View image on TwitterWashington Post – by Hamil Harris and Spencer S. Hsu

Five people were stabbed early Saturday inside a popular Northwest Washington restaurant and bar near George Washington University, and a man wearing a tan trench coat was being sought, police said.

At least two of the victims were seriously injured, but all are expected to survive the attack, which took place about 12:30 a.m. inside McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon at 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, said Officer Hugh Carew, a D.C. police spokesman.   Continue reading “Man in trenchcoat stabs 5 at McFadden’s restaurant in Northwest D.C.”

Yahoo News – by Scott Smith

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — Farmers already scrambling to find workers in California — the nation’s leading grower of fruits, vegetables and nuts — fear an even greater labor shortage under President Barack Obama’s executive action to block some 5 million people from deportation.

Thousands of the state’s farmworkers, who make up a significant portion of those who will benefit, may choose to leave the uncertainty of their seasonal jobs for steady, year-around work building homes, cooking in restaurants and cleaning hotel rooms.   Continue reading “Farmers brace for labor shortage under new policy”

AP Photo/LM OteroBreitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

During the immigration crisis of 2014, Mexico, a country known as an illegal immigration corridor used by human and drug smugglers, increased its deportation efforts and ended up surpassing the number of Central Americans that the United States deported during the year.

From January to December, Mexico deported 107, 199 Central Americans immigrants by land, while the U.S. only deported 104, 688 illegal immigrants during that time period. Of those deported by land from Mexico, 43,456 are from Honduras, 41, 731 are from Guatemala, 20,988 are from El Salvador and 1,024 are from Nicaragua, information released by the Guatemalan Migration Office to Mexican news outlets reveals.   Continue reading “Mexico Deported More Central Americans Than US In 2014”

A U.S. soldier from the 3rd Cavalry Regiment casts a shadow on a sign painted on a blast barrier at Bagram Air Field in the Parwan province of Afghanistan December 23, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas JacksonReuters

Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan on Monday declared the “defeat” of the U.S. and its allies in the 13-year-old war, a day after the coalition officially marked the end of its combat mission.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force is shifting to a support mission for Afghan army and police more than a decade after an international alliance ousted the Taliban government for sheltering the planners of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on American cities.

“ISAF rolled up its flag in an atmosphere of failure and disappointment without having achieved anything substantial or tangible,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in an statement emailed on Monday.   Continue reading “Taliban declare ‘defeat’ of U.S., allies in Afghanistan”

Mayor de Blasio ignored the boos and thanked the new recruits for their service to the city of New YorkDaily Mail – by Michael Zennie

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was booed today by the newest members of the New York Police Department as he delivered a speech at the academy graduation ceremony.

Several boos could be heard at Madison Square Garden as de Blasio took the podium in front of 884 newly-minted cops.

At least one cadet could be heard shouting ‘traitor!’ the New York Post reports.

Then, when de Blasio remarked that the new officers would be confronted with problems they didn’t make, someone from the crowd shouted, ‘You created them!’ The heckler was met with applause and cheering.   Continue reading “‘Traitor!’ New York Mayor Bill de Blasio BOOED by new NYPD officers at academy graduation ceremony”

Bloomberg – by Michael C. Bender

Natalie Heimel and her fiancé, Edward Mallue Jr., a pair of captains in the Army, were walking from their wedding rehearsal on Saturday at the 16th tee box at Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course in Hawaii when they were informed they’d have to move their wedding, scheduled for the next day.

President Barack Obama wanted to play through.   Continue reading “Soldiers Relocate Wedding to Accommodate Obama’s Golf Game”

Texas City Police ShootingBreitbart – by Bob Price

A protest by family members of a police shooting victim in Texas City, Texas, erupted into a confrontation as a counter-protest from police supporters attempted to drown out the protest. The protest was organized by the family of Carlton Smith who was shot and killed after he allegedly pointed a firearm at a Texas City police officer. The protest was also attended by Houston racial activist Quannel X.

The confrontation occurred as the anti-police protesters were met by a group of pro-police demonstrators according to a report on KTRK-TV 13 in Houston. As Quannel X and Smith’s mother attempted to speak motorcycles were revved up loudly to drown them out. It was a scene reminiscent of when Quannel X attempted to speak in front of Joe Horn’s home in Pasadena in December, 2007. Joe Horn was no-billed by a Houston grand jury after shooting two black Columbian nationals who were burglarizing his neighbor’s home.   Continue reading “Confrontation Erupts at Texas City Police Shooting Protest”

Polls: President Obama has higher approval rating in sixth year than Bush, close to ReaganBreitbart – by Tony Lee

President Barack Obama claimed that illegal immigrants do not burden taxpayers and are not a drain on public resources.

