BOSTON (AP) — Self-driving cars may not hit the road in earnest for many years – but autonomous boats could be just around the pier. Spurred in part by the car industry’s race to build driverless vehicles, marine innovators are building automated ferry boats for Amsterdam canals, cargo ships that can steer themselves through Norwegian fjords and remote-controlled ships to carry containers across the Atlantic and Pacific. The first such autonomous ships could be in operation within three years.

One experimental workboat spent this summer dodging tall ships and tankers in Boston Harbor, outfitted with sensors and self-navigating software and emblazoned with the words “UNMANNED VESSEL” across its aluminum hull.   Continue reading “Self-driving boats: The next tech transportation race”

NORTH HAVERHILL, N.H. (AP) — A Rhode Island man accused of fatally shooting his mother in the intensive care unit of New Hampshire’s largest hospital was set to be arraigned Wednesday on murder charges.

Travis Frink signed into the visitor center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon and went to the intensive care unit, authorities said. Soon after, Lebanon police received an emergency call reporting shots had been fired there.  Continue reading “Man accused of killing his mom in hospital to be arraigned”

NEW YORK (AP) — A puzzling study of U.S. pregnancies found that women who had miscarriages between 2010 and 2012 were more likely to have had back-to-back annual flu shots that included protection against swine flu.

Vaccine experts think the results may reflect the older age and other miscarriage risks for the women, and not the flu shots. Health officials say there is no reason to change the government recommendation that all pregnant women be vaccinated against the flu. They say the flu itself is a much greater danger to women and their fetuses.   Continue reading “Study prompts call to examine flu vaccine and miscarriage”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans would get health coverage simply by showing a new government-issued card and would no longer owe out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles, according to legislation Sen. Bernie Sanders released Wednesday charting a stem-to-stern reshaping of the country’s health care system.

But the Vermont independent’s description of his measure omitted specifics about how much it would cost and final decisions about how he would pay for it. Sanders was releasing his bill the same day Republican senators were rolling out details of a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s health care law.   Continue reading “Sanders bill expands Medicare for all, lacks details on cost”

Illinois Policy – by Amy Korte

On Sept. 5, two lawsuits were filed in Cook County Circuit Court alleging that Wow Bao, a restaurant chain owned by Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Inc., and gas station and convenience store chain Speedway LLC violated Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act, or BIPA, by collecting and storing people’s biometric, or biologically derived, information without complying with the consent and notice procedures mandated by the law.

In the suit against Wow Bao and Lettuce Entertain You, the plaintiff has alleged the restaurant violated the BIPA by improperly collecting and storing customers’ facial scans through self-order kiosks.  Continue reading “Two More Companies Sued Under Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act”

ABC News

A judge on Tuesday dismissed criminal charges against the engineer in an Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia that killed eight people, citing a lack of evidence in a case that prosecutors initially refused to pursue.

Brandon Bostian, 34, had faced charges that included involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment after his Washington-to-New York train rounded a curve at more than twice the speed limit and flew off the tracks in a violent derailment that crumpled cars and flung passengers into the woods. About 200 people were hurt.  Continue reading “Judge tosses charges against Amtrak engineer in deadly wreck”

Reuters – by Devika Krishna Kumar

HOUSTON, Sept 12 (Reuters) – Texas has launched aerial attacks on mosquitoes swarming coastal regions of the state and threatening to spread disease and hinder disaster recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo planes began spraying insecticides over three eastern Texas counties over the weekend and will expand to other areas over the next two weeks, officials from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said. About 1.85 million acres have been treated as of Tuesday, according to the department.   Continue reading “Texas calls in U.S. Air Force to counter post-storm surge in mosquitoes”

A lawsuit turned out not to be necessary. An HSLDA attorney contacted the busybody the next day on Hope’s behalf and persuaded him to abandon the unreasonable (and illegal) parts of his demands. (Just click on the second link in article above for the details.)

Intellectual Takeout – by Annie Holmquist

The Great Solar Eclipse of 2017 was met with a variety of responses by schools across the country. Some announced they would close for the day for fear that the children under their care would accidentally look at the sun and encounter eye damage. Others remained open out of fear that children would not be safe at home by themselves during the great event.   Continue reading “Homeschool Mom Receives Visit from the State Over Field Trip”

The Daily Sheeple – by John W Whitehead

“I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”—Osama bin Laden (October 2001)

Ironically, during the same week that we mark the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we find ourselves commemorating the 230th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution.   Continue reading “Let’s Make America Free Again: 230 Years After The Constitution, We’re Walking A Dangerous Road”

Gateway Pundit – by Carter

Psycho Hillary Clinton was so peeved about the media coverage over her private email server that she was considering making voodoo dolls in the image of “certain members” of the news and Congress with the intention of “[sticking] them full of pins.”

That sounds sane . . .   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Wanted to Make ‘Voodoo Dolls’ of Reporters, Lawmakers to Stick Them With Pins”

Breitbart – by John Nolte

You and I, meaning Normal People, we look at our Thought Leaders, our Media and Cultural Overlords, our Ruling Class, and oftentimes wonder how they can be so venal and dishonest in pursuit of what they want — and what they want most of all is control over the lives of us Normal People, those of us who do not want to control anyone. We just want to be left alone.

