Month: July 2014
The Untold Story In the NSA Spying Scandal: Blackmail
It is well-documented that governments use information to blackmail and control people.
The Express reported last month: Continue reading “Exclusive: High-Level NSA Whistleblower Says Blackmail Is a Huge – Unreported – Part of Mass Surveillance”
Yahoo News – by Matthew Barakat
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (AP) — The U.S. government is rapidly expanding the number of names it accepts for inclusion on its terrorist watch list, with more than 1.5 million added in the last five years, according to numbers divulged by the government in a civil lawsuit.
About 99 percent of the names submitted are accepted, leading to criticism that the government is “wildly loose” in its use of the list. Continue reading “US terrorist database growing at rapid rate”
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – Imagine you’re up watching our late night news when you hear your back door rattling, then see a red laser pointed on your chest. One Portsmouth man claims that happened to him.
Brandon Watson said he was protecting his family when his wife heard noises in the back yard on January 3, 2013: “She said, ‘oh my gosh, someone is in the backyard.’” The noises got closer and then she heard the clicking of the backdoor handle.” Continue reading “Man charged for shooting when cops went to wrong house”
GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli forces killed at least 10 Palestinian militants on Monday after they crossed the border from Gaza through two tunnels, the military said, as the death toll from the two-week conflict passed 500.
With the U.N. Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire, Israeli jets and tanks continued to pound the Gaza Strip through the night. Continue reading “U.N. Calls for Gaza Ceasefire as Death Toll Tops 500”
The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office says several homes have been evacuated after a massive sinkhole appeared on Saturday, according to FLORIDA TODAY news partner WTSP-TV in Tampa.
The sinkhole is near the roadway at the intersection of Eldridge Road and Van Allen Way in Spring Hill.
It was initially measured at 25 by 25 feet wide and 30 feet deep, but it quickly grew to become 40 by 40 feet wide. Continue reading “Massive sinkhole threatens Florida neighborhood”
Guerrillamerica – by Samuel Culper III
I had a couple really good questions this past weekend about looking for indicators signaling a SHTF situation. How can we tell an emergency event is going to happen before it happens? What can we look for? Those are very good questions but they’re not easily answered. We’ll work on breaking it down here. I want each of you to have a way forward to start developing your own Early Warning Indicators (EWI) for whatever threats you may be expecting. Continue reading “Identifying SHTF Indicators”
End of American Dream – by Michael Snyder
Cases of the chikungunya virus are appearing in the United States at a level that is far higher than anything health officials have seen in recent years, and now there are two confirmed cases of people that have not even traveled out of the country getting the virus. That means that the chikungunya virus is starting to spread in America, and once it starts spreading it is really hard to stop. Instead of spreading human to human, this virus actually spreads “person-to–mosquito-to-person”. If you live in an area of the country where there are a lot of mosquitos, you should pay close attention to this article. You do not want to get the chikungunya virus. According to Slate, the name of this virus “comes from a Makonde word meaning ‘that which bends up,’ referring to the contortions sufferers put themselves through due to intense joint pain.” That does not sound fun at all. Continue reading “Possible Epidemic? The Chikungunya Virus Is Starting To Spread In America”
Miami Herald – by Carol Rosenburg
In the latest installment of the Guantánamo war court’s most mysterious legal filings — two motions so secret that the public can’t know their titles — an Army judge has issued a classified order to prosecutors that even the defense lawyers can’t see.
The Pentagon disclosed the existence of Army Col. James L. Pohl’s judicial order dated June 4 in a recent website notation in the capital case of the accused USS Cole bomber. Continue reading “Guantánamo judge’s secret order on secret motion is so secret defense lawyers can’t see it”
New York Times – by Stanley Reed
LONDON — Severstal, the Russian steel maker, said on Monday that it had agreed to sell two steel facilities in the United States to two of its American rivals, Steel Dynamics and AK Steel, for more than $2.3 billion.
