money out of US banks. These are key signs that the dollar and the current US puppet government could collapse long before the 2016 elections. The dollar could never survive the sanctions Obama and Kerry are threatening. If we are lucky, President Putin of Russia and President XI Jinping of China, are too busy laughing at John Kerry to pay attention. It is not in China’s interest to force America into bankruptcy before China has squeezed every last gold bar out of US and London vaults. Their goal is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency with a gold backed yuan.   Continue reading “If You Ever Wanted To Do Something, Do It Now. It’s All About To Blow Sky High.”

Paul Craig Roberts

In his March 6 Executive Order, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,” Obama declares that support for Crimean self-determination constitutes “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”

Obama and the lawyers who drafted his executive order did not notice that the way the order is drafted it applies to Obama, to the unelected coup government in Kiev, and to the Washington and EU regimes. The order says that any person “responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly . . . actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine” is subject to having his assets frozen.   Continue reading “Obama Declares Self-Determination To Be A Threat To US National Security”

Common Dreams

This month alone, “the United States delivered nearly 100 Hellfire missiles together with hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition and M4 rifles” to the Iraqi government, the U.S. Embassy to Iraq revealed Sunday.

In a public statement, the U.S. Embassy claimed the shipments were sent to aid the Iraqi government and military’s so-called “counter-terrorism” operations targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.   Continue reading “US Quietly Ships Hellfire Missiles, Rifles, and Ammo to Iraq”

A Nation in Peril

I was there yesterday at Ares Armor. It was terribly unjust what took place. They broke in the door about 11:50am. The rally was to start at noon. Robert Newman, candidate for CA Governor came to show support and fortunately he and his videographer arrived early enough to capture the entire event on video!

Ares Armor being supported by the Oathkeepers, Robert Newman candidate for California Governor, and of course Sons of Liberty Riders!   Continue reading “Ares Armor Raid”