The Electronic Intifada – by Rania Khalek

US police departments are interested in procuring the foul-smelling skunk water that Israeli forces routinely use on Palestinians, according to The Economist.

The Economist, which refers to skunk water as “a whiff from hell,” reports that the weapon “has attracted the interest of law-enforcement agencies in America which, after riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, crave better ways to scatter rioters without killing or injuring them.”   Continue reading “Will Israel’s “whiff from hell” weapon be used to crush US protests?”

pic10GeoEngineering Watch – by Cali Will

Growing up in California, my friends and I would sit on the famous Venice Board Walk and watch street performers along with the throngs of sun burned tourists that would visit from all over the world. Hare Krishna’s held parades there with giant colorful floats pulled by elephants, and devotees rang bells and chanted “Hare hare” while they threw bags of peanuts and raisins to the kids. People would tell jokes, play music, juggle chainsaws, walk on glass, and do all types of strange and bizarre acts for a little spare change. They would roller skate and disco with ghetto blasters, spray paint murals, and set up skateboard ramps and see who could launch the furthest into the air. Surfers wore neon wetsuits, girls wore bicycle shorts, and break-­‐dancers looked like time travelling pirates with cardboard dance platforms. During the awesome 80’s the beach was the place to be.   Continue reading “The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out”

landroverpic.jpgFox News – by Jonathan Serrie

Vintage Land Rovers that looked so good they fooled the federal government into seizing them are being returned to their owners this week after a legal nightmare that began nearly a year ago.

Dozens of the iconic Defender models were seized by the Department of Homeland Security after U.S. buyers purchased them from abroad and had them shipped here. Vehicles that do not comply with safety and emissions standards cannot be purchased from foreign sellers unless they are 25 years or older, and therefore exempt from the regulations. North Carolina lawyer and Land Rover enthusiast Will Hedrick, who has represented more than two dozen Defender owners free of charge, believes investigators mistook the vehicles for newer models.   Continue reading “Feds driven to admit dozens of Land Rover seizures were wrong”

You’ve all been warned, over and over again. Your fellow Americans tried their best to explain that the true mission of our Zionist-owned “news” media is to keep you deceived, the Zionist-run education system keeps you stupid, the Zionist-owned pharmaceutical companies are in the business of keeping you sick, the Zionist-run economy has been orchestrated to collapse, and the Zionist-controlled government you look to as some kind of demented, surrogate daddy is actually attacking you.

“Oh no”, you said. “I can’t listen to that, because it’s not politically correct. Jews are the eternal innocent victims who can do no wrong. The Zionists who own the media and control our education system have been drumming that into my head since childhood”.   Continue reading “Time’s Up.”

veterans_affairs_sealWND – by Michael Volpe

A Veterans Administration researcher used actors and pressured veterans into participating in a “secret shopper”-style project, and now the House Veteran Affairs Committee is investigating how the agency spent $900,000 for the faked study.

The head of the study, Dr. Saul Weiner, professor of medicine, pediatrics and medical education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, admitted actors were hired to portray veterans, according to a letter from the committee chairman, Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo.   Continue reading “Veterans Ripped Off by Fake Research Project”

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Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The lack of faith in central bank trustworthiness is spreading. First Germany, then Holland, and Austria, and now – as we noted was possible previouslyTexas has enacted a Bill to repatriate $1 billion of gold from The NY Fed’s vaults to a newly established state gold bullion depository…”People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold,” and the Bill includes a section to prevent forced seizure from the Federal Government.   Continue reading “Writing’s On The Wall: Texas Pulls $1 Billion In Gold From NY Fed, Makes It “Non-Confiscatable””

An aerial view of the Pentagon building in Washington, June 15, 2005, with the Potomac river in the ..Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon is poised to store battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons for as many as 5,000 troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries, to deter any possible further Russian aggression in Europe, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

Citing U.S. and allied officials, the newspaper said that if approved the proposal would mark the first time since the Cold War that Washington has stationed heavy military equipment in the newerNATO member states in Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet sphere of influence.   Continue reading “Pentagon poised to store heavy weapons in Baltic and Eastern Europe – NYT”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law on Saturday bills allowing the open carrying of handguns in public and of concealed handguns on state university campuses, his office said.