In an interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Obama also slammed and dismissed those who are concerned about the negative impact that illegal immigration often has on American workers (U.S.-born and legal immigrants) as “nativists.”   Continue reading “Obama Claims Illegal Immigrants Don’t Burden Taxpayers”

Associated PressBreitbart – by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.

Though the Chinese Communist Party is the largest explicitly atheist organization in the world, with 85 million official members, it is now overshadowed by an estimated 100 millionChristians in China. It is no wonder Beijing is nervous and authorities are cracking down on Christian groups.

Christianity is growing so fast in China that some predict that it will be the most Christian nation in the world in only another 15 years. By far, the greatest growth is coming outside the official state-sanctioned churches, which are rightly considered subservient to the Communist Party. Numbers are increasing, rather, in unofficial Protestant “house churches” and in the underground Catholic church.   Continue reading “Christians Now Outnumber Communists in China”

New England First Amendment Coalition – by John Ruch

The Boston Police Department embodies the Surveillance Age’s chilling twin principles: more power to spy on law-abiding citizens, and less accountability for doing it. That’s what we at the Jamaica Plain Gazette and Mission Hill Gazette have learned as our attempts to investigate police spying abuses are stymied by the department’s flouting of state public records laws.

The BPD headquarters houses the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, an anti-terrorism spy agency supported by the state and federal governments. BRIC is one of many such centers around the country. A bipartisan U.S. Senate committee in 2012 criticized these centers as wasteful dangers to civil liberties that have failed to uncover any terrorist plots. In BRIC’s case, that has meant spying on lawful protesters while at the same time failing to collecting any information about the Boston Marathon bombers prior to the crime.   Continue reading “Boston Police Department Refuses to Release Spying Records”

Policy Mic – by Sophie Kleeman

Thanks to one Twitter user, we now have a clear and troubling illustration of the rate of imprisonment in the United States. Stretching from 1980 to 2013 and sourcing its numbers from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the GIF shows the number of prisoners per 100,000 American residents. Although the incarceration rates differ from state to state, the nationwide trend is clear: America’s incarceration rate has skyrocketed, and our prison population has become absurdly bloated.    Continue reading “Watch America’s Prison System Explode in One Alarming GIF”

War USAGlobal Research – by Larry Chin

Almost all wars begin with false flag operations.

The coming conflicts in North Korea and Russia are no exception.

Mass public hysteria is being manufactured to justify aggression against Moscow and Pyongyang, in retaliation for acts attributed to the North Korean and Russian governments, but orchestrated and carried out by the CIA and the Pentagon.    Continue reading “False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood”

True BelieverDis-illusionedHenry Makow

In 1950, a wave of anti Semitism and terrorism in Iraq made Naeim Giladi, 21, join the Zionist underground.

Giladi was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death by Iraqi authorities. He escaped and fled to Israel only to discover that the anti Semitism and bombings had been engineered by his fellow Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews like himself into going to Israel.
Continue reading “Fake Terror is Oldest Trick in Zionist Toolbag”

American Rifleman – by B. Gil Horman

In pursuing both personal and professional shooting endeavors over the last several years, I’ve prepared a fair number of new and used firearms for first-time trips to the shooting range. Experience has taught me that one can never assume a gun is ready to shoot until it has been thoroughly checked out. While some gun problems will not present themselves until the gun is fired, many potential issues can be resolved or avoided if they are identified before the trigger is pressed. Here are a few important steps to take before loading a new gun, or a used gun you have never fired:   Continue reading “8 Checks to Run Before Firing Your New Gun”

Independent – by Oliver Carroll

Ukraine shut down one of the six reactors in its most powerful nuclear power plant today – for the second time in a month – because of an apparent electrical malfunction.

The Zaporizhia nuclear plant’s website insisted that radiation levels in the area remained normal after the sixth reactor was “disconnected from the grid by the generator’s internal defence mechanism”.

An official statement said the plant was “operating at 40 per cent power… The reasons for the outage are being investigated”.   Continue reading “Ukraine turns off reactor at its most powerful nuclear plant after ‘accident’”