Lone Star Watchdog

The Myth of Aztlan is no more real than the Easter Bunny.  Aztlan is a Lie.

It is time we stop holding back the historical truth and set the record straight. It is time the truth and the real history of how the Southwestern states became a part of the United States and Texas independence. We must not allow the revisionist to take over the narrative rewriting how the western United States was acquired.

It is time to shatter the lie saying southwest was stolen from Mexico. The Aztlan myth is about as real as the invention of Kwanza is a holiday. The truth is Aztec Indians never occupied the southwest. Why would they live in a desert wasteland when they had abundance in the tropical climate?   Continue reading “Exposing La Raza’s AZTLAN Lie. 5 Historical Facts Why the Southwest and Texas Was Not Stolen from Mexico.”

Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die. This is crucial, customer service being what it is today.

A lady died this past January, and the bank still billed her for February and March for its annual service charges on her credit card and added late fees and interest on the monthly charge.

The balance was $0.00 when she died, but now somewhere around $60. A family member placed a call to the bank. Here is the exchange:    Continue reading “Should I cancel my credit card before I die?”

American Freedom by Barbara

Today the world celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Video of first moon landing made by American spacecraft Apollo 11, on July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong took “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Continue reading “Today in History 45 Years Ago The Eagle Landed on The Moon”

spending freezeThe Organic Prepper

Most people spend money every single day.

I’m not talking about your day-to-day necessities like house payments and fuel for the vehicle. I’m talking about those little impulse buys that most of us make without thinking twice about them.

We spend more money than we realize on silly things.  If you spend money on the following, you could go a lot longer than you think without spending.   Continue reading “The Austerity Diaries: How Long Can You Go Without Spending Money?”

ssiCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

The U.S. government not only failed to prosecute an illegal alien who stole the identity of his dead baby son—who had collected SSI before he died—but granted the father legal status to work in the United States.

This one-time illegal alien, the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration believes, fraudulently used his son’s Social Security Number for at least three years.    Continue reading “Legalized, Not Prosecuted: Illegal Alien Who Stole Identity of Dead SSI-Collecting Baby Son”

21st Century Wire – by Andrew McKillop

The downing of Flight MH17 means that Washington’s gang are on the war path again. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain and even Hillary Clinton – are all insisting that the west has to ‘get tougher’ with Russia. Was this the plan all along?

With little or no evidence to back their claims (déjà vu Syria), the usual suspects and their media moguls are pointing the finger at Russia again. With so much going on in the US and to its special friends in other parts of the world, this crisis event could not have come at a better time. Is this the Kiev Flash Mob’s final card from its dealer at Pennsylvania Ave?   Continue reading “FLIGHT MH17 – Kiev Flash Mob’s Final False Flag?”

This image from an AP video shows Tariq Abu Khdeir, the Palestinian-American teen who relatives allege was beaten by Israeli authorities earlier this month, addressing the media after arriving at at Tampa International Airport on Wednesday night, July 16, 2014, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/AP Video)Huffington Post – by Igor Bobic

Israeli police raided the home of 15-year-old Tariq Abu Khdeir early Friday, just hours after the Palestinian-American teenager left for Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport to return home to Tampa, Florida.

Abu Khdeir, whose brutal beating at the hands of Israeli security forces was captured on camera, had been under house arrest in East Jerusalem. He was released on Thursday after pressure from the U.S. State Department and an ABC interview, wherein he defended his presence at a protest of the murder of his cousin, Muhammad Abu Khdeir, who was burned alive.   Continue reading “Photos Show Tariq Abu Khdeir’s Family Home Ransacked By Israeli Police”

The Tap – by Scott Creighton

Shades of Cheonan?

Hillary Clinton went on the Charlie Rose show the other night and carefully explained the motivation behind the false flag operation known as Flight Mh17. She laid it out very clearly: European nations weren’t joining Obama’s sanctions against Russia so Russia decided to blow-up a plane flying over Europe.   Continue reading “Killary explains why she wanted the MH-17 false op on the Charlie Rose Show. Wake up Europe.”

