
The U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists, senior officials told Reuters, even as it steps up efforts to stop Islamic State-inspired attacks at home.

Extremist groups motivated by a range of U.S.-born philosophies present a “clear and present danger,” John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, told Reuters in an interview. “Based on recent reports and the cases we are seeing, it seems like we’re in a heightened environment.”   Continue reading “U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists”

Fourth Amendment – by Hall

Officers approached defendant sitting in his Jeep at 14th & U in D.C., looking down into his lap. It turned out he was looking at his phone. The police order to get out of the car was without reasonable suspicion of any wrongdoing. Defendant had brass knuckles on him because he managed two restaurants in the area. The evidence was in dispute whether he admitted he had them or the officer just frisked him. It doesn’t matter: no reasonable suspicion. Sharp v. United States, 2016 D.C. App. LEXIS 40 (Feb. 18, 2016).   Continue reading “DC: Sitting in a car looking in your lap isn’t reasonable suspicion of anything”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin has informed award-winning journalist Robert Parry that Putin has warned Turkey that any attempted ground invasion of Syria will be met with the defensive use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield.

A tactical nuclear weapon also known as non-strategic nuclear weapon refers to a nuclear weapon which is designed to be used on a battlefield in military situations. These differ from strategic nuclear weapons, which refers to weapons that are much larger in destructive power and are typically delivered by ICBM or SLBM missiles (though there are some that are air-dropped).   
Continue reading “Putin Threatens Turkey & Saudi Arabia with Tactical Nuclear Response to Syrian Ground Invasion”

Breitbart – by Donna Rachel Edmunds

The BBC has placed the number of people killed by the Russian Communist dictator Joseph Stalin in the “hundreds of thousands,” massively downplaying the truly horrific scale of his 30 year reign of terror. The true figure is dispute, but estimates place it in the tens of millions.   Continue reading “BBC Claims Stalin Only Killed ‘Thousands’”

The Sleuth Journal – by Makia Freeman

Iran is fully compliant with the nuclear deal it signed on January 16th, 2016, according to Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN. Iran signed an agreement over its nuclear program called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with P5+1, the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, UK, France, Russia and China) plus Germany. Despite the abject fearmongering coming out of many members of the Zionist regime of Israel – and a lot coming from Zionist-owned US politicians – none of the dire prophecies that were predicted look like they contained any semblance of truth. So far Iran is fully compliant, but meanwhile, Israel continues its official policy of opacity regarding its nuclear weapons, refusing to either confirm or deny the existence of them – despite the fact that the world has long known of them.

US Affirms that Iran is Fully Compliant So Far

PressTV, an Iranian media outlet, quoted Power as saying:

“What this deal does if implemented – and so far the implementation has been strong but it’s very early days – is it cuts off the pathways to a nuclear weapon and it gives us much more visibility into Iran’s program than we had before.”

As I discussed in an earlier article The Truth About Iranian Nuclear Intentions, the evidence showed that Iran never had any intention of developing a nuclear bomb, and their supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) issued a fatwa banning the idea. Officials from several intelligence agencies around the world, including US and Israeli intelligence agencies, were closely monitoring Iran’s nuclear program, and stated on the record that Iran showed no signs of pursuing the ability to make nuclear weapons.

Iran is fully compliant thus far according to US ambassador Samantha Power.

Iran is fully compliant thus far according to US ambassador Samantha Power.

The Real Nuclear Problem in the Middle East

If you’re concerned about nuclear weapons, don’t worry about Iran. Iran is fully compliant thus far. Take a look at the Zionist regime of Israel. For the background of how Israel got nuclear weapons in the first place, check out this great German documentary Israel’s Bomb: A Radioactive Taboo. It reveals how Israel struck a secret deal with elements of the French military and managed to get their help, unbeknown to the most of the French Government. Israel later got help from Germany under Adenauer. Israel had enough influence over Britain, France and Germany that it got assistance from all of them.

JFK and Israel

JFK and Israeli PM Ben Gurion. JFK was the last US President to confront Israel over its nuclear program. Photo Credit:

JFK and Israeli PM Ben Gurion. JFK was the last US President to confront Israel over its nuclear program. Photo Credit:

It was only in 1961, when JFK came to power, that Israel was subjected to pressure over its nuclear ambitions. As US President, JFK tried harder than anyone to stop Israel getting the bomb. He demanded American inspectors be allowed to visit Dimona (site of Israel’s nuclear program), threatening to withdraw all economic aid unless Israel agreed. Israel eventually agreed, but stealthily built a separate control center (that had nothing to do with its weapons program) to make it look like Dimona was a civilian nuclear program.

JFK was not fooled. He put heavy pressure on Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Ben Gurion refused, saying Israel would first need other weapons to defend itself; JFK gave Israel anti-aircraft missiles; Israel then, in an act of utter treachery, put them around Dimona to protect it! Not long after this incident JFK was killed, and his successor Lyndon Johnson no longer looked closely at Israel thereafter. This marked the period when Zionism began to dominate the USA. In fact, it was LBJ who signed off on the false flag attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli jets in 1967. In another act of treachery, Johnson was reported to have exclaimed, “I want that goddamned ship on the ocean floor.”

Israel has nuclear weapons – it’s been an open secret for 50+ years.

Israel has nuclear weapons – it’s been an open secret for 50+ years.

