Today – by Terri Peters
Wendy Bradshaw loves teaching. But when the new mom realized that in five years she’d be sending her baby daughter into the same public school system where she works, the thought filled her with dread. So she resigned, and explained why in a letter that’s going viral with parents and teachers across the country.
“Like many other teachers across the nation, I have become more and more disturbed by the misguided reforms taking place which are robbing my students of a developmentally appropriate education,” Bradshaw wrote to the Polk Country School Board in Florida, in a letter she later posted on Facebook. “I just cannot justify making students cry anymore. They cry with frustration as they are asked to attempt tasks well out of their zone of proximal development. … Their shoulders slump with defeat as they are put in front of poorly written tests that they cannot read, but must attempt.” Continue reading “Teacher’s resignation goes viral: ‘It is not the children who are disordered’”