Before It’s News – by Sher Zieve 

It has been a few years since I’ve talked and, subsequently, interviewed former USBP Supervisor David J. Stoddard (Ret).  In my opinion—and that of many others—there really is no better information source than Dave for what is currently transpiring at and on our Southern Border.

David J. Stoddard BIO: US Border Patrol Supervisor David J Stoddard (Ret) was with the US Border Patrol for 27 years.  David served in Calexico, California, Vermont, Yuma, Tucson Sector Headquarters and Naco, Arizona and worked in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other locations.   Continue reading “Obama’s End of the USA Via Fomenting Foreign Invasion”

Image: alainonline.netForbes – by Peter Kelly-Detwiler

The rapid advance of jihadists throughout Iraq unnerves us. The goal of establishing a radical Islamist caliphate – providing a haven to thousands of violent individuals with a hatred of the West – should unnerve us. Because it’s the unknown next step that follows that keeps us awake at night, and reminds us of our vulnerability.

News from Yemen last week further underscores that sense, as we learned that an attack on the power lines left the entire nation of Yemen (with its 23 million people) without power for a day.

Continue reading “Terrorist Attack Left All of Yemen In Darkness Last Week: Another Wake-Up Call”

Washington Heights lawmaker pleads guilty to marriage fraudWashington Post – by Rich Calder and Carl Campanile

A Washington Heights lawmaker on Friday pleaded guilty to marriage fraud​, ​​which not only paved the way ​for her ​to ​become a U.S. citizen ​– but also to ​be elected to public office.

Appearing in Manhattan federal court, Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa, a 47​-​year-old Dominican native elected in 2012, admitted to filing bogus documents submitted to the federal government in which she lied about a sham marriage to obtain citizenship.   Continue reading “Washington Heights lawmaker pleads guilty to marriage fraud”

MEDICAL MARIJUANAHuffington Post – by Shadee Ashtari

Los Angeles’ first medical marijuana farmers market is set to launch July 4, marking a unique opportunity for card-carrying cannabis patients to purchase a variety of products, including cannabis flowers, edibles and concentrates, directly from growers.

The new farmers market, which will feature 20 to 50 vendors, will be held at the West Coast Collective in East Los Angeles.    Continue reading “Los Angeles Set To Open Its First Medical Marijuana Farmers Market”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Ever since 9/11, it has been apparent that the American empire is living on borrowed time. In more recent years, the inevitable collapse of American world hegemony and the unipolar world is one that very few informed observers can continue to ignore. 

Riddled with massive unemployment, an overextended military, entrenched police state, crumbling infrastructure, and the ever-present threat to the US dollar, it is clear that the United States is merely the shell of its former self. Indeed, in 2014, the concept of long-term American primacy is only a fantasy maintained by the mainstream media with its constant repetition of meaningless and absurd notions of recoveries, humanitarian interventions, and national security. Continue reading “Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire”

Activist Post

The environmental campaigning group Greenpeace, digital rights watchdog Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC) joined forces today to fly an airship over the NSA’s data center in Utah to protest the government’s illegal mass surveillance program.

Greenpeace flew its 135-foot-long thermal airship over the Bluffdale, UT, data center early Friday morning, carrying the message: “NSA Illegal Spying Below” along with a link steering people to a new web site,, which the three groups launched with the support of a separate, diverse coalition of over 20 grassroots advocacy groups and Internet companies. The site grades members of Congress on what they have done, or often not done, to rein in the NSA. Continue reading “Activists Use Blimp to Spy on NSA’s Data Center in Utah”


OKLAHOMA CITY – This wasp must be passionate about the weather, because it wouldn’t leave NewsChannel 4’s Chief Meteorologist alone during his forecast.

During the 6:30 p.m. newscast, a wasp surprised Mike Morgan — and it’s pretty hard not to laugh at his reaction. (Our favorite part is actually right before he realizes he’s under ‘attack.’ Poor guy doesn’t know what’s about to hit him!) Continue reading “Wasp scares Chief Meteorologist Mike Morgan during forecast”

bou healthyThe Organic Prepper

Last month, a family in Georgia had their lives turned upside down by a brutal home invasion.

Imagine this: You’re visiting a relative’s home because your own house was destroyed by a fire. You, your spouse, and your children are peacefully sleeping and you awaken to terrifying chaos: Loud bangs, men shouting, your children screaming…you have no idea what’s going on.

Then you realize that you are the victim of a home invasion – you’re under seige…but the criminals who have burst in unannounced and launched an assault have badges and uniforms so it’s somehow legal…   Continue reading “What Would Happen If a Thug WITHOUT a Badge Threw a Grenade on Top of a Baby?”

