Mediaite – by JD Durkin

At a press conference Friday morning to update members of the media on the tragic events that unfolded in Dallas last night, police chief David Brown identified some of the rhetoric used by one of the snipers during conversations with law enforcement.

During a standoff at El Centro College in Downtown Dallas, a suspect engaged in gunfire with police, before being taken out by a bomb robot that law enforcement sent in to end the situation.   Continue reading “Dallas Police Chief Reveals Chilling Details About Sniper: He ‘Wanted to Kill White People’”


DALLAS — Mayor Mike Rawlings has confirmed at least 12 police officers were shot and at least five were killed in an attack by two snipers in downtown Dallas at a protest of officer-involved shootings across the country on Thursday night.

Two civilians were also shot during the attack.

Dallas police sources confirmed to News 8 early Friday one suspect is dead after a long standoff with police. A female suspect was taken into custody earlier in the night. It is unclear at this time if they are the only suspects involved.   Continue reading “14 people shot, 5 officers killed in Dallas police ambush”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

The Clinton Foundation is a “massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,” according to an anonymous insider who revealed why the FBI stopped short of indicting Hillary Clinton.

Before FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI wouldn’t recommend pressing charges against Clinton, an insider with “intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case” hosted an little-publicized AMA session on 4Chan, and the statements he made on July 2 corroborate with later developments of the scandal.   Continue reading “FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government”


Snipers operating from rooftops in Dallas killed five police officers and wounded six more in a coordinated attack during one of several protests across the country against the killing of two black men by police this week.

Police described Thursday night’s ambush as carefully planned and executed and had taken three people into custody before a fourth died from what Dallas-based media said was a self-inflicted gunshot after a standoff that extended into Friday morning.   Continue reading “Snipers kill five Dallas police during protest over black shootings”

Investment Research Dynamics

The entire process to exonerate Hillary was highly orchestrated.  The canary in the coal mine was the illegal meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton.  The Lynch/Comey connection stretches back to 2013 via HSBC and the Justice Department’s decision to not prosecute HSBC for money laundering on behalf of drug dealers and terrorists (note:  HSBC is one of the primary Comex bullion banks and the “custodian” of the gold in the GLD trust).  Comey was put on HSBC’s board of directors.   Continue reading “James Comey Has Been Covering Up The Clintons’ Messes For Decades”


Immigrant children, who crossed the US border without documentation and were held in family detention centers by Homeland Security officials, must be released, the San Francisco Court of Appeals has ruled.

The ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco on Wednesday sided with immigrant plaintiffs. The case centered on the violation of a 19-year-old legal settlement known as the Flores agreement that set legal requirements for the housing of children seeking asylum or in the country illegally.   Continue reading “Detained illegal immigrant children must be released – California court”

Breitbart – by Ian Hanchett

During testimony before Congress on Thursday, FBI Director James Comey stated that the FBI’s interview with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not under oath or recorded, but it still would be a crime to lie to the FBI.

Comey stated that he did not personally interview Clinton, and did not talk to all of the “five or six” who did interview Clinton.   Continue reading “Comey: Hillary’s FBI Testimony Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

The FBI has decided to insert itself into another public records battle. The agency has long been known to cc: itself to public records requests for Stingray documents, but this time it’s claiming any requests for local  law enforcement documents related to the Orlando nightclub shooting need to be routed through it.   Continue reading “FBI Vacuums Up Local Law Enforcement Documents To Block Open Records Requests About Orlando Shooting”


NEW YORK (AP) — Wendy’s said hackers were able to steal customers’ credit and debit card information at 1,025 of its U.S. restaurants, far more than it originally thought.

The hamburger chain said Thursday hackers were able to obtain card numbers, names, expiration dates and codes on the card, beginning in late fall. Some cards belonging to customers were used to make fraudulent purchases at other stores.   Continue reading “Wendy’s says more than 1,000 restaurants affected by hack”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On July 1, businesses that disarm concealed carry permit holders with gun-free signage will be liable for the safety of those permit holders.

When the law, contained in SB 1736, takes effect, business owners who demand law-abiding citizens disarm themselves will assume liability for injuries they incur while on the “posted premises.” Moreover, the business owners will be liable for injuries a concealed permit holder incurs while retreating from the business to a vehicle–during an emergency–to retrieve the gun the business owner barred.   Continue reading “Tennessee Businesses That Disarm Concealed Carry Permit Holders Now Liable for Their Safety”


U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday “all options” were being considered over the possible discipline of House Democrats for protests they held on the House floor to call for action on gun-control measures.

With Democrats already rejecting a Republican gun bill and warning of further protests, the Republican-controlled House appeared to be heading for renewed discord over gun restrictions following the June 12 mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.   Continue reading “House Speaker Ryan: all options on table over Democrats’ gun sit-in”

The Sleuth Journal – by Voice of Reason

Not that long ago I published a post explaining much of what is already known about FEMA Camps, and where many are reported to be located, so in the event the sh** hits the fan, people would know where NOT to be. With the footage discovered below, once again I will make the case why people should be preparing for the worst. If/when the time comes for FEMA camps to open their doors to the masses, it will be during a state a Martial Law, which means regardless of the underlying cause, life will drastically change here in the United States.   Continue reading “Patriot Films Shocking New Footage Of A FEMA Camp Recently Discovered In Texas?”

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

If everyone, who is so enthralled with technology, would wake up to what really is going on in cyberspace utilizing computer networks to surveil and undermine your personal space and rights, especially what’s going on with Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating platform, we could take back our inherent God-given power of self-determination and keep our blest rights of privacy and informed consent!

Dr Katherine Albrecht, a technology security expert, discusses what YOU – and probably most folks – don’t know about Windows 10, plus how your personal space IS being invaded by Microsoft, Google, etc. who save the data you generate and send it to law enforcement, academic researchers, and marketers!  Did you know that?   Continue reading “Microwave Technology: The “GIFT” That Keeps Sharing – Your Information, That Is!”

Washington Free Beacon – by Lachlan Markay, November 6, 2015

As the nation’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that “negligent handling” of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon taking the job.

A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.   Continue reading “Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info”

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CNS News – by Alex Grubbs

Washington, D.C. has the highest rate of transgender-identifying residents in the country, according to a recently released study by the The Williams Institute, which is associated with the University of California/Los Angeles School of Law.

Of the estimated 1.4 million transgender-identifying individuals in the United States, about 14,550 – or 2.77 percent of the total – reside in D.C., according to the think tank, which specializes in “sexual orientation and gender identity law”.   Continue reading “D.C. Has Highest Transgender Identification Rate in Nation”

Wall Street Journal – by Peter Nicholas and Colleen McCain Nelson

WASHINGTON—Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday that she is closing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information while she was secretary of state, officially ending the yearlong legal drama that had threatened the presumptive Democratic nominee’s bid for the presidency.

The nation’s top law-enforcement official said in a statement that she had met with Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey and the career prosecutors and agents who had investigated Mrs. Clinton’s use of a personal email server while she was the State Department’s top official. “I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, yearlong investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation,” she said.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Closed by Attorney General”