BBC News

Republican Donald Trump has repeated calls for the return of waterboarding against Islamic State militants, saying: “I like it a lot.”

His comments at a rally in Ohio came hours after suicide bombers killed 41 people at an airport in Istanbul.

“You have to fight fire with fire,” said the Republicans’ likely nominee, after referring to IS beheadings.   Continue reading “‘I like waterboarding a lot’, says Donald Trump”

Arutz Sheva – by Nissan Tzur

For many years Joseph Hirt, 91, would go around schools, academic institutions and other lecture venues to talk about his experiences from Auschwitz, the Nazi extermination camp.

Thousands of listeners sat glued to their seats hearing about the horrifying experiences Hirt and the other inmates went through, and he became one of the most popular Holocaust lecturers. It now turns out that his stories were invented.   Continue reading “Man posed as Auschwitz survivor; lectured in schools for years”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

In response to Brexit, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is calling for a EU-style “North American Union.”

Nieto is attending a North American leaders summit in Ottawa on Wednesday to push the years-long, globalist proposal that would combine the U.S., Mexico and Canada into a regional entity at the expense of U.S. national sovereignty, which starts with joint energy agreements.   Continue reading “Mexican President Demands U.S. Merge With Mexico, Canada”

Mondoweiss – by Alex Kane

New Jersey became the latest state to pass legislation against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement yesterday. By a 69-3 vote, the State Assembly passed a bill to prohibit pension fund investment in pro-boycott companies.

The legislation had passed the State Senate in May by a 39-0 vote. Now that both the Assembly and Senate have passed the legislation, it goes to Governor Chris Christie, who is expected to sign the bill.   Continue reading “New Jersey becomes 11th state to pass anti-BDS measure”

Anti-Media – by Claire Bernish

Preparations by various cogs of the national security complex, including FEMA, indicate a coming worldwide food shortage — and a resulting crisis marked by extreme civil unrest around the globe.

As Motherboard noted of two reports published previously by CNA Corporation, but which largely escaped attention, the world’s food supply could be insufficient to maintain even current populations much further into the future. And the crisis — which several factors indicate may already be underway — may begin to worsen considerably as early as 2020.   Continue reading “FEMA Contractor: Unrest After 395% Food Price Spike Coming Soon”

Yahoo News

MONESSEN, Pa. (AP) — Republican Donald Trump vowed to tear up the nation’s trade deals, threatened new tariffs and called for a new era of economic “Americanism” in a speech that underscored just how far removed he is from typical GOP orthodoxy.

The speech, delivered on a factory floor in western Pennsylvania on Tuesday, outlined Trump’s promise to restore millions of lost factory jobs by backing away from decades of U.S. trade policy. The approach, which represents a significant break from years of Republican Party advocacy for unencumbered trade between nations, drew immediate condemnation from Democrats as well as GOP business leaders, who questioned the impact on the price of consumer goods, as well as the country’s place in the global economy.   Continue reading “Trump breaks with party on trade as he threatens tariffs”

Prison Planet – by Paul Joseph Watson

In a column for Foreign Policy Magazine, Council on Foreign Relations member James Traub argues that the elite need to “rise up” against the “mindlessly angry” ignorant masses in order to prevent globalization from being derailed by the populist revolt that led to Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump.

Concerned that, “Today’s citizen revolt — in the United States, Britain, and Europe — may upend politics as nothing else has in my lifetime,” Traub notes that Brexit was an “utter repudiation of….bankers and economists” and an example of how “extremism has gone mainstream”.   Continue reading “CFR Member Calls on Elites to “Rise Up Against Ignorant Masses””

The Sun – by Jasper Hamill

Terrorists are working to build armies of artificially intelligent killer robots capable of slaughtering vast numbers of innocent civilians.

That’s the terrifying claim from a piece of authoritative research published by the United Nations, which recently held an urgent meeting to discuss the threat posed by murderous machines.   Continue reading “Terrorists ‘actively seeking’ to build deadly army of intelligent killer robots, UN warns”


The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) is using a ‘Social Disorder Index’ (SDI) to determine the level of social disorder a location presents to its surrounding community. SDI can map areas as small as 250 feet by 250 feet.   Continue reading “Police are giving people and homes ‘Social Disorder’ ratings”

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Tax Revolution Institute – by Fergus Hodson

Since 2014, the Internal Revenue Service has ceased confiscating (stealing) the property of innocent individuals. Or have they?

