Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

Punta Gorda, FL — She only intended to support police — whose collective, national reputation has been sullied by countless questionable killings — so, Mary Knowlton attended the Citizens Academy to try and understand the dangers of policing firsthand.

Instead, the 73-year-old retired librarian discovered too late why the pervasive fear of law enforcement in the United States is not only perfectly justified, it’s sound advice — Punta Gorda Police Officer Lee Coel fatally shot Knowlton during a demonstration for which she volunteered — because the inexcusably inept cop had loaded live instead of blank rounds in his firearm.   Continue reading “Graphic Video Released Showing Cop Kill Elderly Librarian During a Police Demo”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

If anyone gave any credibility to what came out of the mouth of United States officials before, the Trump administration has done everything possible to eliminate what was left of America’s reputation on the world stage. What is even more concerning, however, is that the statements made by the United States are no longer couched in nuance hidden between the lines but are now open statements of intended aggression and obvious preparation for the next military assault.   Continue reading “U.S. Sec. Of Defense Mattis Claims Syria Still Has Chemical Weapons; Laying The Groundwork For A New False Flag?”

WSTP 10 News

Somehow on Wednesday, a Nissan driving on a Southern California freeway got wedged into the rear wheels of a tandem truck.

Motorist Brian Steimke caught the conclusion of the incident on his cellphone on Interstate 15 in the Cajon Pass.

As Steimke passed the Nissan, the driver could be seen waving frantically, trying to get the truck driver to stop — to no avail.   Continue reading “Car dragged by truck for miles, truck driver oblivious”

Campus Reform – by Anthony Gockowski

Georgia Gwinnett College tried to dispel a First Amendment lawsuit by claiming that it removed a preacher from campus because his discussion of the Gospels “rose to the level of ‘fighting words.’”

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a lawsuit in December challenging the Georgia college’s restrictive speech policies after student Chike Uzuegbunam was repeatedly prohibited from discussing his Christian faith on campus, even after he had obtained permission to do so in one of the school’s free-speech zones.   Continue reading “College argues that preaching the Gospel is ‘fighting words’”

Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

The Trump administration in the United States has prepared criminal charges in order to arrest Julian Assange, founder and publisher of the media outlet WikiLeaks, CNN reported on Thursday.

Citing “U.S. officials familiar with the matter,” CNN reports the Justice Department “investigation of Assange and WikiLeaks dates to at least 2010″—which is around the time when WikiLeaks first gained international attention after it published thousands of leaked classified documents, including footage of military helicopter attack on civilians in Iraq. U.S. Army Private Chelsea Manning was ultimately convicted for being the source of those leaks and is still serving a sentence in a U.S. military prison.   Continue reading “As Reports of Assange Arrest Warrant Emerge, Who Will Defend WikiLeaks?”

Judicial Watch

The federal agency responsible for deporting illegal immigrants is in serious trouble, with overwhelmed officers that can’t keep up with monstrous workloads and repeatedly lose track of hardcore criminals inside the United States. Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with criminal records have been released by authorities in the U.S. and the Homeland Security agency responsible for keeping track of them, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is doing a miserable job, according to a new audit made public this week by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General.   Continue reading “Overwhelmed U.S. Deportation Officers Lose Track of Thousands of Criminals—“You might work 18 hours a day, but you still won’t get caught up.””

Chicago Tribune – by Jim Puzzanghera

Pesident Trump, who has vowed to dismantle the landmark Dodd-Frank financial reform law, will take aim at two of its pillars on Friday.

During an appearance at the Treasury Department, Trump is scheduled to sign two presidential memos ordering six-month reviews of the 2010 law’s authority for regulators to designate large firms as a risk to the financial system and to try to shut them down with minimal collateral damage if they’re on the verge of failing, the White House said.   Continue reading “Trump targets key Dodd-Frank financial regulations and taxes in new executive actions”

Breitbart – by Penny Starr

As members of Congress wind up their Easter break back in their districts, a website honoring former President Barack Obama is providing “progressives” with the information and tools they need to disrupt town hall meetings that lawmakers are holding over the remainder of this week.