How many times have we asked, How do they live with themselves? All the lies they tell, the innocent people they destroy, the fake news they publish, the character assassination, the stoking of racial conflict, the hate campaigns, the advocating of violence, the unending cultural bigotry against those of us just minding our own business… How do they sleep at night?   Continue reading “Gatekeeper of DC Society Sally Quinn Comes Out as Occultist, Used Hex to Kill People”

The Newspaper

States are more than happy to receive their annual share of $450 million in federal cash used to run speed traps and roadblocks, but they are now actively resisting efforts to increase the transparency and accountability of the programs being funded. Congressional lawmakers attached a provision requiring states to clarify how automated ticketing machines are used within the 558-page law that provides transportation grants (view law). The surveys are to be conducted at federal expense.   Continue reading “States Resist Speed Trap Transparency”

It’s been said that Facebook has been used as a medium for Russian hackers to run roughshod over the largest social medium site in history, controlling and instigating immigration rallies, political rallies, American elections and whatever else Putin and his cronies can get their hands on. It’s also been theorized that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been used for ads inside Facebook by fake names, entities or whatever you want to call them from god knows where around the globe. These entities are enemies to America and not a goddamed thing is being done about it.

Mark Zuckerberg, being the liberal Bill of Rights killer that he is, might be allowing this to happen, or is he? Has the hacking problem worldwide become such a problem that it can’t be controlled? Facial recognition, world class algorithms and bar none security precautions be damned? I’m guessing yes, Facebook has become commiebook and Zuckerberg, in my opinion lets it happen. Hackers from all over the world have Mark Zuckerberg by the Matzo Balls!     Continue reading “How Much Control does Zuckerberg Really have over Facebook? – Commiebook?”

The Great Recession Blog

It is widely believed that World War II gave us the end of the Great Depression. As a result, people have said for decades there is nothing like a wartime economy to bring recovery from economic recession. War blows apart a lot of things, so you have to make a lot of things, which puts a lot of people to work building a lot of things, which puts a lot of other people to work digging a lot of things from the ground in order to build those things. Hurricanes blow apart a lot of things, too.

If that logic held completely true, however, the best thing we could do whenever we are trying to come out of economic collapse would be to blow up every city in the nation so we could build it all over again. While WWII did end the Great Depression, logic tells us there is a more complex tale to tell.   Continue reading “Hurricanes Harvey and Irma May Lend Helping Hand to Economy, but Hurricane Iniki and Katrina Tell More Complex Longterm Tales”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Jose brewing in the Atlantic, many people are looking for answers as to the increasingly volatile weather being witnessed.

And while climate change is one potential cause, there are other lesser known activities that could potentially be playing a role in the manifestation of these weather anomalies.

While weather modification and geo-engineering are still somewhat taboo subjects to the mainstream, often considered to be in the realm of conspiracy theory, there is a significant body of academic research and science that confirms that these technologies not only exist but are being operationalized.   Continue reading ““We’re Firing Trillion Watt Lasers into the Sky”: Top Scientist Admits to Weather Modification on CBS”


The US could impose economic sanctions on China if it does not implement the new sanctions regime against North Korea, the US Treasury Secretary has warned. Steven Mnuchin said the restrictions could involve cutting off Beijing’s access to the US financial system.

“North Korea economic warfare works,” Mnuchin said Tuesday at the Delivering Alpha Conference in New York City. “We sent a message that anybody who wanted to trade with North Korea – we would consider them not trading with us.”   Continue reading “US threatens to ‘cut China off’ from dollar if it does not uphold sanctions against N. Korea”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Volusia County, FL — The state of Florida has made headlines recently about how they were treating people at hurricane shelters. Last week, as the Free Thought Project reported, Florida police announced that they would arrest people for outstanding parking ticket violations if they tried to seek refuge in one of the shelters. However, that was just the beginning. A video taken of Volusia County, Florida, shows that it wasn’t just people with warrants the government was treating as second-class citizens — it was the homeless too.

In the disheartening video, several homeless people who were simply trying to seek refuge in a local shelter during the storm — after being told to go there by police — were seen being turned away by police for no other reason other than the fact that they had no house to live in.   Continue reading “Police Turn Away Homeless People at Hurricane Shelters—Because They’re Homeless”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

When retired Georgia Tech professor Judith Curry penned a blog post on her “Climate Etc.” website suggesting that it was scientifically irresponsible to tie the intensity of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma directly to climate change, she probably didn’t expect that she might trigger 1,000’s of progressives to call for her immediate imprisonment.  Unfortunately, for both Curry and society at large, that is exactly what happened.

Here is part of Curry’s post that potentially resulted in this latest ‘mass-triggering’ event:   Continue reading “Calls To Imprison “Climate Change Deniers” Grow In The Wake Of Hurricane Irma”

Breitbart – by John Carney

The trade pact between South Korea and the United States has proven to be one of the most one-way global trade deals ever signed.

Just five years old, the South Korea-U.S. trade deal known as KORUS has led to a huge rise in imports from South Korea with no reciprocal rise in exports from the U.S. Prior to the deal, the U.S. exported around $43.6 billion in goods to South Korea, while South Korea sent around $56.6 billion, producing a trade deficit of around $13 billion. Last year, the U.S. exported $42.3 billion to South Korea and imported $69.9 billion from South Korea. The trade deficit was around $27.6 billion.   Continue reading “South Korea Trade Deal: ‘It’s Like NAFTA on Crack’”