No one wants to throw cold water on the party, especially when it comes to a victory over the IRS. However, an exclusive interview with Attorney Robert Everett Johnson of the Institute for Justice (IJ) reveals how little the tax-collection agency has conceded with their policy updates.
Continue reading “IRS Still Unrestrained on Asset Seizures Despite Deal to Return Confiscated Cash”


A woman nearing her 100th birthday could be evicted from her apartment in San Francisco over legal fees. This time the fight isn’t with a real estate developer, but with her neighbors who want to convert her apartment into a condo.

Iris Canada, 99, has lived in her home for more than half a century, but she is facing eviction over $164,000 in legal fees that were accrued during a fight in housing court over a previous eviction notice. She won that case.   Continue reading “99yo woman faces eviction from San Francisco apartment she rented for life”

FULSHEAR, Texas (AP) — Authorities on Tuesday released 911 calls that capture the panic in the home of a Houston-area mother before she killed her two daughters, as well as in the home of a neighbor after the shootings.

The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office released recordings of two 911 calls from Christy Sheats’ home and one from a neighbor’s home. Sheats fatally shot her two daughters before an officer killed her.   Continue reading “911 calls capture moments surrounding daughters’ shootings”

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The bodies of dozens of suspected drug peddlers have turned up in the Philippines in recent weeks, providing an eerie backdrop to the swearing-in on Thursday of Rodrigo Duterte, who has warned of a bloody presidency in his bid to eradicate crime.

Some of the dead were killed in gunfights with police; others mysteriously turned up on the street. One was dumped with sign: “Don’t follow me or you’ll die next.” The numbers of bodies have spiked since Duterte swept the May 9 elections on promises to wipe out crime and corruption within six months. That bold pledge won him huge support but also sparked concerns about vigilante justice and a lack of due process.   Continue reading “Drug pusher deaths jump as Philippine leader takes office”

OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — The leaders of North America confront a rising tide of economic protectionism and nationalism as they hold a summit Wednesday in the Canadian capital. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the first time is hosting U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in Ottawa for the North American leaders’ summit. Obama will also address the Canadian Parliament.

The meeting comes one day after presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the United States blamed globalization for the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs, and he threatened to extricate the U.S. from the 2-decade-old North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump also vowed to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an agreement among 12 Pacific Rim nations that has yet to take effect, if he were elected president. And it comes less than a week after Britain voted to exit the European Union.   Continue reading “North American leaders confront rising tide of protectionism”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

FBI figures for National Instant Criminal Background Check System checks performed during Obama’s presidency average out to nearly 52,000 checks a day.

The total reported number of background checks under Obama’s presidency to date is 141,392,490. Divide that figure by the number of days contained in seven and a half years – 2,737.5 – and you see 51,650 background checks performed daily, on average.   Continue reading “FBI: Nearly 52,000 Background Checks A Day Under Obama”


The science and technology branch is the most funded sector of the FBI, garnering a yearly budget of between $600M and $800M that is directly spent to target Americans both domestically and abroad.

For FY2017, the FBI has put in requests to increase its technology division’s budget by another $100M, bringing it closer to $1B annually. And now the madmen at the bureau are trying to gain technological access, back door keys, to most encrypted platforms and devices, such as the Android, iPhone and others in an effort to ‘make America safe,” which is total B.S. as the FBI is known to have hatched more terror plots than any other agency.   Continue reading “FBI spending over $600M yearly to target Americans”

Diane L. Kroupa (born 1955 in South Dakota) is a former judge of the United States Tax Court.

Kroupa received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service in 1978, followed in 1981 by a Juris Doctor from the University of South Dakota School of Law. Prior to appointment to the Tax Court, Kroupa worked for the Internal Revenue Service as attorney-advisor, Legislation and Regulations Division, Office of Chief Counsel. Continue reading “Head on a Pike Target”

Express – by Joey Millar

A study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) revealed so-called extreme “insurgent parties” are calling for a total of 34 public votes – with matters ranging from their countries’ membership of the EU to refugee policy.

The ECFR report blamed Europe’s fear of Turkey joining the EU and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “refugees welcome” policy as major reasons behind a rapid rise in support for both right-wing and far-left, anti-EU parties and their attempts to take back control of their countries.    Continue reading “EU BACKLASH: Brexit ‘TSUNAMI’ expected as 34 referendums set to rock union”