Visitors to the website can find everything from detailed information on each scheduled town hall meeting to how to make signs and even specific questions to ask to push the agenda on a range of talking points including: investigating President Donald Trump, Trump’s “starvation budget” on foreign policy, climate change, supporting illegal aliens, and LGBT rights.   Continue reading “Obama Operatives Direct Town Hall Disruptions Nationwide”

CBC News

York Regional Police are releasing more details on Friday on a child sex trafficking investigation that resulted in the arrest of more than 100 men accused of “purchasing prostituted children.”

Police said in a release Thursday they had completed a multi-year operation.   Continue reading “York police say 104 men arrested as part of child sex trafficking probe”

The Sun – by Nick McDermott

JUST one diet drink a day can triple the risk of a deadly stroke, a study suggests.

The researchers also found links to dementia described as a “worrying association” by experts.

But the findings were dismissed by some British authorities, while others have called for more investigation.   Continue reading “Just ONE Diet Coke or Pepsi Max a day can ‘TRIPLE the risk of a deadly stroke’ and dementia, researchers claim”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Someone else who seems to get it. Free speech is free without any blocks or filters. You cannot have free speech with an asterisk.

For the sake of campus protestors and their professors across the country, it’s time to make something clear: there’s no such thing as hate speech.   Continue reading “Sorry, College Kids, There’s No Such Thing As Hate Speech”

Egyptian-American aid worker Aya Hijazi was cleared of child abuse and human trafficking charges in Cairo.

The Washington Post – by Philip Rucker and Karen DeYoung

An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release.  Continue reading “Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention”

AlterNet – by Vijay Prashad

A few years ago, I asked a retired Iraqi Air Force officer what it felt like to be bombed periodically by the United States in the 1990s. Whenever US President Bill Clinton felt irritated, I joked, he seemed to bomb Iraq. The officer, a distinguished man with a long career serving a military whose political leadership he despised, smiled. He said with great lightness – ‘When our leadership said something threatening those words itself were taken to be terrorism; when the United States bombs, the world does not even blush.’

To me this is an intuitive statement.   Continue reading “America Commits Acts of Terrorism—Why Is That So Hard to Understand?”

Collective Evolution – by Kalee Brown

High-level rape and pedophilia have been severe issues in the government and the U.S. army for many years. Governments and international organizations have been caught on numerous occasions trying to hide their involvement with sex rings, rape, and pedophilia, but despite their efforts, the public is starting to wake up to this type of high-level corruption.

It’s not just pimps and escaped convicts involved like the media wants you to think; oftentimes, it’s the people you’d least expect, or even respect the most: the politicians, the elite, the wealthy businessmen, and in some cases, even your friends and family.   Continue reading “Ex US General & VP Of Military Contractor With Ties To Child Sex Trafficking Charged With Rape Of A Child”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (April 20, 2017) – On Tuesday, the Alabama Senate passed a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would eliminate the requirement to obtain a permit in order to lawfully carry.  Passage into law would also foster an environment hostile to federal gun control.

Sen. Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa) introduced Senate Bill 24 (SB24) in February. The legislation would eliminated the permit requirement for carrying a concealed firearm in the state.   Continue reading “Alabama Senate Passes Constitutional Carry”

LIVE 5 News

The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office released dash cam video of a high-speed chase that ended with the death of a motorcyclist Wednesday night.

The motorcyclist, Robert Lee Clark, Jr., 30, of Goose Creek, was declared dead at the scene, authorities said.

A deputy on patrol on College Park Road at approximately 11:51 p.m. Wednesday spotted a motorcycle speeding toward Crowfield Boulevard from the direction of I-26, according to Chief Deputy Mike Cochran.   Continue reading “Berkeley Co. deputies release dash cam video in fatal motorcycle pursuit”