PictureFood Freedom USA

When Wisconsin raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger submitted to the Wisconsin Court System, a jury became his only true hope of remaining a free man. The only problem was the corrupted court system of Wisconsin and the appointed ringmaster, Judge Guy Reynolds. It was under his ‘mis’-direction that words like Liberty and raw milk were banned from the courtroom. Documents were redacted as to prevent the jury from getting both sides of the story. Biased as this court was with the evidence suppressed intentionally to favor the State prosecutors and the agricultural industrial complex of Wisconsin, Hershberger was forcefully and coercively entered into their game.    Continue reading “Due Process of Law Denied in Wisconsin Raw Milk Trial”

Food Freedom USA

Seems the food NAZI’s in Michigan are on the war path once again. This time it is dairy, eggs, and cheese. 
There comes a time when resistance is more than necessary, resistance becomes your duty! If the government can just walk in and destroy your property without compensation and you keep to a pacifist, liberal, warm and fuzzy mindset, the slave masters have accomplished their goal of  total control and have enslaved you. Continue reading “Michigan Food Seizure by Stealth, Welcome to Amerika”

https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/07Sxtg4.jpg?resize=132%2C196Tomato Bubble – by Mike King

I always try my best to avoid the idiotic and degenerate filth that the Zio-Marxist-Homo-Pedo-Tranny Hollywood sewer pipe pumps out month after month. But every so often, a clean and well done show will induce me into “stepping into the matrix” and actually entering a movie theater. Like its 2011 predecessor, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, this summer’s sequel blockbuster, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was also worth the price of admission.

Now TomatoBubble.com should not be confused with the well known movie review site with a similar name, RottenTomatoes.com; but there were two elements of the storyline which tie in neatly with the topics so often – and so brilliantly 😉 – covered here at your favorite History & Current Events website.   Continue reading “Of Apes & ‘Conspiracy Theories’”

In a new video posted by a witness, Eric Garner can be seen on the ground after Officer Daniel Pantaleo (rear, green shirt and beige shorts) applied a chokehold.New York Daily News – by CORINNE LESTCH , ROCCO PARASCANDOLA , LARRY MCSHANE

A defenseless dad, lying handcuffed and unresponsive on a sidewalk, received zero medical help from cops who instead just emptied his pockets, a shocking new video shows.

The seven-minute clip posted Saturday on YouTube shows an apparently lifeless Eric Garner, whose head droops to the side as at least eight cops stand nearby.

“C’mon, guy,” one cop says to Garner, the only thing on the video that suggests any of the officers was trying to help the Staten Island man. “Breathe in, breathe out.”   Continue reading “New video shows police offered no medical help to unresponsive Staten Island dad Eric Garner; cop who used chokehold is stripped of shield, gun”

james garnerUSA Today

Actor James Garner, whose genial charm and sly humor made him a Hollywood fixture for more than 50 years, has died at 86.

The Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press reported his death, citing Los Angeles Police.

Tall and handsome, Garner had the leading-man looks that led to roles in big-screen dramas ranging from 1958’s Darby’s Rangers to 1963’s The Great Escape. But his flair for light comedy earned him several starring film roles, and extended to the small screen as well, with series hits Maverick and The Rockford Files.   Continue reading “James Garner, star of TV and film, dies at 86”

A month on from his death, the unburied body of legendary radio host Casey Kasem remains at a funeral home in Tacoma, WashingtonDaily Mail – by Martin Dryan

Casey Kasem’s body was flown from the funeral home in Tacoma, Washington to a funeral home in Montreal, Canada on July 14, two days before a judge ordered Casey’s widow Jean Kasem to keep the body in Tacoma for an autopsy.

But mysteriously, Casey’s body never arrived.

A representative for Kerri Kasem, Casey’s daughter, has confirmed that her father’s body is missing.
Continue reading “Casey Kasem’s body was put on a plane and flown from Tacoma to Montreal before it mysteriously went missing after his daughter asked for an autopsy”

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas—A former drug dealer who had entered the country illegally asked for leniency claiming he had come to the U.S. to escape drug violence.

“Things back home in Michoacán are really bad, the violence is really really bad,” Armando Gonzalez Garcia said in Spanish during his sentencing hearing on Thursday for a felony charge of illegal re-entry.    Continue reading “Former Drug Trafficker Crosses Illegally to Flee Cartel Violence”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On his Friday radio show, Glenn Beck suggested those who do not want to pass out soccer balls and teddy bears to illegal immigrant children at detention centers with him are “pusses.”

He also said Americans should not “focus” on the gangsters, killers, and rapists who are coming across the border with the illegal immigrant children two days after Breitbart Texas reported that an illegal immigrant whom the federal government released in June with a “notice to appear” was arrested for murder.   Continue reading “Glenn Beck: ‘Pusses’ Don’t Want to Hand Out Soccer Balls to Illegal Aliens”