STRATFORD, N.J. (AP) — A man shot and killed his hospitalized wife on Wednesday and then tried to kill himself, prompting investigators to search their home, where their son was found fatally shot, authorities said.

The Camden County prosecutor’s office was investigating whether the same handgun was used in the two deaths and in the man’s suicide attempt.

Raymond Wychowanec signed in at Kennedy University Hospital in Stratford, a Philadelphia suburb, at about 9:25 a.m. to visit his wife, officials said.   Continue reading “Police: Man kills wife at hospital, son also dead”

The Weather Channel – by Jess Baker

New features, including cracks and sinkholes, were spotted Wednesday night in the ice that encases Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano, ratcheting up concern that an eruption is near.

The volcano, which has been on orange alert for days, sits several miles under the Dyngjujökull glacier.   Continue reading “Icelandic Bardarbunga Volcano Update: Fractures, Sinkholes Spotted During Research Flight”

image001You’re probably not interested in used farm equipment, but you might enjoy this ad taken from Craig’s list.

Fifty-year old manure spreader. Not sure of brand. Said to have been produced in Kenya.

Used for a few years in Indonesia before being smuggled into the US via Hawaii.   Continue reading “Fifty Year Old Manure Spreader $1 (Washington,DC)”

BUR 0827 freeh 1.jpgBurlington Free Press – by Mike Donoghue

The Vermont State Police say there is no evidence that drugs or alcohol were a factor in former FBI director Louis Freeh’s crashing his SUV in Barnard on Monday.

Freeh, 64, of Wilmington, Del., was back in surgery Tuesday at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H., where he remains under armed guard, the authorities said. He received serious injuries in the wreck.   Continue reading “Louis Freeh in surgery Tuesday after wreck”


More than 12, 500 people in “Saint John the Baptist” parish are at risk: A brain-eating amoeba was detected in the water system there. People in Reserve, Garyville and Mount Airy are advised to take precaution.

A water sample taken two weeks ago by the department of health and hospitals tested positive for the potentially deadly bacteria.

They also found the parish drinking water was not in compliance with state-mandated disinfectant levels.   Continue reading “Deadly, brain-eating amoeba found in Louisiana water system”

WINSLOW, Ariz. (AP) — A dusty, barren field in the shadow of a busy Arizona interstate was for decades a place where children played freely, teenagers spooked themselves on Halloween and locals dumped trash, seemingly unaware of the history beneath them.

Inside cotton sacks, burlap bags and blankets buried in the ground are the remains dating back to the 1930s of stillborn babies, tuberculosis patients, and sick and malnourished Native Americans from Winslow and the nearby Navajo and Hopi reservations.   Continue reading “Woman unearths past of forgotten Indian cemetery”

BEIRUT (AP) — The Islamic State group killed more than 150 troops captured in recent fighting for a string of military bases in northeastern Syria, shooting some and slashing others with knives in the past 24 hours in the latest mass killing attributed to the extremists, activists said Thursday.

In southern Syria, gunmen detained 43 U.N. peacekeepers during fighting on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, the United Nations said. It added that another 81 peacekeepers were trapped in the area by the heavy clashes between rebels and Syrian troops.   Continue reading “Islamic State group kills captured Syrian soldiers”

Health workers wearing protective clothing prepare to carry an abandoned dead body presenting with Ebola symptoms at Duwala market in Monrovia August 17, 2014.(Reuters / 2Tango)RT

The head of the Centers for Disease Control in the United States warned this week that the situation in west Africa remains grim following the deaths of more than 1,500 people due to the Ebola virus.

“I wish I didn’t have to say this, but it is going get worse before it gets better,” CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden told the Associated Press this week upon completion of a trip to Liberia — one of four west African countries where the fatal disease continues to claim lives amidst one of the worst outbreaks ever of its kind.   Continue reading “US officials: Ebola outbreak to worsen”

joan rivers fashion police e 2.jpgFox News

Joan Rivers was admitted to Mount Sinai hospital in New York Thursday morning in critical condition, a source close to the situation tells FOX411.

