CNN – by Jeremy Diamond

Washington (CNN)Sen. Harry Reid didn’t head to work for his first day back as Senate minority leader, days after he suffered a bone-breaking fall.

Reid was working from home on Tuesday per doctors’ orders, and a picture from his Twitter account showed him meeting with his leadership team at his home in Washington on Tuesday morning. The No. 2 Senate Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois will assume Reid’s duties as minority leader on the Senate floor until he can return to the halls of Congress, Reid and Durbin’s spokesmen confirmed.   Continue reading “With horrible black eye, Harry Reid working from home”

WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman accused of splattering green paint at the Washington National Cathedral and suspected of vandalizing other historic sites including the Lincoln Memorial in 2013 will not be prosecuted.

Online court records show that a judge on Tuesday dismissed the case against Jiamei Tian, 60, who was arrested in July 2013 after being caught in the National Cathedral holding what appeared to be a soda can containing green paint.   Continue reading “Case dropped against woman accused of paint vandalism in DC”

Sent to us by a reader.

1. Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.

There really  isn’t anyone out there who is more you than YOU are. No one else can think for you, farm for you, or experience life for you. Your choice to farm will impact not only your life but the lives of so many others. Nobody else on the planet has exactly the same dream as yours, so stay true to yourself.   Continue reading “5 Life Lessons from Dr. Seuss for Farmers”

Views from Liberty Hollow – by Historian

I’ve posted here previously that I think that the present regime is illegitimate;  I’ve also made no bones about the illegitimacy of the FedGov goons in personal conversations.  I thought that it was reasonably evident that this was so, especially when even the hard left has started criticizing the Obamessiah. But the other day, somebody said, ( I paraphrase somewhat for the sake of clarifying a rather emotional exchange)  “Historian, I understand that you do not agree with the policies and actions of the present administration.  I do not agree with most of what those bozos are doing now  myself, and I admit I voted for the guy in ’08.  But you have to go a long way from policy disagreement to  being illegitimate.  How can you possibly say that the present government is not legitimate?”   Continue reading “Progressive Illegitimacy, Part 1”

Gordon Anderson

1. Be vigilant, people will seek to use the government for selfish ends.
2. Avoid overgrown military establishments; they are hostile to liberty.
3. Prevent all obstructions to the execution of the laws.
4. Control bureaucracies; make sure they all work together.
5. Avoid political parties; they will cause divisive factions and unscrupulous men will use them to undermine the government.
Continue reading “20 Unheeded Warnings in Washington’s Farewell Address”

indexCharles Carol Society

For those of you who have been waiting, please go ahead and order your copies today. Tools for Survival: What You Need to Survive When You’re on Your Own. This paperback book is a guide to the selection, use, and care of tools. It is already also available as an e-book and audiobook. The paperbacks are packaged in cases of 16 copies by the publisher, for those who want to order in bulk.

JWR’s newest nonfiction book should be a winner.  I buy these in paper back since that works when the grid is down.   Continue reading “Tools for Survival: What You Need to Survive When You’re on Your Own”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Albuquerque police officer Lou Golson was shot by a motorist during traffic stop. According to criminal complaints, Golson suffered agunshot wound in the abdomen. A gunshot to the chest and two other gunshots to his left side did not penetrate his bullet proof vest, the complaint said. However, Golson broke a left femur and suffered a broken wrist during his fall.   Continue reading “Caught On Camera: Albuquerque Police Officer Shot Numerous Times, Survives”

police-officer-1Market Ticker – by Karl Denninger

Time to start picketing these so-called “memorial” funds and funerals if this sort of mindless fear mongering nonsense doesn’t stop.

“With the increasing number of ambush-style attacks against our officers, I am deeply concerned that a growing anti-government sentiment in America is influencing weak-minded individuals to launch violent assaults against the men and women working to enforce our laws and keep our nation safe,” said Craig Floyd, chairman and CEO of the memorial fund. Continue reading “Shut Up Officer”

Mission Ready: New Crisis Response Marines continue operations in Africa, EuropeMarine Times – by James K. Sanborn

The latest contingent to support the Marine Corps’ unit responsible for responding to crises in Africa arrived in Spain this weekend for a six-month deployment.

More than 1,000 North Carolina-based Marines and sailors departed Jan. 2 for Móron, Spain, where they will become the latest to staff Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Africa, according to a Marine news release. The unit is manned by infantry, logistics and aviation Marines on a rotating basis.   Continue reading “Marines deploy to Africa for crisis response mission”

Information Liberation – by Chris

It took almost a month, but the young punk cop who tasered a 76-year-old man for questioning his questionable traffic stop has finally been fired, the Victorian Advocate reports.