Security cameras caught Tigist Atreso as she charged after a robber threatening to kill her son. Credit: Screenshot from WJLA TVBethesda-ChevyChase Patch – by Deb Belt

Tigist Atreso says a would-be bandit went too far when he threatened to kill her 19-month-old son while robbing her liquor store.

Atreso says she had complied with the suspect’s orders, handing over all the money in her cash register in hopes that he would leave. But the threat to her young son had her fighting mad – sending the suspected thief to the hospital and then jail.   Continue reading “Store Owner Takes Out Robber with Fire Extinguisher to the Head”

Since the Southern border crisis began, we have been discussing how illegal immigrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are crossing our borders and invading our country in mass waves. We have talked about what is happening on our side of the border and how our border patrol agents are trying to deal with the situation. We have even reported how drug cartels and Mexican soldiers are crossing our borders and shooting at our border patrol agents and how the Mexican border patrol is doing absolutely nothing about it.

But one question that no one is asking in the media is, “Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?”   Continue reading “The Question no one in the media is asking: Why aren’t we going to war with Mexico and Central America?”

Moms Demand Action LiarsAmmoLand – by Tom Gresham

MANDEVILLE, LA –-( Every time the gun banners think public opinion is swinging their way, they tend to drop the lies which typically camouflages their real intentions.

They often say “We don’t want to ban guns. We just want to know who has them.” Or, “Of course we support the Second Amendment, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be reasonable restrictions.” 

The Violence Policy Center is a tiny group that really knows how to work the media through “white papers” on guns. Of course, the papers and “research” they do are junk, but the media laps up that stuff.   Continue reading “Anti-Gunners, The Truth Comes Out … Again”

My Fox DC

WASHINGTON – D.C. Police kick off a weekend initiative to fight summer crime called “All Hands On Deck.”

That means more officers will be stationed on city streets requiring all of them to work eight hour shifts.

This doesn’t come without controversy.

The department’s union representatives have filed paperwork challenging previous such programs saying it unfairly changes officers schedules without consent from the union.   Continue reading “All Hands On Deck police program to begin in DC”

Umm al-FahmThe Jerusalem Post

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman lashed out at the hundreds of Israeli Arab demonstrators who clashed with police at Umm el-Fahm junction on Friday during a protest against IDF efforts to track down three kidnapped teenagers in the West Bank.

Liberman, who heads the Israel Beiteinu party, said that the demonstrators “should be treated as terrorists in every sense of the word.” Continue reading “Liberman: Israeli Arabs who demonstrated against IDF are terrorists”

Activist Post – by Kevin Samson

When one thinks of “redistribution of wealth,” one would typically understand that to mean a system designed to take from the wealthy and give to the poor. Controversial in its own right. However, with the United Nations’ Agenda 21 it’s even worse: the redistribution of wealth means taking resources from poorer populations and opening up those resources for wealthy private interests to collude with government – fascism, essentially.

A shockingly honest new study from the Institute of Physics (IOP) journal Environmental Research Letters entitled “Food appropriation through large scale land acquisitions” makes the case for literally disenfranchising local populations in service to the greater multi-national good through “land grabs” – a hallmark of all Agenda 21 propaganda. Continue reading “New Study Promotes Agenda 21-Style “Land Grabs””

mark mayfieldThe Clarion Ledger – by Jimmy E. Gates

Attorney Mark Mayfield was found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound Friday at his Ridgeland home.

Mayfield, vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party, and is one of the three men charged with conspiring with Clayton Kelly to photograph U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran’s bedridden wife in her nursing home and create a political video against Cochran.

Ridgeland Police Department responded to Mayfield’s home to investigate the shooting.   Continue reading “Tea party leader Mayfield dead of apparent suicide”

Priceonomics – by Zachary Crockett

In 2007, during a business school lecture at UCLA, Roberto Sequeira had a revelation. What if I could design the perfect business? he asked himself, something niche, high-margin, scalable. He ran through a rolodex of potential consumer items — watches, food, clothing — before arriving at his moment of clarity: he’d start an ice cube company. But not just any ice cube company — one that sold its wares at $8 a piece. Today his brainchild, Gläce Luxury Ice, caters posh events at the Playboy Mansion and L.A. Fashion Week; for the mere price of $325, 50 Gläce cubes are all yours — complete with an “elegant” resealable bag.   Continue reading “The Rise of the $8 Ice Cube”