Idaho Statesman – by Cynthia Sewell

The family of an Adams County rancher involved in an encounter with two sheriff’s deputies says the deputies killed him in a “completely unjustified” shooting.

Survivors of Jack Yantis, the 62-year-old who died a week ago in the darkness on U.S. 95 north of Council, say they will pursue claims against Adams County for Yantis’ death.   Continue reading “Idaho rancher’s wife: ‘I saw them murder my husband’”


The Israeli military claims an old Palestinian woman was shot dead after she attempted to run over soldiers. The latest wave of violence in the Holy Land has already claimed dozens of lives.

The tragic incident took place in Halhul on the West Bank. Relatives of the 72-year-old woman, who lost her husband in the 1988 Intifada, say she had no reason to try to hit Israelis with her car and she was just driving by. Israel Defense Forces’ spokesperson countered that the Palestinian woman slowed her car down near a checkpoint and then speeded up, aiming at a group of soldiers. They opened fire at the car in response, the IDF says.   Continue reading “72-Year-Old Woman Shot Dead by Israeli Soldiers in West Bank”

ABC News 7

The boy’s parents, Matthew and Martha Miele, told WLWT-TV their son was pretending to be a Power Ranger. When a teacher at his school noticed him pretending to shoot a bow and arrow, she took the boy to the principal’s office.   Continue reading “6-Year-Old Boy Suspended For Playing With Imaginary Bow And Arrow”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

What a way to give your relatives one last middle finger before you die.

An 85-year-old woman in Austria did not want her heirs to inherit any of her money. Knowing she couldn’t take it with her, she decided she didn’t want anyone else to either, so she did the next best thing: she shredded it.   Continue reading “Dying Granny Shreds a Million in Cash Just to Spite Her Heirs”

Video Rebel’s Blog

On November 30 Vladimir Putin will address the UN Climate Conference in Paris. He recently said Global Warming is a hoax. To those of us who agree with him and see our government leaders planning to fraudulently spend trillions of dollars of our money, Putin could appear as a Savior. TV audiences all over the world will see him tell the truth. The media will lie about him because he will be unmasking the lies they have been telling. To see one man speak the truth on the world stage will give courage to those of us who struggle against the international Wall Street and City of London tyranny that pretends to be our legitimate governments.   Continue reading “Vladimir Putin: Neither Savior Nor Anti-Christ”

BBC News – by Jessica Lussenhop

A widespread practice in the US known as “pay to stay” charges jail inmates a daily fee while they are incarcerated. For those who are in and out of the local county or city lock-ups – particularly those struggling with addiction – that can lead to sky-high debts.

David Mahoney is $21,000 (£13,650) in debt. Not from credit cards. Not from school loans.

He’s accumulated the massive tab because of the days he spent locked up in the local jail in Marion, Ohio, which is a small town with a major heroin epidemic. Mahoney, a lanky 41-year-old, has struggled with addiction since he was a teenager, eventually stealing to fuel his habit. He got caught a lot, even burgling the same bar twice.   Continue reading “The US inmates charged per night in jail”


Investigators of the Russian plane crash in Egypt are “90 percent sure” the noise heard in the final second of a cockpit recording was an explosion caused by a bomb, a member of the investigation team told Reuters on Sunday.

The Airbus (AIR.PA) A321 crashed 23 minutes after taking off from the Sharm al-Sheikh tourist resort eight days ago, killing all 224 passengers and crew. Islamic State militants fighting Egyptian security forces in Sinai said they brought it down.   Continue reading “Investigators ’90 percent sure’ bomb downed Russian plane”

AlterNet – by Chris Hedges, Truthdig

The release Thursday of the 5,544-page text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership—a trade and investment agreement involving 12 countries comprising nearly 40 percent of global output—confirms what even its most apocalyptic critics feared.

“The TPP, along with the WTO [World Trade Organization] and NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement], is the most brazen corporate power grab in American history,” Ralph Nader told me when I reached him by phone in Washington, D.C. “It allows corporations to bypass our three branches of government to impose enforceable sanctions by secret tribunals. These tribunals can declare our labor, consumer and environmental protections [to be] unlawful, non-tariff barriers subject to fines for noncompliance. The TPP establishes a transnational, autocratic system of enforceable governance in defiance of our domestic laws.”   Continue reading “TPP Is the Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History”

Washington’ Blog – by Carl Herman

13-minute interview of Dr. Udo Ulfkatte, German journalist, editor, and whistleblower on CIA contracts to foreign journalists to lie/propagandize to sell US/UK/Israel wars:   Continue reading “US .01% pay sports teams, reporters, missile salesmen to sell unlawful Wars of Aggression to 99.99%, continuing long criminal media disinformation history”

On a bitterly cold winter’s morning a husband and wife in the North Hills of Pittsburgh were listening to the radio during breakfast.

They heard the announcer say, “We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so snow plows can get through conveniently”.   Continue reading “Snow”

The Liberty Beacon

What’s Happening

Updated September 2015: The US Navy plans to permanently use and periodically close large swathes of the Olympic National Forest, along with airspace over it and the Olympic National Park as well as the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, for electromagnetic warfare testing and training. They are also ramping up their use of explosives and sonar and training activities in the waters surrounding the Olympic Peninsula. Their stated goal is to turn the western portion of the Olympic Peninsula and surrounding waters into an Electromagnetic Warfare Range. This means electronic warfare will be practiced over our homes, public lands and waters, and massive sonar and explosive activity will occur in the rich waters surrounding Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, in perpetuity.   Continue reading “The US Military Plans to Permanently Use Public Land for Electromagnetic Warfare Testing”


WATERTOWN, Wis. (AP) — A Canadian Pacific Railway train carrying crude oil derailed Sunday and prompted some evacuations in Wisconsin, the second day in a row a freight train derailed in the state.

The eastbound CP train derailed about 2 p.m. in Watertown, in the southeastern part of the state. The railroad said at least 10 cars derailed, and some were leaking.

No fires or injuries were reported. CP was sending teams to the site.   Continue reading “2nd train derails in Wisconsin in 2 days, spills crude oil”

Reuters – by Megan Rowling

Without the right policies to keep the poor safe from extreme weather and rising seas, climate change could drive over 100 million more people into poverty by 2030, the World Bank said on Sunday.

In a report, the bank said ending poverty – one of 17 new U.N. goals adopted in September – would be impossible if global warming and its effects on the poor were not accounted for in development efforts.   Continue reading “World Bank warns climate change could add 100 mln poor by 2030”

Patch – by Ryan Bonner

A 9-year-old girl died after she was attacked by a pit bull in the backyard of a Long Island home Sunday morning.

According to Nassau Police, a 911 call came in at 10:30 a.m. reporting the dog attack at a home on Holland Avenue in Elmont. When two Fifth Precinct officers entered the backyard, they observed a male pit bull attacking the young girl, police said.   Continue reading “9-Year-Old Girl Killed in Pit Bull Attack on Long Island”