Washington Post – by Dan Lamothe

A Marine Corps officer who has been locked in a legal battle with his service after self-reporting that he improperly disseminated classified information will use Hillary Clinton’s email case to fight his involuntary separation from the service, his lawyer said.

Maj. Jason Brezler’s case has been tied up in federal court since he sued the service in December 2014. He became a cause celebre among some members of Congress, Marine generals and military veterans after he sent a classified message using an unclassified Yahoo email account to warn fellow Marines in southern Afghanistan about a potentially corrupt Afghan police chief. A servant of that police official killed three Marines and severely wounded a fourth 17 days later, on Aug. 10, 2012, opening fire with a Kalashnikov rifle in an insider attack.   Continue reading “Marine’s defense for disseminating classified information will cite Hillary Clinton’s case”

RT – by Sam Gerrans

Predictably, there has been a round of attempts to ride the wave of the sensational event in Orlando to push forward the ongoing project to wrest guns from the hands of American citizens.

The latest manifestation of this tedious program featured Democrats staging a sit-in in a rather silly parody of the human rights protests of the sixties.   Continue reading “Americans: Don’t give up your guns”


A US-trained Syrian rebel unit was reportedly defeated and forced to flee by Islamic State during a desert battle near the town of Bukamal, after American jets abandoned them at a critical moment to bomb another target in neighboring Iraq.

The Pentagon-trained rebel unit, the New Syrian Army (NSA), was on a ground offensive to re-take the Islamic State-held (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) town of Bukamal in southeast Syria last week, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.    Continue reading “Syrian rebels lose ISIS battle after being abandoned by US jets – report”


FALCON HEIGHTS, Minn. (AP) — A Minnesota officer fatally shot a man in a car with a woman and a child, an official said, and authorities are looking into whether the aftermath was livestreamed in a widely shared Facebook video, which shows a woman in a vehicle with a man whose shirt appears to be soaked in blood telling the camera “police just shot my boyfriend for no apparent reason.”

St. Anthony Police interim police chief Jon Mangseth said the incident began when an officer pulled over a vehicle around 9 p.m. Wednesday in Falcon Heights, a St. Paul suburb that Mangseth’s department serves. Mangseth said he did not have details about the reason for the traffic stop, but that at some point shots were fired. The man was struck but no one else was injured, he said.   Continue reading “Man fatally shot by police in Minnesota; video investigated”

Atlantic Journal Constitution – by Rhonda Cook

A North Georgia newspaper publisher was indicted on a felony charge and jailed overnight last week – for filing an open-records request.

Fannin Focus publisher Mark Thomason, along with his attorney Russell Stookey, were arrested on Friday and charged with attempted identity fraud and identity fraud. Thomason was also accused of making a false statement in his records request.   Continue reading “North Georgia newspaper publisher jailed over open records request”

The Daily Beast – by Zack Kapplin

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana — Abdullah Muflahti sat on a beer cooler inside the Triple S Food Mart and described what it was like to watch police kill his friend.

“It was a nightmare, it was a nightmare,” Muflahti, the owner of this small convenience store, told The Daily Beast over and over. “I kept expecting to wake up.”   Continue reading “New Video Emerges of Alton Sterling Being Killed by Baton Rouge Police”

New York Post – by Daniel Harper

Lawmakers and their aides are being offered free blood tests after lead was found in water fountains at the U.S. Capitol office building.

Beginning today, “blood lead level testing will be available to House Members and Staff, with a valid congressional badge, at no cost to the individual or office,” the Architect of the Capitol wrote to Hill staffers Tuesday, according to Roll Call.   Continue reading “Lawmakers tested after lead found in US Capitol office water fountains”

PC World – by Lucian Constantin

Security researchers have found a new backdoor program that allows attackers to hijack Mac systems and control them over the Tor network.

