***’ Israel ‘s’ country prefix is ‘729’ on barcodes. You will typically only see it on imported foods and not the products listed below… as many of the companies below are American companies that financially support ‘ Israel .’***
Month: January 2016
A homeless man in New Jersey said he let another man record him pouring coffee on himself last week in exchange for $5 cash.
“Never thought I’d be in this position at 65,” the homeless man, Ronald Leggatt, told the Asbury Park Press. He said he was not aware the video was posted to Facebook, adding, “I don’t even know what Facebook is, to be honest with you.” Continue reading “Homeless man reacts after accepting $5 from stranger to pour coffee on himself”
We’ve never had much of a green thumb but maybe we’ll have more luck with an air thumb? A small Japanese company based out of Kyushu has created a fun, poetic twist on indoor gardening. By utilizing the opposing forces of magnetic energy they’ve created a levitating plant called Air Bonsai. Continue reading “The Magnetic Air Bonsai Creates Surreal Levitating Plants”
The latest horror from science is being hailed by the science journal Nature as a breakthrough for brain research, but it involves genetically engineering baby monkeys to cripple them and make them cognitively stunted and “autistic.”
“The laboratory monkeys run obsessively in circles, largely ignore their peers and grunt anxiously when stared at,” writes David Cyranoski in this Nature article. It’s all part of an effort to use genetic engineering to create “psychiatric disorders” in primates so that drug companies can reap billions in profits from the very same conditions caused by mercury in vaccines, toxic processed foods and herbicide chemicals used on genetically modified crops. Continue reading “The latest science horror: Baby monkeys genetically engineered to suffer from autism symptoms… NATURE science journal celebrates ‘breakthrough’”
According to an article in the Times of Israel, Erdan’s plan calls for “developing legislation in conjunction with European countries,” most of which “are very interested in this idea.”
The legislation would have common features, such as defining what constitutes incitement and what the responsibilities of social networks regarding it are, a spokesman for the minister told the Israeli-based newspaper. Continue reading “Israel Demands World Internet Censorship”
A hugely important paper has just been published in the Epidemiology: Open Access science journal. It is authored by Kevin Mugur Galalae, Founder and Director of the Center of Global Consciousness in Ontario.
In it, Galalae correctly points out that the entire medical-agricultural complex as it exists today is intentionally engineered to deliberately reduce human population. Overpopulation of the planet is a very real and very serious problem, he believes, but the current strategy of world governments to reduce human population via covert infertility, immune suppression and “death by medicine” is unethical and insufficient to achieve the desired level of depopulation. Continue reading “Science paper: The real purpose of modern medicine is ‘engineered genocide’”
Naval Medical Center in San Diego has issued an active shooter alert and advised all occupants to ” to run, hide or fight.” The alert was posted on the center’s FB page. Continue reading “Active shooter reported at San Diego Naval Medical Center”
A police patrol of 10 officers was forced to flee a refugee center in Sweden after being surrounded by a mob of violent migrants. Law enforcement officials had arrived to relocate a 10-year-old boy after reports of his repeated rape at the facility.
One of the officers described what had happened in a police report obtained by the Vestmanlands Läns Tidning newspaper. Continue reading “Police officers flee angry mob in Swedish refugee center through back door”
A tunnel at a French nuclear waste storage facility under construction has collapsed, killing at least one person and injuring another, French media reported, citing rescue teams.
The incident happened on Tuesday afternoon in Bure, northeastern France, at an underground laboratory of the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Andra), which didn’t immediately comment on the incident. Continue reading “At least 1 killed in tunnel collapse at France’s planned nuclear waste storage site”
GENEVA (AP) — Multiple bombings struck a government-run checkpoint in the central Syrian city of Homs on Tuesday, killing at least 20 people and wounding over a hundred amid intense political jockeying ahead of U.N.-backed peace talks scheduled to begin in Geneva on Friday.
The office of the U.N. envoy for Syria said it sent out invitations for the talks, but with just three days to go, the opposition is still undecided about whether it will attend, throwing diplomatic efforts into question. Continue reading “Bombings kill 20 in Syria as peace talks invitations go out”
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis met with the Iranian president Tuesday, joining in a cordial discussion which touched on the recent nuclear accord and Iran’s role in the region.
President Hassan Rouhani met first with Francis, privately for 40 minutes, and later with other officials. The Vatican in a statement said the conversation delved into the nuclear accord recently taking effect and “the important role that Iran was called to play” to combat terrorism along with other countries in the region. Continue reading “Vatican says Iran now called on to combat terrorism.”
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) — An Afghan policeman turned his weapon on fellow officers as they were sleeping in their quarters near a checkpoint in the country’s south, killing 10, a provincial spokesman said Tuesday.
The Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for the incident, the latest so-called “insider attack” involving a soldier or a policeman. The bodies were discovered at a checkpoint in Chinarto district on Tuesday, according to Dost Mohammad Nayab, the spokesman for the governor of Uruzgan province. Continue reading “Afghan official: Policeman kills 10 other police in south”
I have become personally so disenchanted with the way people fail to prep. People still don’t understand how important it is to put away. I have gotten into arguments over this and had cretins call me a fool because I put away food, water, and supplies. I thought about this and the frustration that other preppers have with this laid back idiotic attitude that there is no need for preparation. There are good people that just can’t/won’t start preparing. They have the money to do so, but just don’t want to. Many have only seen what happens to non-preppers on TV, but it still doesn’t make an impact. Continue reading “Hard Core Realities: How Horrific Will It Be For People That Fail To Prep”
WEB Notes: Not only are they providing economic assistance to non-citizens which will only encourage more people to acquire the free funds, but they are pushing bio-metric identification on them as well. As a matter of fact that appears to be one of the primary goals of the UNHCR. UNHCR has a wealth of information on their site about IrisGuard bio-metrics and what they are doing. An article from 2012 documents bio-metric ID cards have already been distributed in Senegal. So this has been underway for years already.
Continue reading “UNHCR, IrisGuard Launch EyeCloud To Assist Refugees With Biometric Banking”
WEB Notes: This is an ongoing trend. The crumbling of this once great nation is by design and it will bring about a new world order government. To me it is very telling when you have the mainstream continually reporting on this topic.
A handful of industries are those “love to hate” types of businesses, such as cable-television companies and Internet service providers. Continue reading “Americans Hate The U.S. Government More Than Ever”
HIDALGO – At least 7,000 Cuban refugees are expected to come to the border in the next coming days.
The activity at the Hidalgo International Bridge continues. For 40 years, Jose Angel Rodriguez has made his living driving a cab. Continue reading “Thousands of Cuban Refugees Crossing the Border”
A Houston grand jury investigating criminal allegations against Planned Parenthood stemming from a series of undercover videos on Monday instead indicted two of the anti-abortion activists who shot the footage.
In a stunning turn of events, the grand jury declined to indict officials from the abortion provider, and instead handed up a felony charges of tampering with a government record against Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and center employee Sandra Merritt. Daleidon was also charged with a misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs. Continue reading “Grand jury in Texas indicts activists behind Planned Parenthood videos”
Folks, I’m not joking with this one. Lowell, Massachusetts is going to require gun permit applicants to write an essay to explain why they’re exercising their Second Amendment rights. If a federal judge struck down California’s 10-day waiting period for gun owners as an unconstitutional infringement on their civil rights, then this essay portion should surely be struck down (via Lowell Sun): Continue reading “Massachusetts Town Subjects Gun Permit Applicants To An Essay Portion”