internet optic lightsPC World – by James Niccolai

Someone hacked through yet another fiber optic cable in the San Francisco Bay area early Tuesday morning, continuing a rash of incidents that have disrupted Internet traffic and vexed law enforcement officials.

The latest attack occurred at around 4.30 am Pacific Time near the town of Livermore, about 50 miles east of San Francisco. Someone climbed down a manhole cover there and cut through several fiber optic cables, according to several reports. The FBI is investigating.   Continue reading “Vandals sever another Internet backbone cable in California”

25_26_Montana_SpeechAmerican Free Press – by John Friend

A 28-year-old man is being charged and prosecuted for “hate crimes” in Flathead County, Montana, after he allegedly threatened children and Jews in a series of posts he made to his personal social media account on the Internet.

Over the years, David Joseph Lenio, formerly of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been extremely critical of Israel and has openly questioned aspects of WWII, including the so-called “Holocaust,” on the Internet. Now these views are being used against him by a state prosecutor, who is seeking to criminalize speech on the Internet.   Continue reading “Free Speech Under Assault in Landmark Montana Case”

Nine O’Clock

New information confirming the existence of CIA prisons in Romania has been issued in the public space. According to the Washington Post, the U.S. administration has thousands of photos of the places where terrorists, had been detained, including in our country. However, Romanian officials have denied their existence, even if former President Ion Iliescu acknowledged in an interview to a German publication that he provided to the CIA a “headquarters” in Romania.   Continue reading “Photos of CIA prisons in Romania: The Washington Post reveals the U.S. has 14,000 pictures of secret places of detention”

New York Times – by Charlie Savage

WASHINGTON — The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ruled late Monday that the National Security Agency may temporarily resume its once-secret program that systematically collects records of Americans’ domestic phone calls in bulk.

But the American Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday that it would ask the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which had ruled that the surveillance program was illegal, to issue an injunction to halt the program, setting up a potential conflict between the two courts.   Continue reading “Surveillance Court Rules That N.S.A. Can Resume Bulk Data Collection”

Charles Steele

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The national president of a civil-rights group says Confederate symbols represent “treason” and should be removed from public objects, including the Mississippi state flag.

Charles Steele Jr., head of the Atlanta-based Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said Wednesday at the Mississippi Capitol that Confederate names should disappear from streets and structures. Debate about the prominence of Old South symbols reignited after the June 17 massacre of nine black worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina.   Continue reading “Confederate emblems ‘treason,’ says head of rights group”

Mint Press News

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A 4-year-old girl who was shot in the leg when a police officer fired at a dog is recovering after surgery as her family questions how the officer responded.

Ava Ellis was hit accidentally on the afternoon of June 19 when an officer fired at a charging dog at a home in Whitehall, in central Ohio, according to Columbus police. The department said another relative had flagged down the officer for help after the girl’s mother cut herself on glass.   Continue reading “Police Officer Shooting At Dog Hits Nearby Toddler, Leaves ‘Without Offering Help’”

With all that’s transpired, just over the last several weeks, not to mention the last several years ……. There’s much to be addressed and needs to be considered by all. But the most important thing one needs to be sure of, above all else, is their relationship with God, Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s comforting to know where we’ll all assemble in the end. But we’ll need the strength and courage of the Holy Spirit to travel there, as we tread the paths of this current realm.   Continue reading “Attention – Liberty Bible Hour 7 2 15 July Special Presentation”

unruly-studentsCounter Current News

Either accounts were recently presented to US District Judge Abdul Kallon in a lawsuit whose outcome is expected in a decision Monday. However the judge rules, it may end up determining whether police that work within schools as “School Resource Officers” are allowed to pepper-spray students for being “unruly.”

The suit explains that schools should “have the tools to help calm down a conflict,” but that should “not involve spraying chemicals in kids’ faces.”   Continue reading “School Cops Ask Judge To Let Them Pepper-Spray and Arrest ‘Unruly’ Students For ‘Misbehaving’”

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Truth Frequency Radio

A Colorado police officer pleaded guilty to attempted third degree assault after he was recorded on body camera video repeatedly beating a hancuffed man.

Video of the December incident obtained by KMGH shows Federal Heights Officer Mark Magness appearing to punch and kick a suspect while pulling him from a patrol car at the police station. A minute later, Magness slams the man into a concrete wall.   Continue reading “Colorado officer reminds fellow cop of body cam but he beats jailed man anyway”

Think Progress – by Emily Atkin

If you live in Oklahoma, and you’ve been injured by an earthquake that was possibly triggered by oil and gas operations, you can now sue the oil company for damages.

That’s the effect of a ruling by the Oklahoma Supreme Court, which on Tuesday rejected efforts by the oil industry to prevent earthquake injury lawsuits from being heard in court. Instead of being decided by juries and judges, the industry was arguing that cases should be resolved by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, a state regulatory agency.   Continue reading “In Oklahoma, Fracking Companies Can Now Be Sued Over Earthquakes”

CAIRO (AP) — The latest news on the coordinated militant attacks in Egypt’s restive northern Sinai Peninsula that killed 64 soldiers (all times local):

7:45 p.m. Egyptian security officials say 64 soldiers have been killed fighting militants in the northern Sinai in the deadliest battle on the peninsula since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. The militants launched a massive, coordinated assault on army and police positions Wednesday, setting off hours of clashes.   Continue reading “The Latest: Massive militant attack kills 64 Egyptian troops”

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the U.S. and Cuba will reopen their embassies in Havana and Washington, heralding a “new chapter” in relations after a half-century of hostility.

“We don’t have to be imprisoned by the past,” Obama said from White House Rose Garden. “Americans and Cubans alike are ready to move forward.” Cuban television broadcast Obama’s statement live, underscoring the new spirit. A state television anchor read a letter from Cuban President Raul Castro to Obama in which he wrote that Cuba is “encouraged by the reciprocal intention to develop respectful relations and cooperation between our people and governments.”   Continue reading “US, Cuba reach agreement to open embassies”

schoolNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

Your God-given right as a parent to choose the best and safest medical interventions for your children is under attack by a Democratic congresswoman from Florida. Representative Frederica S. Wilson from Florida’s 24th District (North Miami) recently introduced the “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015,” which in a nutshell would force vaccinations on all children as a requirement to attend public school.   Continue reading “U.S. Congress considers mandating vaccinations for all school children”

Nicky Morgan attends the first day of the Conservative Party Conference in BirminghamThe Telegraph – by John Bingham

Children who speak out in class against homosexuality could be viewed as potential extremists under Government guidelines intended to prevent Islamist terrorism, Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, has suggested.

Mrs Morgan said comments by children that they consider homosexuality to be “wrong” or “evil” could “trigger” concerns from teachers under guidance designed to help schools detect possible radicalisation.

Continue reading “Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat – Education Secretary”

NBC News – by Steve Beck

The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office is decrying a controversial cell phone case that appears to look like a handgun.

In a post on their Facebook page, the cover was labeled as “not a cool product or a good idea.”

The case, which is used to protect smartphones, looks eerily similar to a handgun and has a replica handle and trigger. In one photo, the cell phone is tucked into an individual’s back pocket and appears to be a handgun with the butt of the gun hanging out.   Continue reading “Controversial Gun-Looking Cell Phone Case Draws Ire of Law Enforcement”