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Month: June 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) — A majority of Americans support allowing immigrants living in the country illegally to stay and be granted legal status, according to a new poll released Thursday.
The survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 72 percent of Americans support legal status for such immigrants. Continue reading “B.S. Alert: Poll: Most back legal status for immigrants in US illegally”
Huffington Post – by Ryan Grenoble
A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.
Jim Cooley was armed with the weapon — complete with an extended capacity 100-round drum — when he went to drop his daughter off for a flight last Friday. Following the enactment of new state legislation in 2014, it’s actually legal to carry a rifle in the open in the airport, so long as the holder doesn’t attempt to pass through airport security. Continue reading “Man Decides World’s Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15”
20-year-old Dillon Taylor was shot and killed by Salt Lake City Police August 11, for failing to comply with orders. The department initially refused to release body cam footage of the incident, then released only a spinet showing everything leading up to the killing.
Now, a full version of that disturbing and graphic footage shows an unarmed Taylor being shot before an officer handcuffs his lifeless body as it bleeds out on the pavement. Continue reading “Full Body-Cam Video Released In Utah Police Killing Of Dillon Taylor”
US forces personnel are forbidden from traveling to Germany’s Munich and Garmisch-Patenkirchen, the zones of the upcoming G7 summit, US European Command said, fearing that service people may be attacked by anti-G7 protestors.
Travel restrictions have been issued for US Department of Defense (DOD) personnel in Munich, Germany on June 4 and Garmisch-Partenkirchen from June 7-8. The US European Command said the measures are introduced “due to the size of these [anti-G7] protests and the possibility of violence.” Continue reading “US servicemen banned from Germany’s G7 zones for fear of attacks”
The New American – by Bob Adelmann
As noted in the recently released Unified Agenda (the list of rules and regulations that federal agencies are developing), the Department of Justice is putting the finishing touches on more than a dozen restrictions and infringements of the Second Amendment to be effective by November. They include limitations on high-powered pistols that have recently come onto the market that fire high-velocity .223 caliber rounds, and expansions of the criteria for people who do not “qualify” for the right to own a firearm, including those convicted of domestic abuse and others determined to be “mentally unstable.” Continue reading “Obama Justice Department to Issue New Gun Regulations”
A man rushed inside his car and set it and himself alight at a gas station in the city of Austin, Texas. But the alleged suicide attempt was unsuccessful – he was saved by two police officers, though he received injuries.
The dashcam video that recorded the moment was published by Austin Police Department, which said that on Tuesday they “responded to a check welfare call … for a man threatening to light his vehicle on fire.” Continue reading “Blazing Texas: Man sets car, himself on fire, blast throws policemen clear”
ACCRA, Ghana (AP) — Flooding in Ghana’s capital swept stored fuel into a nearby fire, setting off a huge explosion at a gas station that killed 73 people and set alight neighboring buildings, authorities said Thursday.
The blast took place as dozens of people sought shelter at the gas station and in nearby shops in central Accra to escape the torrential rains. The disaster raised anew concerns over the city’s inadequate infrastructure. Continue reading “Flooding sparks Ghana gas station blast, killing at least 73”
Did you ever read a blog post on a prepper site and sigh, because the person writing the post seemed to have been born a survivalist?
In your mind’s eye, you could envision them at the tender age of six, weaving a snare from some vines that they wisely assessed not to be poison ivy, catching a rabbit, skinning and gutting it with a pocketknife, and cooking it over a fire they started with two sticks that they rubbed together, while wearing their little elementary-school-sized camo outfit. Continue reading “How to Prep When You’re NOT an Epic Wilderness Survival Guru”
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As questions remain unanswered about last month’s deadly biker rampage in Waco, Texas, police there are trying to clamp down on public information about the case.
