Breitbart – by Frances Martel

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is boasting of over 100 smartphone applications designed to allow senior party members to more accurately track their underlings’ loyalty, based in part on how much communist propaganda the individual consumes on the app.

The Chinese state newspaper Global Times notes that these apps “place additional pressure on members to properly and timely show their loyalty and enthusiasm for the Party.” Party members can be reprimanded if their superior notices they have not been interacting with other party members, reading speeches by president Xi Jinping, or taking online communism classes often enough through the app. The article notes that those who excel and indoctrinate themselves with the apps may be eligible for prizes such as pens and notebooks.   Continue reading “China Unveils over 100 Smartphone Apps to Track ‘Loyalty’ to Communism”

Fox 13 News – by Kellie Cowan

PLANT CITY (FOX 13) – Hurricane Irma didn’t just make a mess in the Bay Area when it made landfall more than a month ago. The storm also knocked out power in some areas for weeks. Many families had to throw out food or miss work, and paychecks. They are still struggling to recovery.

Thanks to DCF and USDA, financial relief has arrived, but lines are long. In Plant City, traffic backed up for miles outside of Hillsborough County’s Food For Florida site on Sunday.    Continue reading “Food assistance continues for families hit by Hurricane Irma”

The Nation – by David Nayen

You know the old joke: How do you make a killing on Wall Street and never risk a loss? Easy—use other people’s money. Jamie Dimon and his underlings at JPMorgan Chase have perfected this dark art at America’s largest bank, which boasts a balance sheet one-eighth the size of the entire US economy.

After JPMorgan’s deceitful activities in the housing market helped trigger the 2008 financial crash that cost millions of Americans their jobs, homes, and life savings, punishment was in order. Among a vast array of misconduct, JPMorgan engaged in the routine use of “robo-signing,” which allowed bank employees to automatically sign hundreds, even thousands, of foreclosure documents per day without verifying their contents. But in the United States, white-collar criminals rarely go to prison; instead, they negotiate settlements. Thus, on February 9, 2012, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced the National Mortgage Settlement, which fined JPMorgan Chase and four other mega-banks a total of $25 billion.   Continue reading “Special Investigation: How America’s Biggest Bank Paid Its Fine for the 2008 Mortgage Crisis—With Phony Mortgages!”

Carolina Journal

North Carolina state officials failed to account for 234 vehicles worth $634,000 seized by a program targeting drivers convicted of felonies for speeding or driving while intoxicated, a new state audit reported.

Auditor Beth Wood found gaps in monitoring the contractors charged with impounding the vehicles, along with resistance from one major contractor to cooperate with the investigation. The missing vehicles should have been auctioned, kept in storage, or returned to the owners. But audit investigators couldn’t find the missing vehicles or the paperwork that might help find them.   Continue reading “Audit: State cannot account for 234 vehicles seized under DWI forfeiture program”

The Detroit News

A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago.

Christopher Mirasolo, 27, of Brown City was awarded joint legal custody by Judge Gregory S. Ross after DNA testing established paternity of the child, according to the victim’s attorney, Rebecca Kiessling, who is seeking protection under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 25.   Continue reading “Michigan rapist gets joint custody”

SF Gate

Several massive wildfires burned out of control in Napa and Sonoma counties early Monday, destroying an untold number of homes and businesses, forcing the evacuation of many thousands of people and shutting down major roadways as firefighters sought to halt the advance of infernos that were driven by powerful winds.

There was no immediate estimate of the damage or the extent of injuries — nor an explanation for the sheer number of fires — but structures were burning in both counties, according to authorities and witnesses.   Continue reading “Fires in Napa and Sonoma counties burn structures, force evacuations, close hospitals”

Breitbart – by Chriss W Street

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento.

California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months.   Continue reading “California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic”

Mirror – by Kelly-Ann Mills

Passengers looked on it horror as a fire broke out next to an American Airlines plane at an airport.

A piece of loading equipment caught fire at Hong Kong International Airport next to the plane that was due to to fly from the city to Los Angeles.

The Boeing 777 was close to the terminal shortly after 5pm local time (10am GMT) when the fire started to the left of the plane.   Continue reading “Fire breaks out next to American Airline plane as passengers look on in horror at airport”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On Sunday night, the White House revealed that it is seeking more funds from Congress to fund Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, more resources to hire thousands more immigration officers, cutting the number of new legal immigrants and generally demanding a steep price for legislation under consideration to help so-called Dreamers. According to the WSJ, “the White House documents, sent to congressional leaders in both parties on Sunday, amount to a lengthy wish list of longstanding conservative immigration goals.” While White House officials told reporters that they want these to be included in any immigration deal, they stopped short of saying the White House will insist on them.   Continue reading “White House Reveals What It Wants In Exchange For Keeping “Dreamers””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Columbus Day celebrations could turn violent, as various “antifa” anarchist groups have announced a nationwide campaign to deface Christopher Columbus statues during Monday’s holiday.

According to PJ Media, at least five Christopher Columbus statues have already been vandalized in New York City in recent weeks, based on reports from Far Left Watch. In one case last month, vandals defaced a “larger-than-life” statue of Columbus in Central Park, leaving blood-red paint on his hands, and scrawled, “Hate will not be tolerated” and “#SomethingsComing” on its pedestal.   Continue reading “Antifa Groups Plan Nationwide “Deface Columbus Day” Acts For Monday”

SHTF Plan – by Alex Thomas

Over the last few days the alternative media has spent countless hours conducting their own investigations into what actually happened during the mass shooting in Las Vegas that left 59 dead and over 500 injured. From reports of multiple shooters to officials seemingly covering up the ISIS connection, many different theories have been put forth that counter the mainstream narrative.

Now, new information released by investigative reporter Laura Loomer proves that authorities have directly lied to the American people about the case at least once by claiming that supposed shooter Stephen Paddock checked into the Mandalay Bay Hotel on September 28th when valet records (with photos) prove he actually arrived three days earlier.   Continue reading “Confirmed: Authorities LIED About Las Vegas Shooter’s Hotel Check-In Date – What Else Are They Hiding?”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Erik Prince, who founded a private military contractor that has faced lawsuits for shootings and other misconduct in Iraq, is considering challenging a Republican Senator from Wyoming in a primary next year, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

Steve Bannon, U.S. President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, had urged Prince to run for the seat now held by John Barrasso, an ally of Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as part of an effort to shake up Republican leadership, the paper said.   Continue reading “Blackwater founder Prince weighing U.S. Senate run: New York Times”

The Cobertt Report

Timothy McVeigh. We’ve been told so much about him, the Oklahoma City bombing, and what it meant for America. But what if it’s all a lie? Join us today for this special Corbett Report podcastumentary as we examine the multiple trucks, multiple bombs, government informants, faked executions and other pieces of information suggesting that McVeigh was not a “lone wolf bomber” at all but a sheepdipped special forces operative working for the government, exactly as he claimed.   Continue reading “The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh”

The Great Recession

In fact, I knew what the economy did last summer before summer even began. Since the beginning of the year, I have been writing that it appeared housing was reaching a new bubblicious peak and that the real estate market was getting ready to roll over. Just before the start of the summer, I confirmed that prediction by saying that it looked like that process had begun. I anticipate it will be a slow turnover at first, just as it was in 2007, which did not reach free fall until late in 2008. Likewise, I anticipate the present decline will not reach free fall until 2018.   Continue reading “I Know What the Economy Did Last Summer Part 2: The Real Estate Rollover”