Police would not confirm Rivers’ identity, but told FOX411: “An 81-year-old female was transported Mount Sinai in critical condition… at 9:39 a.m.”    Continue reading “Joan Rivers rushed to hospital in critical condition”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Wednesday, the federal government consented to allow some illegal immigrants who agreed to voluntarily go back to Mexico from Southern California to return to the United States in what the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called a “historic settlement.”

The Department of Homeland Security and the ACLU reached a settlement on a class-action lawsuit the ACLU filed last year on behalf of 11 people the ACLU claimed the “government had expelled through unfair ‘voluntary returns.'”    Continue reading “‘Historic Settlement’ Allows Some Deported Illegals to Return to CA”

Thurgood Marshall Middle SchoolCNS News – by Penny Starr

The mayor of Lynn, Mass. says that some of the illegal aliens from Guatemala who are enrolled in her city’s public schools are adults with graying hair and “more wrinkles than I have.”

“They are not all children,” Judith Flanagan Kennedy told reporters at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday.

“One of the things that we did notice when we were processing some of these students coming in was that they were adults,” she said.   Continue reading “Mayor: Adult Illegal Aliens With ‘Graying’ Hair Enrolled in Public Schools”

Illegals Storm Beach in PangaCNS News – by Craig Bannister

Illegal aliens successfully landed on a San Diego beach in a panga boat on Monday and ran to shore – but, when another group tried the same thing on Tuesday, U.S. Customs and Border (CBP) agents were waiting for them.

Around 7am Monday morning, a horde of illegal aliens stormed a San Diego beach after coming ashore in a panga boat. They sprinted across the beach and climbed over a wall, entering the city.   Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Storm the Beach in San Diego, Second Attempt Thwarted”

August 27, 2014 photoAJC – by Michelle E. Shaw

Atlanta police shot a man after he allegedly stabbed a Georgia State University officer Wednesday afternoon near Woodruff Park.

The wounded suspect was wielding an 8-inch butcher knife, which was recovered at the scene, Atlanta police homicide unit commander Capt. Paul Guerrucci said.

According to messages on the GSU website, the officer was near the downtown university when the incident occurred. The officer was wounded in the back, according to Guerrucci, and transported to Grady Memorial Hospital. The officer is in stable condition.   Continue reading “Atlanta police shoot man after GSU officer stabbed near Woodruff Park”

Washington Post – by Abby Phillip

John Jairo Velasquez has been tied to the murders of at least 3,000 people. He has admitted to killing at least 250 as the head of drug lord Pablo Escobar’s terror squad. Among the people he had a hand in killing: His girlfriend, a presidential candidate and all of the passengers and crew on a commercial jetliner.

Now, the notorious Medellin cartel killer is essentially free — out on parole and under police protection.   Continue reading “Pablo Escobar’s top assassin, ‘Popeye,’ is out of jail and under police protection”

CBS Sacremento

DAVIS (CBS13) — The Davis City Council has told the police department it must get rid of a military vehicle it received in the next 60 days.

The controversy over the mine-resistant, ambush protected vehicle attracted a large crowd on Tuesday that was largely against it.

The council adopted the resolution to come up with a plan to get rid of the vehicle. A petition is circulating asking the council to press the police to either get rid of or destroy the vehicle.   Continue reading “Davis City Council Tells Police To Have Plan For Getting Rid Of MRAP Military Vehicle In Next 60 Days”

swattedSent to us by a reader.

The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Online gamer “Kootra” was well into his first person shooter roll with friends when he began hearing disturbing sounds coming from inside the building.

“Uh oh, this isn’t good, they’re clearing rooms. What in the world? I think we’re getting swatted.” Kootra aka Jordan Mathewson said just prior to several heavily armed SWAT agents busting down his door and throwing him to the ground.   Continue reading “Hair Trigger Police State: Gamer SWATTED While Streaming Live Online”