ABC News

The family of a man fatally shot by a St. Lucie County sheriff’s deputy filed a lawsuit Wednesday, saying the deputy used excessive force when he fired through a garage door.

Gregory Hill Jr., a 30-year-old Coca-Cola warehouse employee, was shot by St. Lucie County deputy Christopher Newman two years ago after Newman and another deputy responded to a complaint that Hill was playing loud music.   Continue reading “Family of Man Fatally Shot by Sheriff’s Deputy in 2014 Sues”

WFAA 8 – by Sonia Azad

DALLAS – Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have developed and are studying a drug derived from a tree in South America’s rain forests.

“The tree is beautiful,” said Dr. David Boothman, associate director for translational research at UT Southwestern Medical Center.   Continue reading “UT Southwestern docs using South American tree to fight tumors”

AmmoLand – by Justin Stakes

Earlsboro, OK -( OK2A-Action has uncovered an attempt by the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce to effectively outlaw gun shows at public venues statewide through one of the many bills filed for the upcoming Legislature.

Considering that last year the Chamber of Commerce lobbied heavily against SB41 – an OK2A requested bill that would have closed a loophole some cities were using to restrict the lawful carry of a firearms at city festivals – the Chamber apparently is quite comfortable in the company of other anti-gunners like President Obama, Michael Bloomberg, David Boren, and the Brady Campaign.   Continue reading “Oklahoma Senate Bill Seeks to Ban Gun Shows”

The Sleuth Journal – by Bernie Suarez

Truth seekers who long ago figured out that mainstream media is all lies and staged news coordinated by central intelligence (CIA) to manipulate the opinion of the masses, know that living a life free of mainstream media news is extremely fulfilling if not downright fun. Many of us are used to the idea that no mainstream media in our lives means a better life. But how many of us have considered the details of why this is true? The benefits of living in a life where you do not believe mainstream media news are profound. Positive factors carry deep into our lives in ways many of us don’t realize or have ever taken time to consider. Many of us have taken these benefits, which all lead back to health, for granted for so long that we don’t even know they are there.   Continue reading “6 Immediate Health Benefits Of Not Believing Mainstream Media”

Against Crony Capitalism

This should not be in the “land of the free.” It is a sad graphic. And remember, much of your tax money is siphoned off by the cronies in industries which are connected and by those in government itself. You are basically an annuity.   Continue reading “America Will Spend More on Taxes than Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined”

Opposing Views  – by Michael Allen

A police officer, who accidentally shot an unarmed motorcyclist in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, on June 20, 2015, blamed his actions on “high stress” and “muscle memory.” Video (below) of the incident, filmed by the officer’s dash cam, was recently released.

Sergeant Lonnie Soppeland reportedly pursued Matthew Hovland-Knase in a chase that sometimes exceeded 110 m.p.h. After Hovland-Knase pulled over on the side of the road, Soppeland got out of his police car, pulled his gun and fired, notes Fox 9 News.
Continue reading “Minnesota Cop Shoots Unarmed Motorcyclist, Blames ‘Muscle Memory’”

Reason – by Jacob Sullum

An “investigative summary” posted this month by the Justice Department’s inspector general criticizes the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for hiring a federal airport security screener to help find seizable cash in passengers’ luggage. Under the arrangement, the DEA designated the screener a “confidential source” and promised him a cut of any money he found while rummaging through people’s bags.
Continue reading “DEA Promised TSA Agent a Cut of Passengers’ Seizable Cash”

KATU 2 – by Steve Benham

The way Ammon Bundy tells it he and his group have done all they can, have exhausted all their options to redress their grievances to the U.S. government, but they’ve been ignored, so now it’s time to take an armed stand.

For three weeks Bundy, and perhaps three dozen armed protesters, have taken that stand at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.   Continue reading “‘Your Voice, Your Vote’: The showdown at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge”

The Organic Prepper

Water is one of the most important survival topics around – it’s so important to me thatI wrote an entire book about it. While we would love to be able to trust the liquid flowing from our faucets, anyone who pays even half-hearted attention to the news knows that we can no longer expect safety unless we confirm it ourselves. The EPA and Michigan’s Gov. Snyder have now added to the list of reasons that I have trust issues.   Continue reading “How to Test Your Drinking Water (And Why You Should Do It)”


Any unmasking of the shadow forces that pull the strings that often determine events requires a time frame context. Historical study can go back to antiquity for classic examples of surreptitious intrigue, but in an age of distorted and diachronic mind control, the creation of the CIA by President Truman was our modern day and literal water shed monument. Coming out of the Office of Strategic Services, the brainchild of Wild Bill Donovan developed into the playpen of Allen Dulles. The OSS origins on their face are clandestine by nature. Spooks and spies might be a trendy name for a board game, but when the pieces on the squares are pushed in direction of liquidation and oblivion, the uninitiated are truly the uneducated, for not grasping their significance. Being one of those pieces requires the responsibility of every citizen to wake up out of their lethargy.   Continue reading “The CIA’s Presidents”

Natural Blaze – by Brandon Turbeville

After several years of fighting both the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the USDA, Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres recently announced what seemed like to many, including Baker himself, to be a long struggle of financial hardship and personal stress simply to end up where the authorities wanted him to begin with –out of business and out of sight.   Continue reading “Bakers Green Acres Farm Will Reopen For Veterans To Rebuild Lives After Combat”


WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Canada will sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement during a meeting in New Zealand on February 4, Canada’s International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland said in an open letter on Monday.

“Signing does not equal ratifying… Signing is simply a technical step in the process, allowing the TPP text to be tabled in Parliament for consideration and debate before any final decision is made,” Freeland noted.   Continue reading “Canada to Sign Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement Next Week”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Miami, FL — In 2012, a 50-year-old mentally ill prison inmate named Darren Rainey died while locked in a scalding hot shower, rigged to inflict retribution on prisoners, by guards at Dade Correctional Institution.

Guards put the schizophrenic man in the shower as punishment for defecating in his cell. Instead of getting Rainey the help that he obviously needed, guards took it upon themselves to inflict torturous punishment for hours.   Continue reading “Cops Lock Man in Scalding Shower Until His Skin ‘Shriveled Off’ & He Died – Death Ruled ‘Accidental’”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

At this point, the money printing machine must be close to a meltdown. The national debt has jumped by an astounding $8 trillion dollars since Obama took office, and the tab is now projected to be $20 trillion by the time he leaves.

Twenty trillion. That’ll mean America’s national debt nearly doubled under his presidency.   Continue reading “Obama Announces $1 Billion To 13 States To Build “Climate Resilient Communities” And Gets Told Off On Twitter”

Oregon Live – by Les Zaitz

UPDATE: Sheriff Glenn Palmer said in an email his meetings with militants didn’t include Ammon Bundy, leader of the occupation.

BURNS – Leaders of the armed protesters holding the national bird sanctuary on Tuesday plan to push their anti-government agenda in Grant County, whose sheriff recommends the government give in to two of their key demands.   Continue reading “Grant County sheriff urges release of Hammonds”

ABC News

In the spring of 2014, as a team of experts was examining what ailed the U.S. nuclear force, the Air Force withheld from them the fact that it was simultaneously investigating damage to a nuclear-armed missile in its launch silo caused by three airmen.

The Air Force on Friday gave The Associated Press the first substantive description of the accident after being questioned about it by the AP for more than a year.   Continue reading “Air Force Withheld Nuclear Mishap From Pentagon Review Team”