Russia Also Tried to Stop Israel’s Nukes

The US wasn’t the only one deeply concerned about Israel getting nuclear weapons. Russia also knew about it. In 1967, it sent some of its military jets – MiG-25 or “foxbats” – over Dimona on a military sortie in May 1967, just prior to the 6-day war. It was ultimately unsuccessful in its mission.

Later, in 1973, Syria and Egypt attacked Israel (the Yom Kippur War). Israel then put its nuclear weapons on standby alert, which was seen by many analysts as Israel declaring the Samson option. The Samson option meant that in the event Israel was losing a battle or war, it would as a last resort detonate its nuclear arsenal so everyone would all go down together. At this point the US stepped in to negotiate with USSR and the Arab states, and gave Israel even more conventional weapons to not go nuclear. The Cold War had expanded to include the Middle East. Ever since, Israel and US have been (somewhat uncomfortable) nuclear allies.

Conclusion: When you Hear Israel Complain about Iran’s Nuclear Program, Look at Its History of Hypocrisy

Next time you hear the Islamophobia being ratcheted up again Iran, by Israel itself or by Zionist agents abroad, remember Israel’s history of hypocrisy. Recall that Israel is believed to possess 400+ nuclear weapons yet still refuses to officially admit it, or to sign the nuclear NPT. Remember that Israel has been crazy enough to have leaders talk of the Samson option or the possibility of blowing everyone up, including themselves, in mutually assured destruction. At this stage, Iran is fully compliant; Israel is the still the rogue state of the Middle East, owned by the Rothschilds and behind many of the world’s crimes.



Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of the global conspiracy, from vaccines to Zionism to false flag operations and more, and also including info on natural health, sovereignty and higher consciousness.

Sleuth Journal

Yahoo News

From San Bernardino, California, to Newtown, Connecticut, the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for mass shootings.

And a Connecticut judge heard arguments today over whether the Remington Outdoor Co. — the parent company of the manufacturer of the AR-15 military assault weapon used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in 2012 — will be held accountable for the 26 lives lost.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook Mom Suing Gun Company ‘to Save Other Families’”


Whatever you think or believe about the Catholic Church, the latest dust up between the current Pontiff and Donald Trump may seem trite, but actually reveals a fundamental difference in the meaning of being a Christian. When Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’, such a troubling account reported in the New York Times, should alarm believers and non-believers alike. An integral part of this issue must acknowledge a startling distinction on the basei of law and how it relates to the concept of a Christian Church.   Continue reading “Catholic Church based upon Roman vs Anglo Saxon Law”

State of the Nation

… After Exposing Covert Scheme to Invade 7 Countries in the Mideast by the U.S. Military and its Proxies (ISIS)

Obama Must Be Tried For Treason And War Crimes   Continue reading “Four Star General Presents Indisputable Case for a Temporary Military Takeover of the U.S. Federal Government”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russia will ask permission on Monday to start flying surveillance planes equipped with high-powered digital cameras amid warnings from U.S. intelligence and military officials that such overflights help Moscow collect intelligence on the United States.

Russia and the United States are signatories to the Open Skies Treaty, which allows unarmed observation flights over the entire territory of all 34 member nations to foster transparency about military activity and help monitor arms control and other agreements. Senior intelligence and military officials, however, worry that Russia is taking advantage of technological advances to violate the spirit of the treaty.   Continue reading “Russia wants to fly over US with advanced digital camera”

Okay, I’m from Chicago where I spent most of my adult life.  Through my travels in and around Chicago land I would often see signs stating “Beer Garden.”   Although I had never actually seen one I thought it must not be a very difficult thing to grow as the signs were pervasive.

So last Spring I decided I was going to try my hand at growing one.    Having been here in North Dakota almost five years at the time, I felt confident that I had honed my gardening skills to such a level that I would undoubtedly be successful in the endeavor.   After all I was a student of a master gardener, Buck.  Buck was not able to help me put the garden in due to illness.    Continue reading “Confessions Of A Naive Gardener: Have You Ever Heard Of A Beer Garden?”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Although numerous combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan need treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) many are increasingly hesitant to pursue treatment because they fear a prognosis of PTSD will be used to deny their gun rights under the Obama administration.   Continue reading “Catch 22: Vets Fear Loss Of Gun Rights If They Seek Treatment For PTSD”


JTA – At a town hall in Nevada Thursday night, Bernie Sanders talked about the advantages of being descended from white, as opposed to darker-skinned, immigrants.

Contrasting his experience with the “hatred thrown at” President Barack Obama,” the Democratic presidential candidate said, “No one asked me whether I’m a citizen or not. My father came from Poland. Gee, what’s the difference? Maybe the color of our skin.”   Continue reading “Bernie Sanders Says He’s Lucky to Be White, but What About Jewish?”

“The president will lead in the treason. Your militia will leave you and fight against you. What will you do when evil men take office? When Evil men take office the whole gang will be in collusion. They will keep the people in utter ignorance and steal their liberty by ambuscade. When government removes your armaments, you will have no power, but government will have all power.”

….Patrick Henry

USA Today

CINCINNATI — A “hacktivist” group Anonymous Anon Verdict announced in a video Sunday that it had released personal information of 52 Cincinnati Police Department employees, from Chief Eliot Isaac to rank-and-file officers.

Cincinnati police Lt. Steve Saunders said that the department is investigating the situation to assess the risk to officers, establish if there has been a breach of their systems and find who is responsible. He said that it appears all the information could have been obtained through means available to the general public on the Internet like social media and public records sources.    Continue reading “‘Hacktivists’ release personal info of 52 Cincinnati officers”