The move comes as scrutiny intensifies over the Waco Police Department’s handling of the sensational shootout that killed nine bikers, injured 18 and saw an unprecedented 175 people arrested and charged with engaging in organized crime. Continue reading “Waco police seeking to bar information about Texas biker shooting”
America the Battlefield – by Timothy A. Pope
The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States has introduced at the Sixteenth General Assembly of the United Nations a Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.
This new program provides for the progressive reduction of the war-making capabilities of nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international institutions to settle disputes and maintain the peace. It sets forth a series of comprehensive measures which can and should be taken in order to bring about a world in which there will be freedom from war and security for all states. It is based on three principles deemed essential to the achievement of practical progress in the disarmament field: Continue reading “United States Announces World Police Force”
Following his decision to stand down as the Quartet’s Middle East envoy, former Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced he is taking up the position of chairman of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR).
The council’s aim is to tackle prevailing anti-Semitism in European countries, ultimately making Holocaust denial a criminal offense, defining racism and anti-Semitism and paying for security at Jewish schools and synagogues. Continue reading “Tony Blair to head European council on anti-Semitism”
THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF CAMPECHE sprawls up a steep hillside in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince. Goats rustle in trash that goes forever uncollected. Children kick a deflated volleyball in a dusty lot below a wall with a hand-painted logo of the American Red Cross.
In late 2011, the Red Cross launched a multimillion-dollar project to transform the desperately poor area, which was hit hard by the earthquake that struck Haiti the year before. The main focus of the project — called LAMIKA, an acronym in Creole for “A Better Life in My Neighborhood” — was building hundreds of permanent homes. Continue reading “How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built Six Homes”
The Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos
As the USA Freedom Act was passed and signed into law yesterday, one can’t help wonder why people are more interested with the transformation of Caitlyn Jenner, from Bruce Jenner. Provisions of the Patriot Act, which expired only days ago, were quickly replaced by something every bit as insidious to American civil liberties, and yet the talk of the town is a former olympian’s sex change.
The FBI was caught operating a secret Air Force inside the US to spy on Americans and people care more about keeping up with the Kardashians. Continue reading “Report: Americans Far Better at Keeping Up with the Kardashians than Govt Corruption”
We are repeatedly told enforcing immigration law is actually a bad idea because it takes resources away from tracking truly dangerous criminals. And then comes today’s report:
Most of the illegal immigrant criminals Homeland Security officials released from custody last year were discretionary, meaning the department could have kept them in detention but chose instead to let them onto the streets as their deportation cases moved through the system, according to new numbers from Congress. Continue reading “DHS Admitting ‘Threat Level 1′ Criminals Shows the Lie of National Security”
Usaama Rahim, the terrorism suspect killed by police in Boston Tuesday, may have planned to behead the organizer of a controversial “Draw Muhammad” competition before he changed course and decided to attack police officers, law enforcement sources said.
Rahim and David Wright, an alleged co-conspirator who was arrested Tuesday night, had originally planned to travel to New York and behead Pamela Geller, the Boston law enforcement officials said. Continue reading “Sources: Boston Terror Suspect Wanted to Behead “Draw Muhammad” Organizer”
A man being investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Boston planned to “randomly kill police officers” this week, according to court documents.
According to a court affidavit, Usaama Rahim originally planned to kill someone out of state, but later changed his plan to “go after” the “boys in blue,” as he was overheard saying in a phone call. At one point, Rahim made a comparison to “thinking with your head on your chest,” which FBI officials say is a possible reference to Islamic State propaganda videos showing severed heads on the chests of beheading victims. Continue reading “Court Documents: Terror Suspect Planned to Kill “Boys in Blue””
Baltimore Sun – by Scott Dance
As looted prescription drugs flood Baltimore streets, fueling a surge in violence, pharmacy chain Rite Aid warned customers Wednesday that their personal medical information could be on the streets, too.
Store officials said the labels on prescriptions stolen during the late April riots included patient names, addresses and the names of medication, but not other sensitive data such as Social Security numbers or credit card numbers. Continue reading “Rite Aid says personal information, prescriptions stolen in Baltimore looting”