Video Rebel’s Blog

The Hebrew word Shemitah means to drop. In ancient Sumer and Babylon debts were periodically cancelled by the King. The reasoning was that the King needed an army to defend his kingdom. Unarmed debt slaves were of no use in battle.

The Book of Jeremiah was written long after the period which describes the Babylonian Captivity. The writer concluded one of the lessons learned was that they should have had Debt Cancellation back in Judah. You can read about Debt Cancellation in the Old Testament. They called it the Jubilee but it was something they never actually practiced. According to Dr Israel Finkelstein, the author of the Bible Unearthed, there never was a unified kingdom of Israel and Judah. There never was a Temple of Solomon. And there were only 1,600 people in Jerusalem at the time of David. The Jubilee and the Temple of Solomon existed only in the imagination of the Bible writers.   Continue reading “Shemitah 2015 Demystified: Will The Economy Drop Like A Rock In September”

Washington Post – by Lindsey Bever

Police shot and killed a man on Sunday in downtown Los Angeles during an apparent struggle over an officer’s weapons.

Officers responded to 911 calls regarding a potential robbery about noon on San Pedro Street near the Union Rescue Mission, Los Angeles police officer Dave Romero told The Washington Post. He said that when police arrived at the scene in what’s referred to as the city’s “skid row” — a homeless community lined with tents, trash and old grocery carts — they said they encountered a suspect and “use of force” ensued. He said the incident then escalated into an officer-involved shooting. A police official said it’s unclear whether the victim was homeless, though some witnesses claim he was.   Continue reading “Video shows police fatally shooting man in downtown Los Angeles”

Blacklisted News – by Doug Owen

Google is looking at rolling out yet another revision to their search engine algorithm by curtailing your results to sites it considers to be the most “trustworthiness.”

New Scientist Explains:

Google’s search engine currently uses the number of incoming links to a web page as a proxy for quality, determining where it appears in search results. So pages that many other sites link to are ranked higher. This system has brought us the search engine as we know it today, but the downside is that websites full of misinformation can rise up the rankings, if enough people link to them.   Continue reading “Google Modifying Algorithm in Attempt to Become the Internet Ministry of Truth”

NetNeutrality_i2_WP-Header.jpgBATR, January, 2014

The worst fears of all free speech proponents are upon us. The Verizon suit against the Federal Communications Commission, appellate decision sets the stage for a Supreme Court review. The Wall Street Journal portrays the ruling in financial terms: “A federal court has tossed out the FCC’s “open internet” rules, and now internet service providers are free to charge companies like Google and Netflix higher fees to deliver content faster.”

In essence, this is the corporate spin that the decision is about the future cost for being connected.   Continue reading “When Net Neutrality Becomes Programmed Censorship”

This is one of the alleged "black sites" where torture of illegal detention of Chicago residents is taking place. Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges 

Countless of brave and selfless reporters risk their lives on a daily basis to bring the public the news on how we are systematically losing our freedoms as we rush headlong into a police state unlike what the world has ever seen. This is a dangerous profession, just ask the families of Hastings, Breitbart and Clancy. And what are we all risking our lives for? Are we are risking our lives trying to save people who would rather watch the NFL than stand up to the tyranny that is destroying their country and ultimately their family?   Continue reading “FEMA Camp In Chicago: It’s Time To Make A Stand”


As if the world isn’t strange enough already privatized armies, mercs, and assassins are now commonplace. It’s the way the elites do business. It’s much like a game of chess really, just a much more expensive and deadly version.

One person makes a move, the other one counters. It’s the nature of the game. It’s how the elites play chess now, in realtime, with human players, pawns; their private mercenaries per ce. The world is their battlefield.   Continue reading “Become a private cop — little training needed; get a real badge and even a gun”

25FD87CC00000578-0-Biologists_say_130_birds_have_caught_fire_in_mid_air_while_enter-m-4_1424688888496Progressives Today

The Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project array is nearly ready to go partially online in Nevada. The $737 Million publicly Department Of Energy funded project is intended to produce 110 MW of energy. There’s just one problem.

130 birds were literally set on fire in mid flight during a recent test run in the span of 2 hours. This is because the array redirects solar energy to a point 1200 feet above ground, right in the flightpath of birds.   Continue reading “Nevada Solar Farm Fries 130 Birds In 2 Hour Test”

Clockwise from upper right: Meera Bhardwaj, Geoff Potter, Lisa Nikodem, and Emily ParzybokProgressives Today

Washington has been one of the target states for Bloomberg and his gun control efforts. Using strategies similar to Obama’s Organizing For America, combined with a multi million dollar public relations push, they were able to successfully pass a ballot initiative that would mandate background checks for private firearm transactions (though, by a considerably smaller margin than their initial polling).

So who are the folks working behind the scenes to make this happen? You probably won’t be surprised that many of them are from out of state, shipped in to “organize”.   Continue reading “Meet Bloomberg’s Out-Of-State Operatives In Washington”

Source: Flickr via peaceful-jp-sceneryAll Outdoor – by Bill J

SHTF Blog has a really good piece up on building a squirrel gun for SHTF scenarios. I don’t want to detract from it because it’s solid and you should read the whole thing, but I do want to offer a note of caution. (I’m certain that the author is aware of everything I’m about to say. Again, I’m not detracting.) I’m a longtime squirrel hunter, and like everyone else, I see them everywhere here in the city and have thought on more than one occasion that if the SHTF I could bag a few for the family.   Continue reading “Planning to Eat Squirrel when TSHTF? Think Again!”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

A petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures, Natural News can now reveal.

The petition, which was rapidly headed toward the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a response from the White House, was frozen mid-day Friday and has remained stuck at 56,791 signatures for over 36 hours.   Continue reading “ caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold”

MEASLESHuffington Post – by AIDA CERKEZ

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — Medical experts warned Friday the anti-vaccination lobby is growing in Bosnia, using scientifically discredited arguments to stoke parental fears in the worst-affected country in Europe’s measles outbreak.

This trend — combined with a generation that could not be immunized because of lack of vaccines during Bosnia’s 1992-95 war — has led to 5,340 measles cases in Bosnia, according to the World Health Organization.   Continue reading “Anti-Vaccination Activists To Blame For Bosnia’s Measles Outbreak, Say Experts”

Nina Pham and her dog, Bentley.Dallas News – by Jennifer Emily

Experimental drugs and special care helped make Nina Pham Ebola free. But today she fears she may never escape the deadly disease.

The 26-year-old nurse says she has nightmares, body aches and insomnia as a result of contracting the disease from a patient she cared for last fall at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.

She says the hospital and its parent company, Texas Health Resources, failed her and her colleagues who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States diagnosed with Ebola.   Continue reading “Nurse Nina Pham to file lawsuit against Presby parent, worries about continued health woes”

Fox 17

SPRING HILL, Tenn. — Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Maury County at the same time. The more than 50 birds were found on a road near IBEX Global and the old GM Plant in Spring Hill Saturday.

One witness says the birds were split open from the fall. Police and wildlife officials are on scene are working to get answers as to how and why this happened.   Continue reading “Birds drop dead out of the sky in Maury County”

Munoz-ReconquistaSent to us by a reader.

Independent Sentinel – by Sara Nobel

The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a “country within a country.”

The following Mark Levin interview with Susan Payne is shocking but it also puts all the pieces into place.

Susan Payne is a contributor to WCBM, Baltimore and Co-Host of the Pat McDonough Radio Show,   Continue reading “WH Plans to Develop a “Country Within a Country” of 15 Million “New Americans””