Western Journalism – by Norvell Rose

For the past few months, Western Journalism has been reporting on Jade Helm 15, the so-called “military exercise” the Pentagon claims is a training mission being conducted in Texas and other states in the southwest United States. Ted Cruz — the senator from the Lone Star State who’s running for the GOP presidential nomination — has said he appreciates those, including Chuck Norris, who are skeptical of the government’s explanation for the widespread troop and equipment movements and maneuvers.   Continue reading “Shades Of Jade Helm? Surprise Military Exercise Just Rattled Residents Of This Northern US City”

rwc.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

The United States Veterans noticed it 1st, several of them pointing out the hundreds and hundreds of miles of Concertina razor wire seen in the 2nd image above and 2nd, outstanding video below from the Fugazi Report, at the 4:03 mark showing a military convoy for “Raider Focus” in Colorado in the now viral video also featuring Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks. “Let me get this straight….they’re going to lay down THAT MUCH Concertina razor wire ‘just practicing’ to detain people..Yeah, sure..” one commenter says as the convoy heads towards Pinon Canyon, Colorado. The 1st video below has outstanding exclusive footage of Raider Focus in Colorado from Alex Ansary, a full bore 10 1/2 minute video in which Alex shows us what’s REALLY happening in the Pinon Canyon, Colorado area.   Continue reading “Hundreds Of Miles Of Razor Wire On Convoy Trucks”

Pirate’s Cove

Those who are taking long fossil fueled flights from the U.S. to Paris for this years Conference on the Parties hardest hit

(NY Times) The Obama administration is set to announce that it will require new rules to cut emissions from airplanes, expanding a quest to tackle climate change that has included a string of significant regulations on cars, trucks and power plants. Continue reading “Good News: EPA Looks To Increase Cost Of Airplane Tickets To Save Us From Climate Change”

Lester BowerMail.com

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — A 67-year-old man who was convicted of killing four men more than three decades ago has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to keep him from becoming the oldest Texas prisoner put to death in an execution scheduled for Wednesday evening.

Lester Bower Jr. faces lethal injection for the October 1983 fatal shootings at an airplane hangar on a ranch near Sherman, about 60 miles north of Dallas. Prosecutors say he killed the four after stealing an airplane that he had been trying to buy from one of his victims.   Continue reading “Texas inmate, 67, set for execution in slayings 31 years ago”

Reuters / Carlo AllegriRT

A newly introduced bill in the US Senate would require states to collect information on incidents in which people are shot, injured or killed by police officers. It would bring transparency and accountability to law enforcement departments nationwide.

Senators Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) and Barbara Boxer (D-California) introduced the bill – dubbed the Police Reporting of Information, Date and Evidence Act – on Tuesday, arguing it would provide information on cases when civilians are harmed by law enforcement that would help federal, state and local officials better protect the public as well as police officers.   Continue reading “New bill would force states to provide data on police shootings”

Rand PaulMail.com

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama has signed into law the USA Freedom Act, which extends three expiring surveillance provisions of the 9/11-era USA Patriot Act. It also overhauls the most controversial provision, which had been interpreted to allow bulk collection of U.S. phone records by the National Security Agency.

Questions and answers about the bill the Senate passed on Tuesday and the House approved earlier:   Continue reading “Questions and answers about newly approved USA Freedom Act”

dumbCollective Evolution – by Arjun Walia, November 7, 2013

The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. As far as transparency goes, there is none. How can we know anything about what is happening on our planet if so much information is hidden from the public domain? By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public, and far beyond in its power and capabilities with regards to technology, scientific and cosmological knowledge and more.(1).   Continue reading “Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases”

Senator Rand Paul speaks at a news conference in Washington on Wednesday to call for 28 pages of the 9/11 report to be declassified.The Guardian – by Ben Jacobs

Rand Paul urged President Obama to declassify 28 additional pages of the 9/11 commission’s report on Tuesday, but made clear that he does not intend to exercise his constitutional prerogative as a senator and read the pages on the floor of Congress – yet.