Abbott, a Republican, said the measures secure Texans’ rights to bear arms guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.   Continue reading “Texas governor signs bills expanding carrying of handguns”

The Dallas Morning News

In the wake of the shooting at Dallas police headquarters, the Dallas Police Association issued this statement on Saturday afternoon:

In the wake of the violent overnight attack on the Dallas Police Department headquarters, the Dallas Police Association (DPA) is urging all law enforcement officers to be extra attentive to potential threats both on and off duty, including dangers to their family and home. The attack comes just days after a Houston police officer was shot in the back while on a routine traffic stop.   Continue reading “Dallas Police Association issues statement, warns of ‘growing threat’ to police officers’ lives”

web1_web_BUNDY-BARBECUE_041115DB_005.jpgLas Vegas Review Journal – by Henry Brean

Rancher Cliven Bundy says he and his son had a brief conversation with government contractors in the Gold Butte area on June 5, but he had nothing to do with shots being fired near the group’s campsite later that night.

In a phone interview Friday afternoon, the embattled Bunkerville rancher said the first he heard about the gunfire was when he read about it in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.   Continue reading “Cliven Bundy says he met Gold Butte surveyors but didn’t menace them”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

Great news! Rand Paul has announced that his ‘Stand with Israel’ Amendment FAILED by a vote of 5-14 in the Senate Foreign relations Committee this week. He whined about it in his weekly e-mail newsletter wrap-up.

Paul said he was “deeply disappointed” that his ‘Stand with Israel’ amendment failed, and that enemy governments continue to “seek the destruction of one of our nation’s biggest allies, Israel.” Paul reassured his masters, however, that “My support has not and will not waiver.”   Continue reading “Great News! Rand Paul’s ‘Stand with Israel’ Amendment FAILS 5-14”

The Organic Prepper

There comes a day when we learn that we have gotten so far away from nature and simplicity that it’s laughable.

That day was yesterday for me, when a friend of mine laughingly shared an article on Facebook called, “If you haven’t tried wild swimming, here’s what you’re missing.”

Wild swimming. It’s a thing.   Continue reading “Swimming in a Pond Is Now a Trendy “Thing””

CNN – by Ben Brumfield and Joe Sutton

(CNN)[Breaking news update, published at 2:03 p.m. ET]

The suspect in the Dallas police headquarters shooting is dead, Dallas police said Saturday afternoon on Twitter.

Earlier, police said SWAT officers shot him around 5 a.m. CT Saturday while he was in a van in the parking lot of a suburban restaurant, but they didn’t immediately check on him because they wanted to disarm the van after the suspect told them that the vehicle contained C-4 explosives.   Continue reading “Dallas police HQ attack: Suspect killed during standoff”

DakotaZ Free Press – by Devin Saxon

Last Tuesday, a concerned citizen in Rapid City informed an attendant at the front desk of the Department of Social Services that a Pontiac in the 85 degree heat was parked in the DSS’s own parking lot with two small children occupying it, and no parent in the area. What happened next was astounding, the front desk attendant then called an EMPLOYEE working at DSS to inform her to move her children out of the car in the parking lot. Continue reading “Woman Working At Dept. of Social Services in Rapid City Leaves Her Kids In Car While She is at Work”


During a police raid on an unpermitted pot shop in Santa Ana late last month, hidden cameras caught officers eating marijuana-laced “edibles,” playing darts and displaying other questionable behavior, according to an attorney who plans to sue the city in connection with the raid.

The incident occurred at Sky High Holistic, a medical marijuana dispensary operating without a business permit, officials with the Santa Ana Police Department confirmed. The raid, at 419 W. 17th St., was one of several such recent operations, police said.   Continue reading “Video of Santa Ana Police Pot-Shop Raid Shows Officers Eating ‘Edibles,’ Attorney Says”

ABC News

Hackers linked to China appear to have gained access to the sensitive background information submitted by intelligence and military personnel for security clearances, several U.S. officials said Friday, describing a second cyberbreach of federal records that could dramatically compound the potential damage.

The forms authorities believed to have been accessed, known as Standard Form 86, require applicants to fill out deeply personal information about mental illnesses, drug and alcohol use, past arrests and bankruptcies. They also require the listing of contacts and relatives, potentially exposing any foreign relatives of U.S. intelligence employees to coercion. Both the applicant’s Social Security number and that of his or her cohabitant is required.   Continue reading “Officials: Second hack exposed military and intel data”

Anti-Media – by Jake Anderson

Much of the mainstream American food supply is laden with unhealthy additives, artificial flavorings, coloring, dyes, preservatives, hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and toxins. Not everyone agrees that GMOs have been proven harmful to humans, which is why the food chains listed here were selected specifically because they are responsible for a wide variety of health violations—the GMOs and their concealment from public knowledge are included for informational purposes.   Continue reading “10 Worst Food Companies that are Poisoning You Daily and Lying About It”