Moms Demand Action BannedAmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -(  A July 16th 2014 column describing the gun-banning efforts of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America reveals that a Moms Demand chapter was kicked out of San Antonio’s Park North Target when they tried to hold a “Stroller Jam” in the store.

Store management kicked the gun control group out for “wielding signs and petitions in a ‘distraction-free’ shopping environment.”   Continue reading “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense Kicked Out of San Antonio Target Store”

Attackers Call 911 on Defender with ShotgunAmmoLand – by Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -( Florida recently passed a law making it harder to prosecute people who are defending themselves with firearms.

The law builds on a trend started with an Arizona law that codified the defensive display of a firearm as legal.

The Arizona law had been prompted by criminals use of the criminal justice system to punish people who had foiled their crimes by displaying a firearm in self defense.   Continue reading “Attackers Call 911 on Defender with Shotgun”

Brown recluse spiders are rare in Michigan, but can be found in isolated populations, an expert with Michigan State University says. This photo shows their body and head compared to the size of a penny. (Photo: Wikipedia commons)West Bloomfield Patch – by Beth Dalbey

A healthy 58-year-old Michigan woman has died after she was bitten by a brown recluse spider – a species that most experts don’t believe to be indigenous to the state – in what experts are calling a “rare death.”

Betty Ann Strickland of Tustin, a rural area east of Manistee National  Forest, noticed an what appered to be an insect bite of some sort on the top of her right foot on June 30, her husband, Charles, told WWJ.   Continue reading “Experts: ‘Rare Death’ After Spider Bite” – by Justin Zaremba

JEFFERSON —  Reptile specialist Gerald Andrejcak told Friday that the giant snake loose in Lake Hopatcong is a green anaconda — though he’d previously only called it a boa constrictor — and that he was “sworn to secrecy” by a local animal control official to avoid causing a panic.

“It’s a green anaconda,” Andrejcak said. “I’ve known its species (since last week), but I was sworn to keep my mouth shut by local officials to avoid causing a panic. Now that there’s a panic, I’m going on the record.”   Continue reading “Expert: Lake Hopatcong snake an anaconda, but I was ‘sworn to keep my mouth shut’”

GEAB N°86 is available! Global systemic crisis – The Major Global Geopolitical ReconfigurationGEAB

Last month our team anticipated that the Ukrainian crisis would provide the conditions for a jolt [1]. Due to lack of space and because this jolt is much more evident in the rest of the world, we tried to identify the reasons for this jolt to only from a European perspective. But this month we are going to take a closer look at the consequences of the phenomenal acceleration of all the “world afterwards[2] ” structural trends which have long been at work. Continue reading “Global systemic crisis – The Major Global Geopolitical Reconfiguration”

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas ( Reuters / Thomas Peter)RT

Criminal prosecution is likely to be expanded on Americans involved in recruiting and supervising activities of German officials spying for the US intelligence, Germany’s Justice Minister Heiko Maas told Welt am Sonntag.

If investigators find a body of evidence that alleged double agents in Germany’s federal intelligence service and Defense Ministry have been spying to the benefit of American intelligence, “the investigation would extend on their feasible patrons,” Maas declared.   Continue reading “Berlin wants to prosecute US handlers of German spies”

Smoke rises during what witnesses said were heavy Israeli shelling at the Shejaia neighbourhood in Gaza City July 20, 2014 (Reuters / Mohammed Salem)RT

Scores of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers have been killed on Sunday as hostilities continue in the Gaza strip. Both sides earlier agreed to a brief ceasefire to allow medics to reach those wounded by Israeli shells.

At least 87 Palestinians were killed on Sunday, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, as the Israeli Defense Forces shelled the Shejaia district in the north east of Gaza. The casualties are the heaviest since Israel launched its offensive on the Palestinian territory on July 8.   Continue reading “Deadly Sunday in Gaza: At least 87 Palestinians & 13 Israeli soldiers killed”

Misty Holt

FRESNO, California (AP) — Police were investigating whether the same men who robbed a bank, took hostages and led a deadly chase and shootout carried out other recent bank heists in the same part of Northern California, including one earlier this year at the very same branch.

There were striking similarities between a late-January robbery at the Bank of the West and the one this week that left a hostage and two robbers dead, police said. In both cases, armed robbers made their getaway by stealing a bank employee’s car.   Continue reading “Police: Men may have robbed California bank before”

Downing Of Airliner, Israel To Dominate Sunday Sho …Yahoo News – by Anton Zverev and Peter Graff

HRABOVE Ukraine (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry laid out on Sunday what he called overwhelming evidence of Russian complicity in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 and called rebels’ behavior “grotesque”.

Kerry expressed horror at how pro-Moscow separatists at the crash sites in eastern Ukraine treated the remains of victims from Thursday’s disaster, criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin, and threatened “additional steps” against Moscow.   Continue reading “Kerry makes U.S. case against Russia on downed Malaysian jet”

aspartame in artificial sweetenerThe Sleuth Journal

Aspartame is a nasty chemical that’s sold as a zero-calorie healthy sweetener. But did you know that it’s technically not calorie-free? Not a lot, only about 4 calories per gram. [1] That isn’t a lot, and it’s not a big deal. But it’s one weird fact you probably didn’t know about aspartame. Let’s take a look at a few other points about aspartame that rarely get discussed.   Continue reading “5 Things You May Not Know About Aspartame”

MerckNatural News – by Mike Adams

Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a “criminal racket” over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news. Drug and vaccine manufacturer Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies. GlaxoSmithKline has just been fined a whopping $3 billion for bribing doctors, lying to the FDA, hiding clinical trial data and fraudulent marketing. Pfizer, meanwhile has been sued by the nation’s pharmacy retailers for what is alleged as an “overarching anticompetitive scheme” to keep generic cholesterol drugs off the market and thereby boost its own profits.   Continue reading “Irrefutable proof that Big Pharma is a criminal racket: Bribery, scientific fraud, felony crimes and more”

IMAG0016Pando – by Paul Carr

Walking home from Pando’s office a few nights ago, I noticed this giant new billboard…

Its message — that minimum wage increases will lead to service workers being replaced by apps — is continued on an accompanying website — BadIdeaCA — which claims to be “holding activists accountable for minimum wage consequences.”   Continue reading “New San Francisco billboard warns workers they’ll be replaced by iPads if they demand a fair wage”