The Kentucky Republican joined other members of congress at a press conference on Tuesday to promote bipartisan legislation urging Obama to declassify the pages, which are widely believed to detail ties between Saudi Arabian funders and al-Qaida.   Continue reading “Rand Paul leads bipartisan effort to declassify 28 pages of 9/11 report”

Russia Insider

This is wonderful:

Sounding a note of dark humor, residents of Odessa, a port city in southern Ukraine and the site of recent tensions between pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian elements, hung red neckties all over their town as a response to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s appointment of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili as governor of the Odessa region. Saakashvili was the leader of the bloodless 2003 Rose Revolution that swept away pro-Russian leadership in Georgia and brought a pro-Western government to power. The neckties are a reference to the infamous video of Saakashvili nervously chewing on his tie during Georgia’s 2008 conflict with Russia.

Continue reading “Odessa Residents Hang Red Neckties for Saakashvili to Gobble Up”

Screen-Shot-2015-05-30-at-6.57.09-AMRaw Story – by Kali Holloway

As if to prove there are new depths to be plumbed in the world of reality television (because who knew?), CBS just debuted The Briefcase, a show which takes poverty porn, class anxiety, emotional manipulation and exploitation and packages them all neatly into a pretty despicable hour of primetime television. Kicking off each episode with the question, “What would you do with $101,000?” the show then deep-dives into a competition that asks two unwitting, financially strapped families to choose between two no-win options: being financially solvent yet appearing heartless and greedy, or drowning in debt yet having audiences recognize them as selfless and giving.   Continue reading “The Hunger Games: New CBS reality show exploits poor families by making them grovel for $101,000”

Zion Crime Factory – by Brandon

THE RULE OF the Talmudic Jew in modern times is nearly one of an absolute monarch of a country. The Jews, through their complete domination of world finance and banking — through their malignant monopoly of the mass media of America, Britain, France, Canada and other Western powers — through their influential and vast network of subversive “lobby groups” — through their dominion over the courts and law profession in general — not to mention their pernicious presence inside the highest levels of government of the most powerful countries — have thus taken full control of the entire planet, as was foretold in ancient Jewish religious texts.   Continue reading “The Jew World Order Unmasked”

Washington’s Blog

The International Business Times reports that the head of special forces chief in Tajikistan was trained by American mercenary company Blackwater, but has now joined ISIS.

Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill notes that Zacharias Moussaoui – the so-called “20th 9/11 hijacker” – had Blackwater’s number in his notebook.   Continue reading “Blackwater Trained Some of World’s Top Terrorists”

Pro Liberate

When Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo mounted the hood of a Chevy Malibu and fired fifteen shots through the windshield, killing Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams, he behaved in an “unreasonable” and “unconstitutional” fashion. This was the testimony offered by W. Ken Katsaris, a nationally renowned expert witness on use-of-force issues, during Brelo’s bench trial for two counts of voluntary manslaughter.    Continue reading “Only “Blue Lives” Really Matter”

survivalNatural News – by Daniel Barker

When the SHTF, those with the means of growing their own food will have the best shot at survival. However, in a post-apocalyptic world or simply a society that has suffered an economic collapse, anything you are able to grow will be a tempting target for roving marauders.

If you have a traditional backyard garden with neat rows of plants, you will essentially be advertising the fact that there is food for the taking to anyone who happens to pass by with an empty belly. This is not an exaggeration; plenty of urban gardeners who have carefully tended a patch of tomatoes, peppers or corn have reported their crops being stolen in the dark of night just as the food was ready to be harvested. If that can happen in times of relative “plenty,” just imagine what things will be like after a real crisis.   Continue reading “Learn how to plant a high-yield secret survival garden”

APFree Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

The Department of Justice is concentrating on “far-right” groups in a new study of social media usage aimed at combatting violent extremism.

The Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) awarded Michigan State University $585,719 for the study, which was praised by Eric Holder, the former attorney general, earlier this year.   Continue reading “Justice Department Studying ‘Far-Right’ Social Media Use”

Penn Live – by Christine Vendel

HARRISBURG – The raid of former Harrisburg Mayor Steve Reed’s home on Tuesday got the city buzzing about the status of an investigation into the city’s financial dealings.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s office is conducting an extensive investigation into various aspects of Harrisburg’s city governance under Reed, the mayor from 1982 through 2009.   Continue reading “Raid of former Harrisburg mayor’s home: 5 things we know and 5 things we don’t”