Press TV

The United States makes itself an accomplice in Israel’s atrocities perpetrated against Palestinians by providing a major chunk of the Zionist regime’s military budget, according to Rich Forer, an author, political commentator and human rights activist.

Forer, who is based in Denver, Colorado, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday while commenting on a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States.   Continue reading “Washington ‘partner’ to Israeli atrocities against Palestinians: Analyst”

Activist Post – by Nicholas West

It is no longer controversial to say that the world depicted in the fictional creation Minority Report is now our reality. Many mainstream outlets have admitted as much with their coverage of a range of technologies which center around tracking consumers’ biometrics for targeted marketing, predictive policing, predictive health algorithms, and interactive programs that make the real world seem more like a virtual reality simulation.   Continue reading “Hidden Cameras Being Used To Measure And Manipulate Political Views Around The World”

Before It’s News – by Markosun’s Blog

Wichita, Kansas — Marcus Johnson, a 33-year-old Wichita man was sentenced to 10 years in jail for crashing through Wichita’s City Hall. Investigators say he was angry because cop told him to turn down his car radio.

Johnson was sentenced to 122 months in jail after causing some $200,000 in damages when his vehicle burst through City Hall’s doors and continued through the facility.   Continue reading “Pissed-Off Citizen Drives Car through City Hall, Oh he was hearing voices in his head that night”


The Spartanburg Methodist College campus in South Carolina is on lockdown Monday evening after campus police said an officer-involved shooting had occurred. One person was killed, according to officials.

The State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) released a statement saying one person was killed in the shooting.   Continue reading “1 dead after officer-involved shooting at South Carolina college”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s executive action to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation suffered a legal setback on Monday with an appeal to the Supreme Court now the administration’s only option.

The 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to uphold a May injunction deals a blow to Obama’s plan, opposed by Republicans and challenged by 26 states.   Continue reading “Obama’s immigration action blocked again; Supreme Court only option left”

Political Vel Craft

Rolling Stones ~”Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds, the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology”.

You were right.

The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world’s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.   Continue reading “Rolling Stone : Rothschild Corruption Goes Mainstream”

Press TV

US President Barack Obama has met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after 13 months.

At the meeting on Monday, Obama said it was “no secret” that he has a “strong disagreement” with Bibi in regard to the nuclear accord between Iran and the world powers, rehashing his rhetoric by stressing that the two leaders agree they should make sure Iran does not get its hands on nukes.   Continue reading “Obama, Netanyahu visit in White House as protesters gather outside”

Dr. Mercola

The warming spice cinnamon has been valued for its culinary, medicinal, and natural preservative powers since ancient times. First described by Shen Nung, the father of Chinese Medicine, circa 2800 BC, ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as part of the mummification process.

In the first century CE, Europeans treasured the spice so much that they paid 15 times more for it than sliver.1 Cinnamon is actually the brown bark of the cinnamon tree. It can be found in quill form (the dried “stick” variety) or ground as a fine powder.   Continue reading “Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon”

Politico – by SEUNG MIN KIM

Seeking to burnish his pro-immigrant credentials with Latino voters, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders rolled out a sweeping immigration proposal on Monday that promises to push the boundaries of executive powers.

The plan would expand on executive actions issued by President Barack Obama nearly a year ago that are now on hold due to a legal challenge from Texas and 25 other states.   Continue reading “Sanders: I’ll go further than Obama on immigration orders”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

The Obama administration has released an updated welcome guide for new immigrants in the U.S. featuring detailed sections about obtaining public benefits including food stamps, welfare, and Obamacare.

“You or members of your family may be eligible for other federal benefits, depending on your immigration status, length of time in the United States, and income level,” the guidebook reads.   Continue reading “Feds’ ‘Welcome’ Guide For New Immigrants Advises On Public Benefits… In 14 Different Languages”


Even if you believe that anti-establishment candidates are resonating with the general electorate, it would be a terrible mistake to think that the power exerted by the actual establishment is at a tipping point. Frankly, the system cares little what the people think and voting is nothing but an annoyance in the true culture war that is being waged and won by the money cartel and their media tools. Imagine a presidential race between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders? Might make for big ratings, but will never happen within a political party structure where both Republicans and Democrats are sucking from the same venomous collectivist moo juice.   Continue reading “Establishment Rule still in Control”