Severstal invested heavily in the two locations in an international expansion drive before the financial crisis and is now trying to cut costs in an effort to stem losses. Continue reading “Russia’s Severstal to Sell U.S. Plants to American Steel Makers”
Two people were injured and more than a hundred homes were evacuated due to a diesel spill from a train derailment in Wisconsin, according to fire officials.
Slinger Fire Department Chief Rick Hanke said three engines and 10 railcars derailed Sunday night. He said trains from Canadian National Railway Co. and Wisconsin & Southern were involved and that officials are investigating the cause. Continue reading “More Than 100 Homes Evacuated After Wisconsin Train Derailment”
Brownsville Herald – by JACOB FISCHLER
Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to activate the Texas National Guard, he’ll announce at a 2 p.m. news conference in Austin today, state Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen, said.
Hinojosa did not have details of the effort, but an internal memo from another state official’s office said the governor planned to call about 1,000 National Guard troops to the Rio GrandeValley — at a cost of about $12 million per month. Continue reading “Perry to send National Guard troops to border”
The border is completely safe. So say President Barack Obama, Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator Harry Reid and others who support the wave of illegal immigrants entering the United States.
A new report from the southern border, however, suggests otherwise.
Shots rang out Friday night in Rincon Peninsula, Texas, forcing U.S. border patrol agents to take cover. The shots originated from south of the Rio Grande River and according to Border Patrol sources they came from a high-powered .50 caliber rifle. Continue reading “Report: Mexican Drug Cartels Lay Down High Powered Suppressing Fire For Crossing Immigrants”
Max Steinberg and Nissim Sean Carmeli grew up in America. But they both developed a passion for Israel.
The young men’s love of Israel ultimately led them to join the Israel Defense Forces, and they ended up fighting for the Jewish state in the Gaza Strip this week.
On Sunday, Steinberg, 24, and Carmeli, 21, were killed there. They were among 13 Israeli soldiers and 65 Palestinians killed Sunday during the first major ground battle in two weeks of fighting between Israel and Hamas. Continue reading “2 Americans Killed in Fighting in Gaza Strip”
OccupiedAir is an independent news team dedicated to protecting peace, covering world events live and unfiltered. Continue reading “Footage After Israeli Strikes On Shijaiyah Leave 60 Dead”
StoryLeak – by Michael Thomas, June 21, 2014
US/EU Misadventure In The Ukraine Has Triggered Economic/Financial Word War III
With the CIA-coordinated coup d’état executed in Kiev came the very real prospect of a World War III. However, the much greater war is not being waged on the urban battlefields of Eastern Ukraine or on the Russian border; rather, it’s being prosecuted in various national economies and by the world’s largest central and commercial banks, transnational corporations and market exchanges. What is at stake is the very future and viability of the US Petrodollar as the reserve currency of the planet. Continue reading “US Dollar Under Grave Threat: Russia Plans Global Retaliation For Ukraine”
Wake Up World – by Ethan Indigo Smith
“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty five percent would rather die than think.” ~ Thomas Edison
To examine the world today, politically and socially, is complex task. There are indeed so many complexities to the postmodern world that it is as if the more you learn, the less sure you become. It’s difficult to define exactly what postmodern even is. Continue reading “The United States of Apathy”
(Part three of a five-part series excerpted from Chapter 19: The Eight Families: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
According to former British intelligence agent John Coleman’s book, The Committee of 300, the Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes. The Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Cambridge University, out of which oil industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates. Continue reading “The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Roundtable & the Illuminati”
Survival Sherpa – by Todd Walker
Doing the Stuff of self-reliance takes time, resources, tools, and want to. More important than any of these is ACTION! With only 24 hours in a day, you can’t always trek to your personal space in the woods to practice wilderness survival skills. Hectic schedules and time constants eat away at your availability.
You’re family needs quality time… and no, staring at the TV or computer screen doesn’t count. No better way to hang out with your loved ones, even the indoors lover, than to introduce them to outdoor self-reliance skills in a controlled setting. Your adventures await one step over your door sill – no wilderness required! Continue reading “Backyard Bushcraft Skills: No Wilderness Required”