The cop, 23-year-old Nathanial Robinson suspected 76-year-old Pete Vasquez of driving a vehicle with expired tags. In fact, Vasquez was driving a new car, all of which are exempt from having fresh tags, which Vasquez pointed out at the time he was stopped. Rather than check the law, Robinson responded by violently attacking and tasing his elder, throwing him to the ground and tasing him twice before placing him under arrest.   Continue reading “Texas Cop Fired After Tasing 76-Yr-Old For Driving With ‘Expired Tags’ That Were Perfectly Legal”

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

It is easy to misinterpret the signals of our economy from afar when we see people driving cars everywhere and we tend to think that our economy as not being that bad. However, the fact remains that 40 years ago Americans owned those cars that we see them driving. Today, we are renting them as 40% of us are leasing our vehicles. As we drive up and down our neighborhoods, we see people living in houses and we lie to ourselves and use this as a  false barometer to convince ourselves that everything is OK. However, many of these homes we see people living in, have lost all of their equity. Continue reading “The Four Things You Can Count On Following the Collapse of the Dollar”

Office of Pete HolmesReason – by Jacob Sullum

During the session that begins next week, the Washington State Legislature is expected to tackle regulatory issues raised by I-502, the 2012 ballot measure that legalized marijuana for recreational use. In a 20-page memo released yesterday, Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes, one of I-502’s leading backers, offers some suggestions, including integration of the medical and recreational marijuana industries, legalization of home cultivation, and simplification of marijuana taxes. He also urges the Seattle City Council to legalize “marijuana use lounges.” Here is a description of Holmes’ major proposals:   Continue reading “Seattle City Attorney Urges Legalization of Home Cultivation and ‘Marijuana Use Lounges,’ Abolition of Medical Dispensaries”


It sounds like a reality TV show: America’s Dirtiest Cops. In fact it’s an expose on Texas Border police corruption by Rolling Stone:

The temperature was nearing triple digits when Jonathan Treviño strapped on his bulletproof vest, slipped his .40-caliber Glock into his ankle holster and got ready to go to work. It was Thursday, July 26th, 2012, one of those summers in South Texas when the hot air settles on the Rio Grande Valley like a blanket. The Gulf breeze was already sticky as Treviño climbed into his unmarked Chevy Tahoe and started it up. Continue reading “America’s Dirtiest Cops: Cash, Cocaine and Corruption on the Texas Border”

The Daily Beast – by Brandy Zadrozny

On any given night in Arlington, Texas, a group of open-carry activists turned self-appointed cop-watchers can be found walking by the side of the road, in safety-yellow reflector vests with cameras pointed at police. They carry “FILM THE POLICE” signs, and sometimes, in a habit that’s become of increasing concern to the officers being watched, they’re carrying guns of their own.

These armed activists’ mission—ostensibly to hold the police accountable by recording every interaction—has found new meaning in light of recent deaths of unarmed citizens like Mike Brown and Eric Garner. Indeed, members of the Texas group have adopted the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” cry popularized during protests of the men’s deaths.   Continue reading “Texas Gun Slingers Police the Police—With a Black Panthers Tactic”

medicineNatural News – by Mike Adams

When it comes to emergency medicine for preppers, everybody is already aware of the extraordinary usefulness of things like nano silver, fish antibiotics and off-the-shelf antiseptics such as povidone iodine.

Here, I’ve decided to reveal five little-known emergency medicine items you probably never thought about acquiring for your preps. These are all lifesaving items that most people may not even realize are medicine in the first place.   Continue reading “Top five emergency first aid items you probably didn’t even realize were medicine”

Last Resistance – by Michael Minkoff

Timothy DeFoggi, a former head of cyber-security for the increasingly misnamed Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ), has been sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for accessing and soliciting child pornography and conspiring to act out his fantasies of child rape and murder:

“Using the same technological expertise he employed as Acting Director of Cyber Security at HHS, DeFoggi attempted to sexually exploit children and traffic in child pornography through an anonymous computer network of child predators,” Assistant Attorney General Caldwell said in a statement. . . . Continue reading “Former HHS Official Sentenced for Child Pornography”

Portable Field Antenna KitN6CC – by Tim

UPDATED 7/26/14

A simple kit for temporary, lightweight, wire tactical antenna systems is essential for any field Ops.  No “Rocket Science” here, just proven, simple, efficient systems that work very well in a field environment.

Here’s my kit as it fits in a standard US Military M-1956 “Butt Pack”. I have used the types of parts and techniques in this kit for decades and it supports almost any kind of field radio installation from HF through 6 and 2 meters.   Continue reading “Portable Field Antenna Kit”

Stealthy / Covert AntennasN6CC – by Tim

“Never do anything to attract enemy fire – It annoys those around you”
Murphys Laws of Combat.

UPDATED 2/1/13 This section will deal with various means to covertly operate radio systems while going unobserved. Any number of situations may call for these measures but the antenna system must still work! Like many of us, I live in an “antenna challenged” neighborhood but I was fortunately able to get mine “grandfathered” in when I first moved here since the original CC&R/HOA documents did not outright prohibit them at the time. However I keep them very low profile to keep the neighbors happy anyway.   Continue reading “Stealthy / Covert Antennas”

NY4G – by Ariel Jacala

Having been a QRP operator and having started my amateur radio career from among the ranks of QRP operators, you will be able to instantly tell my bias for antennas.  From the standpoint of economics, you will get the most signal strength for your dollar by investing in antenna systems (when you can) as opposed to investing in power.  There are many folks who are limited in the ability to put up effective antennas by Homeowners Association (HOA) restrictions.  There is a move afoot in Congress called the Parity Act, HR-4969 , that will allow radio amateurs to legally fight the HOA’s.  However, this bill has not been signed into law, as of the time of this writing. Back to the subject of antennas, a little knowledge about antenna theory will go a long way towards improving your signal up to 18 dB or 3S units.   Continue reading “Power or Antennas – When Less is More?”