Another Patriot has shuffled off this mortal coil.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho — Populist/revisionist author Michael Collins Piper, age 55, died in this lake city in northern Idaho May 30, at the Budget Saver Motel.

Mr. Piper worked for two decades as a reporter for the Spotlight and from 2001 until recently, for the American Free Press newspaper.    Continue reading “Michael Collins Piper Passes At Age 55”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On the heels of yesterday’s news that auto sales blew away expectations in May, posting their largest MoM increase since November 2013 on the back of record numbers across-the-board for financing (including average new car loan terms of 67 months and record high average payments of $488/month), we present the reincarnation of the home equity loan.   Continue reading “Presenting The Next Great Source Of Middle Class Prosperity”

An Israeli F-16 fighter jet (Reuters / Amir Cohen)RT

Several massive explosions rocked the Gaza Strip on Thursday night amid multiple reports of Israeli jets buzzing the area. It follows reports that two rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel but failed to cause any damage.

At least three major blasts rocked Gaza city as Twitter got flooded with reports of residents waking up to the sounds of airstrikes and Israeli F-16 jets flying over.   Continue reading “Multiple airstrikes in Gaza after two rockets launched into Israel”

Weekly Standard – by Mark Hemingway

Writing in the Washington Post, Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, offered a curious suggestion for dealing with global warming skeptics:

In 2006, Judge Gladys Kessler of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia decided that the tobacco companies’ fraudulent campaign amounted to a racketeering enterprise. According to the court: “Defendants coordinated significant aspects of their public relations, scientific, legal, and marketing activity in furtherance of a shared objective — to . . . maximize industry profits by preserving and expanding the market for cigarettes through a scheme to deceive the public.”

Continue reading “Senator: Use RICO Laws to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics”

Help Net Security – by Zain Naboulsi

Another drone was discovered flying in restricted air space around the White House two weeks ago. The Secret Service found the pilot simply because they happened to see him.

In other words, there is no indication that the Secret Service would have found the pilot if he had not been in plain view. This person didn’t have bad intentions, but one day someone will. A little drone-detection education is in order:   Continue reading “Drone detection: What works and what doesn’t”

Independent – by Paul Gallagher

When Caron Ryalls was asked to sign consent forms so that her then 13-year-old daughter, Emily, could be vaccinated against cervical cancer, she assumed it was the best way to protect Emily’s long-term health.

Yet the past four years have turned into a nightmare for the family as Emily soon suffered side effects. Only two weeks after her first HPV injection, the teenager experienced dizziness and nausea.   Continue reading “Thousands of teenage girls enduring debilitating illnesses after routine school cancer vaccination”

Screenshot from YouTube video by NordicSeaAnglingRT

Swedish fishing instructor Erik Axner spent 20 minutes struggling against a fish he hooked off the coast of Norway, but let his 220-pound catch go once he reeled it in.

Axner, 24, told Swedish daily Aftonbladet he went out to the North Sea one day this spring in a small boat, armed with a specially-modified float he developed himself, with a coalfish mounted on to it as bait, to single-mindedly pursue his “dream fish” – one over 100 kg.   Continue reading “‘It was too big to fit in the boat’: Swedish angler catches giant halibut”

There is now a GMO-free zone in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon. (photo: Natural News)Reader Supported News – by Jane Ayers

Medford, Oregon | On Friday, May 30, U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Clarke ruled in favor of upholding Jackson County’s Ordinance 635, essentially creating a GMO-free zone in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon. The ban on GMOs was to take effect June 6, prompting a lawsuit six months ago by two GMO farms in the area. The two farms, Schulz Farms and the James and Marilyn Frink Trust, which raise Monsanto “Roundup Ready” alfalfa, sued Jackson County on grounds that the ban violated Oregon’s Right to Farm Act. In addition, the ban mandated the destruction of their crops, without compensation for what they planned to sell.   Continue reading “GMO-Free Zone in Southern Oregon Upheld”

New York Times – by Julia Preston

ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss.

While families rode the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and searched for Nemo on clamobiles in the theme parks, these workers monitored computers in industrial buildings nearby, making sure millions of Walt Disney World ticket sales, store purchases and hotel reservations went through without a hitch. Some were performing so well that they thought they had been called in for bonuses.   Continue reading “Last Task After Layoff at Disney: Train Foreign Replacements”

obamacare rates upCNN – by Tami Luhby

Many are proposing double-digit premium increases for individual policies, with some companies looking to boost rates more than 60%, according to a list posted Monday by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

In Florida, for instance, United Healthcare (UNH) wants to raise the rates of plans sold on the Obamacare exchange by an average of 18%. Individual policies available outside the exchange through United Healthcare or through a broker would go up by 31%, on average, with hikes as high as 60% for certain plans in certain locations.   Continue reading “Obamacare sticker shock: Big rate hikes proposed for 2016”

ArsTechnica – by Glyn Moody

WikiLeaks has released 17 secret documents from the negotiations of the global Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), which have been taking place behind closed doors, largely unnoticed, since 2013. The main participants are the United States, the European Union, and 23 other countries including Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Taiwan and Israel, which together comprise two-thirds of global GDP.   Continue reading “WikiLeaks releases secret TISA docs: The more evil sibling of TTIP and TPP”


Shelling intensified in Donbass overnight on Wednesday, with Kiev and rebels trading blame for opening fire. The mayor of Donetsk reports at least 6 civilians have been killed, mostly in the south west of the city.

“As a result of today’s shelling, four people were killed in the Kirov district and two civilians were killed in the Kuibyshev district,” Igor Martynov, Donetsk mayor, is cited by RIA-Novosti news agency.   Continue reading “At least 6 dead, 90 injured in Donetsk in shelling by Kiev – local officials”

Detainees sitting in a holding area watched by military police at Camp X-Ray inside Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, CubaTelegraph – by Peter Foster

The CIA’s use of torture was far more “brutal and sadistic” than was disclosed in last year’s controversial US Senate report into the agency’s interrogation techniques, according to new information from a Guantanamo Bay detainee.

The newly declassified accounts of the torture of Majid Khan, a so-called “high value detainee”, describe in graphic detail how he was sexually assaulted, hung from a beam for several days without a break and half-drowned in tubs of freezing water.

Continue reading “CIA torture more ‘brutal and sadistic’ than Senate report disclosed”

WNEM – by Andrew Keller, Nick Lulli

FLINT, MI (WNEM) – It was a peaceful afternoon, and then residents said it seemingly turned hostile.

“I was standing there, and all of a sudden, boom!” Jean Glenn said.

“I mean it was loud, it blew up the whole sky or whatever, it was like four or five big bangs,” Annette Humphrey said.   Continue reading “City says loud explosions were Army training exercise”

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 10.47.37 AMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

It appears mysterious cartoons mocking “Goldman Rats” and Hillary Clinton are appearing all over NYC. The best one I’ve seen, is the image which shows the two entities as the unified oligarch oppressors they are. See: below:   Continue reading “Cartoons Mocking “Goldman Rats” and Hillary Clinton Appear All Over NYC”