The new malware has been dubbed Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor by researchers from antivirus vendor Bitdefender and is distributed as a file converter application through reputable websites that offer Mac software.   Continue reading “New Tor-powered backdoor malware targets Macs”

It looks like they once had Borders, a common Language and Culture before Hillary, the Bummer and TPTB had their way with them … bet your Bippy they want to do the very same to America!

Bored Panda

20 photos of the same places, before and after the Syrian war of the city of Aleppo. One of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.
Continue reading “Before-And-After Pics Reveal What War Did To The Largest City In Syria”

NOTICE the Drone Airplanes in the video from 1946!

ArsTechnica – by Sean Gallagher

In July of 1946, the US military conducted a pair of nuclear weapons tests on the previously inhabited island of Bikini, a coral atoll in the Marshall Islands chain. Advertised as a “defensive” test to see how ships would withstand a nuclear blast, the tests—code-named “Crossroads”—were described by the Manhattan Project team as “the most publicly advertised secret test ever conducted.”   Continue reading “Tropic Fallout: a look back at the Bikini nuclear tests, 70 years later”

Jon Rappoport

We’re more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our medicine and our shots because the doctor says so.

We’re careful, because accidents happen.

We don’t say what’s on our minds a lot of the time, because other people might pass that on, and who knows? We might get into trouble.   Continue reading “Once when we were free”

AnonHQ – by Vandita

In 2013, Hollywood actor, environmental activist, and “happy hippie”, Woody Harrelson brought non-wood, tree-free paper to the market to help our farmers, our forests, and our future. In 2014, Woody hosted Ethos, a powerful documentary aimed at encouraging us to engage in ethical consumerism by awakening our consciousness about what’s happening in the world. In 2015, he told The Guardian:   Continue reading “The Woody Harrelson Video Message The Mainstream Media Does NOT Want You To Watch”

220px-Comey-FBI-PortraitJames Brien Comey, Jr. (born December 14, 1960) is an American lawyer. He is the seventh and current Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

He was the United States Deputy Attorney General, serving in President George W. Bush‘s administration. As Deputy Attorney General, Comey was the second-highest-ranking official in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and ran the day-to-day operations of the Department, serving in that office from December 2003 through August 2005. He was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York prior to becoming Deputy Attorney General.   Continue reading “American Terrorist Target”

Bloomberg – by Nicolas Comfort and Donal Griffin

Deutsche Bank AG’s head of foreign exchange and emerging market debt trading, Ahmet Arinc, is leaving the company, according to a memo to staff.

David Wayne and Sean Bates will continue in their respective roles as head of currency trading and head of emerging market debt trading, reporting directly to Ram Nayak, the London-based head of debt trading, according to the memo seen by Bloomberg. A spokesman for Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank confirmed the memo’s contents and declined to comment further.   Continue reading “Deutsche Bank Currency Trading Chief Arinc Leaving the Firm”

Fox News – by Malia Zimmerman

Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton’s controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, FoxNews.com has learned.

The 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was apparently part of an ultimately successful bid to negotiate a plea deal before Epstein could be tried for using underage girls in a sex ring based in Palm Beach, Fla., and his private island estate on the 72-acre Virgin Islands home dubbed “Orgy Island.” Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to a plea deal in which he admitted to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.    Continue reading “Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.

That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.   Continue reading “Hacked messages of #BlackLivesMatter leader reveal Obama admin’s plan for ‘summer of chaos’ and martial law”

Breitbart – by Lucas Nolan

WikiLeaks has released 1,258 of Hillary Clinton’s emails in relation to the Iraq war, preceding the British Chilcot report on the conflict set to be released later this week.

WikiLeaks tweeted a link to their email archive from their official Twitter page today. Wikileaks appears to have a substantial amount of information on Clinton, having already released a large archive of Clinton’s emails earlier in the year. Breitbart has previously reported on Julian Assange’s claims that Google is complicit in the managing of Clintons online media campaign.   Continue reading “WikiLeaks Releases Over 1,000 Clinton Iraq War Emails”