Independent – by Paul Gallagher

American musicians who support boycotting Israel over the issue of Palestinian rights are terrified to speak out for fear their careers will be destroyed, according to Roger Waters.

The Pink Floyd star – a prominent supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel since its inception 10 years ago – said the experience of seeing himself constantly labelled a Nazi and anti-Semite had scared people into silence.   Continue reading “Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel”

The Green Corruption Files, January 1, 2015

Did you catch “big” news in the wind industry this past November? Yep, “SunEdison & TerraForm Power to acquire First Wind For $2.4 Billion!” And, most are predicting that this transaction makesSunEdison “one of the world’s largest, if not the largest, renewable energy developers.”

TerraForm, on the other hand, a SunEdison Co., is “a global renewable energy company” that is helping “change the way renewable energy is generated, distributed, used and owned.”   Continue reading “Flashback: Two Big White House ‘Green’ Cronies Unite: First Wind scored over $700 million of stimulus funds, now being acquired by SunEdison”

Another Green Energy Fraud

Wall Street Journal -by PEG BRICKLEY and LIZ HOFFMAN

Solar-power company SunEdison Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection on Thursday, pledging to curb a debt-fueled global expansion that pushed the company’s stock to great heights before fueling its rapid collapse.   Continue reading “SunEdison Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection”

Gov’t Slaves

(FLINT)  A woman at the center of a bellwether Flint water crisis lawsuit was one of two women who were shot to death inside a townhouse earlier this week.

Sasha Avonna Bell was one of the first of a growing number of people to file a lawsuit in connection to the Flint water crisis after she claimed that her child had been lead poisoned.   Continue reading “Woman In Leading Flint Water Crisis Lawsuit Slain In Twin Killing”

. . . . It is well observed by Montesquieu, that in republican governments the forms of elections are fundamental; and that it is an essential part of the social compact, to ascertain by whom, to whom, when, and in what manner, suffrages are to be given. Wherever we find the regulation of elections have not been carefully fixed by the constitution, or the principles of them, we constantly see new legislatures modifying . . . [their] own form, and changing the spirit of the government to answer partial purposes.

By the proposed plan it is fixed, that the qualifications of the electors of the federal representatives shall be the same as those of the electors of state representatives; though these vary some in the several states the electors are fixed and designated.   Continue reading “Anti-Federalist Paper No. 61 – Questions And Comments On The Constitutional Provisions Regarding The Election Of Congressmen”

Yahoo News

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — More than 170 countries are lining up to sign the Paris Agreement on climate change Friday as the landmark deal takes a key step toward entering into force years ahead of schedule.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry joins dozens of world leaders for a signing ceremony that is expected to set a record for international diplomacy: Never have so many countries signed an agreement on the first available day. States that don’t sign Friday have a year to do so.   Continue reading “More than 170 states set to sign landmark climate agreement”

Gateway Pundit – by Aleister

While campaigning for her mother recently, Chelsea Clinton admitted that the left is planning to use the Supreme Court to enact greater gun control if a Democrat wins the presidency this fall.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:   Continue reading “Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia’s Gone We Can Enact Gun Control”

Waco Trib – by Kristin Hoppa

Law enforcement officials from across Central Texas put some newly learned skills to the test Wednesday during a mock riot.

Dozens of McLennan Community College students posed as unruly protesters as part of a Federal Emergency Management Agency training program. Area agencies sent 61 officers to the program at MCC’s Emergency Services Education Center for the course that started Monday and finished Wednesday, training coordinator Jay Fonville said.   Continue reading “Law enforcement training course ends with mock riot at MCC”

Fox 21 News

GREEN MOUNTAIN FALLS, Colo. — The town of Green Mountain Falls no longer has any police. The chief announced his resignation on Thursday, April 14, with the three other officers following his lead.

An anonymous source tells us the entire department quit over policy and unhappiness with the new mayor, who was sworn in just Tuesday night. As of Monday, their resignations went into effect, leaving the folks of Green Mountain Falls with no cops and a lot of questions.   Continue reading “Green Mountain Falls’ entire police department quits”

WNEM – by Brianna Owczarzak

LAPEER COUNTY, MI (WNEM) – A Flint Water Department employee was found dead on April 16.

Matthew McFarland, 43, of Otter Lake, was found dead at a residence in Otter Lake by a friend. His friend called 911.   Continue reading “Flint water employee found dead at Lapeer County home”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives has claimed ownership of a mysterious box that was removed from a utility pole in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix resident Brian Clegg was concerned about a box he witnessed being installed on a power pole. Clegg said the box was facing his house and he believed it may have had cameras inside. The pole was owned by Arizona’s largest power provider, SRP, who claimed no one had permission to put the box on their pole. Brian Clegg says shortly afterwards SRP sent a crew to remove the box.   Continue reading “Why Is The Federal Government Installing Mysterious Boxes On Utility Poles?”

AP – by Stephen Braun

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s not just Wall Street banks. Most companies and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal agencies in recent years, and more than one-third are government contractors, an Associated Press review has found. Their interests are sprawling and would follow Clinton to the White House should she win election this fall.

The AP’s review of federal records, regulatory filings and correspondence showed that almost all the 82 corporations, trade associations and other groups that paid for or sponsored Clinton’s speeches have actively sought to sway the government — lobbying, bidding for contracts, commenting on federal policy and in some cases contacting State Department officials or Clinton herself during her tenure as secretary of state.   Continue reading “Firms that paid for Clinton speeches have US gov’t interests”

Think Progress – by CARIMAH TOWNES

Traditionally, hate crime laws in the U.S. protect victims attacked for fixed or perceived traits, including race, religion, color, gender, and sexual orientation. But some Louisiana lawmakers want their state to become the first to officially expand its hate crime law to protect police as well.

Facing no opposition, a Louisiana House committee advanced a “Blue Lives Matter” bill Wednesday, to increase the penalty for attacking current or retired law enforcement officers, as well as firefighters and emergency medical practitioners.   Continue reading “Louisiana Lawmaker Wants To Make It A Hate Crime To Attack A Cop”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

When you testify before Congress, it helps to actually have some knowledge of what you’re talking about. On Tuesday, the House Energy & Commerce Committee held the latest congressional hearing on the whole silly encryption fight, entitled Deciphering the Debate Over Encryption: Industry and Law Enforcement Perspectives. And, indeed, they did have witnesses presenting “industry” and “law enforcement” views, but for unclear reasons decided to separate them. First up were three “law enforcement” panelists, who were free to say whatever the hell they wanted with no one pointing out that they were spewing pure bullshit. You can watch the whole thing below (while it says it’s 4 hours, it doesn’t actually start until about 45 minutes in):   Continue reading “Why Did Congress Let Law Enforcement Officials Lie About Encryption?”

EFF – by Cindy Cohn

Defenders of the NSA’s mass spying have lost an important talking point: that the erosion of our privacy and associational rights is justified given the focus of surveillance efforts on combating terrorism and protecting the national security. That argument has always been dubious for a number of reasons. But after a November 2015 ruling [.pdf] by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) was unsealed this week, it’s lost another chunk of its credibility. The ruling confirms that NSA’s warrantless spying has been formally approved for use in general criminal investigations. The national security justification has been entirely blown.   Continue reading “Secret Court Takes Another Bite Out of the Fourth Amendment”

I wonder who he intended to take to the prom.

USA Today

In a stunning development, a star center for a Canadian high school basketball team was exposed as a 30-year-old African refugee, leading to his being detained in connection with the Immigration Refugee Protection Act.   Continue reading “Canadian border officials arrest 30-year-old Sudanese refugee posing as 17-year-old basketball player”