Yahoo News – by Daniel Wallis

(Reuters) – A Phoenix police officer shot to death an unarmed black man during a struggle and authorities said the officer believed the individual had a gun, in the latest fatal incident amid national turmoil over the policing of black communities.

The Phoenix Police Department said Rumain Brisbon, 34, was sitting in a black Cadillac SUV outside a convenience store on Tuesday evening, and that two witnesses told the officer the occupants of the vehicle were selling drugs.   Continue reading “Phoenix police officer shoots dead unarmed man during scuffle”

Prevent Disease – by Marco Torres

Every year, painkillers such as percocet, vicodin and other opioids kill thousands. Opioid prescriptions have jumped 300 percent in the last decade and they are the most commonly prescribed drugs on the market. They are the most dangerous and addictive drugs that often lose effectiveness with long-term use. So when a plant comes along that can effectively curb dependency on these popular selling medications, pharmaceutical companies get very get angry. Marijuana does just that.   Continue reading “Marijuana Decreases Death Rates From Pain Killers By Over 30 Percent”

RIA Novosti / Vladimir FedorenkoRT

Siberia saw a miraculous survival after a train apparently intentionally ran over a bear running along the tracks. The train drivers, who recorded the incident on camera, could face up to two years behind bars.

The 20-second video showing the bear running along the tracks and the locomotive hitting it surfaced on YouTube on Wednesday. The video was shot from the driver’s cabin with shouts heard inciting the driver: “Run it over!”   Continue reading “‘Run it over!’ Locomotive runs over bear in Siberia… but it survives”

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — The girlfriend of a Montana man accused of killing a German exchange student in his garage testified that she kept a baseball bat with her while he kept a shotgun nearby after their home had been burglarized twice in the days before the fatal shooting.

Janelle Pflager said she bought a baseball bat for safety and set up multiple motion detectors fearing the burglars would return. She said Markus Kaarma brought a shotgun upstairs from the basement, loaded it and kept it in the dining room.   Continue reading “Student’s killing: Girlfriend details home defense”

Rogelio Chavix-Tacen New – by KIM LUEDDEKE

Authorities have arrested a driver suspected of running over two brothers in North Bergen and leaving the scene, according to a media advisory from Hudson County Sheriff Frank X. Schillari on Friday.

One of the brothers, 20-year-old Michael Viruet, has since died, according to family members.

Schillari will announce the arrest at an 11 a.m. press conference today, the release stated.   Continue reading “20-year-old struck in North Bergen hit-and-run dies; suspected driver arrested”

Balance Of Power In Senate To Be Decided During Midterm

WASHINGTON (AP) — A bill that would block suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving Social Security benefits is heading to President Barack Obama for his signature.

By voice vote late Thursday, the Senate gave final congressional approval to a measure that would shut a loophole that allowed suspected Nazis to be paid millions of dollars in benefits, clearing it for the White House. Under the bill, benefits would be terminated for Nazi suspects who have lost their American citizenship, a step called denaturalization. U.S. law currently requires a higher threshold — a final order of deportation — before Social Security benefits can be stopped.   Continue reading “Congress sends Obama bill to stop Nazi benefits”

Basic Income1Sent to us by the author.

Real Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

The call for a Basic Income is both old and mounting. Success of the scheme is dependent on funding. If it’s some sort of National Dividend, sharing the bounty of the Commons, it’s necessary. If it’s a Marxist tax based redistribution scheme, it’s worse than the disease it’s supposed to heal.

A Basic Income, in whatever form, is very much on the agenda at the moment. And it’s eminently transparent why: growing desperation for economic justice in the face of the blatant centralization of wealth in ever fewer hands. Through Usury, badly exacerbated by the crunch, which saw huge increase of wealth for the 0,001%, while the rest continues to suffer badly.   Continue reading “The Basic Income”

n-AFROMAN-large570.jpgHenry Makow – by CR

It looks to me like one objective of the “globalists” is to keep people stupid and sedated.  If Afroman believes what he is saying then he definitely isn’t smoking the same weed that is selling in Canada.  I smoked regularly for about 15 years starting when I was 14, I haven’t smoked at all in over a year now.  I can tell you a couple things about weed:

-What is selling these days has more of a sedative effect than ever.  I stopped smoking because I didn’t like the effects I was getting from it – feeling brain dead and falling asleep.   Continue reading “Marijuana makes you smarter?”

obama-immigration-speechWND – by JEROME R. CORSI

NEW YORK – It’s common knowledge President Obama signed an executive order directing the Department of Homeland Security to forgive millions of illegal aliens for their past violations of immigration law, right?


Today the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for such maintaining such filings, said no such executive order was ever signed or filed, confirming WND’s report Wednesday.   Continue reading “Head fake? Obama never signed amnesty order”

Mediaite – by Josh Feldman

Eric Garner‘s daughter Erica appeared on CNN tonight to discuss her father’s death, the grand jury the declined to indict the officer responsible, and the national uproar over his case. Garner told Don Lemon she’s glad to see people of all races and backgrounds coming together to protest the decision.

Lemon asked her a question that’s been on everyone’s minds the past day: is this about race? And Garner actually said, “This is not a black and white issue.”   Continue reading “Eric Garner’s Daughter: ‘This Is Not a Black and White Issue’”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNew York Daily News – by ERIK BADIA , TINA MOORE , CORKY SIEMASZKO

The Staten Island man who took the cellphone video seen around the world of a cop killing Eric Garner with a chokehold said the grand jury was rigged.

“I think they already had their minds made up,” Ramsey Orta told the Daily News a day after the panel voted not to charge NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo with a crime.

“I feel like it wasn’t fair at all,” he said. “It wasn’t fair from the start.”   Continue reading “Man who filmed Eric Garner in chokehold says grand jury was rigged”

The Hill – by Sarah Ferris

Immigration reform champion Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) on Tuesday urged undocumented immigrants to take quick advantage of President Obama’s executive actions giving them temporary legal status.

Speaking in both English and Spanish, he urged those eligible for the new program to also get their paperwork ready for legal status.

“When that door opens, we should have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, with their documents, ready to submit them,” Gutiérrez said at a Capitol Hill press conference. “While Republicans are complaining and bellyaching, we’re going to act.”   Continue reading “Gutiérrez presses ‘millions’ to get documents ready for legal status”

Reuters/Kevin LamarqueRT

The long-awaited publication of the so-called “CIA torture report” is expected to finally occur early next week, but would-be readers, be warned: according to leaks, the executive summary will be absent any and all use of the word “torture.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the chair of the United States Senate Intelligence Committee, now says that the public will be able to read the executive summary of her panel’s years-long investigation into the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques next week, with journalist Jason Leopold reporting that the release of the document will come as early as Monday.   Continue reading “CIA torture report to be published on Monday without the word ‘torture’”