The Organic Prepper

Did you ever think about how different your day to day life would be after an SHTF event? The little things we take for granted now, like making a meal, staying warm, or having water to drink and bathe in would suddenly become a whole lot more complicated.

Who better to tell us what that is like than Selco? For those who don’t know, Selco spent a year in a city in Bosnia that was blockaded. During that year, he and the other residents lived without our normal amenities like heat, running water, electricity, and supplies that could be purchased at the stores.   Continue reading “Selco: What an “Average Day” Is REALLY Like When the SHTF”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Egg Harbor City, NJ — In the land of the free helping those in need can be considered a criminal act if one does not file the right paperwork and pay the right official for the ‘privilege’ of being kind and helping others. As the case below illustrates, even when these acts of charity are saving the lives of children, the heartless state will step in to stop it—if you haven’t paid them.  Continue reading “City Shutting Down Life-Saving Charity Because They Don’t Have a Permit”

The New Observer

Police in Washington DC arrested at least 100 Jews—including rabbis, members of the Anti-Defamation League, Bend the Arc, T’ruah and other Jewish groups—after they took part in an illegal demonstration and occupation of public space in a Senate office building—demanding legislation to enable the nonwhite invasion of America to continue.   Continue reading “100 Jews Arrested in US Senate after Illegal Demonstration in Favor of Third World Invasion of America”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

In trudging through the FISA document that came to light on Tuesday, it was discovered that the National Security Agency had been illegally conducting searches on people in the US.  The document has gone on to state that those illegal searches, which were conducted under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, mounted to a whopping 85% of the total searches involving US person indentifiers.

Section 702 data on US persons identifiers may be conducted if they are first “approved in accordance with [internal] NSA procedures, which must require a statement of facts establishing that the use of any such identifier as a selection term is reasonably likely to return foreign intelligence information.”   Continue reading “FISA Document: 85% of NSA Searches Under Obama Were Illegal”

Flathead Beacon

PORTLAND, Ore. — A federal judge Wednesday sentenced a man to a year and a day in federal prison for digging a trench during the armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge in southeastern Oregon.

Jake Ryan of Plains, Montana, was found guilty in March 2017 of depredation of government property.   Continue reading “Plains Man Sentenced for Role in 2017 Oregon Standoff”

Scott speaks the truth, listen up you educated morons!

Breitbart – by John Nolte

SCOTTeVEST CEO Scott Jordan said his company advertises on Fox News because their viewers are “extremely gullible” and “f**cking idiots.”

One is left to wonder just how shoddy Jordan’s product is (a vest with enough inside pockets to carry a phone, tablet, water bottle, etc.) if he counts on “extremely gullible … f**king idiots” to purchase it.   Continue reading “SCOTTeVEST CEO: We Advertise on Fox News Because Viewers Are ‘F**king Idiots’”

Washington Post – by Eli Rosenberg

The teenagers’ newspaper story started with a simple question: Why had a well-liked history teacher at their high school been missing from campus? Was there a medical issue, or something else?

Conor Spahr, 18, a senior at Herriman High School and a news editor at its newspaper, the Herriman Telegraph, decided to find out. There were rumors floating around, but he and the paper’s editor in chief, Max Gordon, 17, wanted to know what really happened.  Continue reading “Their school deleted an article on a teacher’s firing. So these teens published it themselves.”

Weekly Standard – by Holmes Lybrand

Caricature-extraordinaire Alex Jones claimed on Tuesday to have in his possession THE secret FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) memo that congressional Republicans are calling to be declassified so as to demonstrate surveillance abuses.

“Congress is writing their report on this memo,” Jones said on his program.   Continue reading “Fact Check: Did Infowars Release the ‘Secret FISA Memo’?”


A magnitude 4.0 earthquake has shaken Los Angeles. It struck at around 3am local time Thursday morning at a depth of about 10km, roughly 13km northeast of Trabuco Canyon.

The initial quake was followed soon after by a 2.2 aftershock.  Continue reading “Los Angeles hit by 4.0 magnitude earthquake, felt across S. California”


The greenback has touched the lowest level against major global currencies since 2015. This comes after the US treasury secretary announced that Washington favors a weak dollar in trade.

Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Steven Mnuchin said that a weaker dollar “is good for us as it relates to trade and opportunities.”  Continue reading “US dollar crashes to 3yr lows against major currencies”

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A decades-long sentence for Michigan sports doctor Larry Nassar ensures he won’t be free again. But the conclusion of an extraordinary seven-day court hearing doesn’t close the book on the scandal.

Nassar, 54, was sentenced Wednesday to a minimum of 40 years in state prison, a punishment that’s in addition to a 60-year term in federal prison for child pornography crimes. Michigan State University, where Nassar assaulted young gymnasts and other athletes, is under fire by victims, lawyers and lawmakers who want to know why he was able to get away with it for so long.   Continue reading “Nassar scandal far from over despite sentence”

DENVER (AP) — In a Denver co-working space between a brewpub and a shop serving the Hawaiian raw fish salad called poke, four possible independent candidates for U.S. Senate and governorships recently plotted how to pry loose Republicans’ and Democrats’ grip on U.S. politics.

Terry Hayes, Maine’s treasurer and a possible gubernatorial candidate, left the Democratic Party over its domination by teachers’ unions. Craig O’Dear, a Kansas City lawyer exploring a challenge to Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, was active in the GOP but became disillusioned with both parties. Bob Krist decided to run for Nebraska governor as an independent because Republican activists and the GOP incumbent injected partisanship into the state’s nonpartisan Legislature.   Continue reading “Washington’s bickering motivates new US nonpartisan groups”

Reason – by A. Barton Hinkle

Cops never know what they are walking into, because even situations that seem calm and predictable can burst into mayhem in a moment. So nobody should ever begrudge law enforcement officers the safety precautions they take.

All the same, you have to wonder about the show of force that turned out on Convair Lane in Henrico early Monday morning. There had been some sort of dispute, and shots fired. But nobody had been hurt and the public was never in danger, according to Henrico police Lt. Lauren Hummel. Two juveniles were taken into custody.  Continue reading “Militarized Police Events Are Now Routine”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As we reported last week, Sweden may or may not be preparing for civil conflict – as Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that the government would do whatever it takes – including deploying the military – to end the wave of gang violence coming primarily from young migrants in the country’s “no-go” zones.

It’s not my first action to put in a military, but I’m prepared to do what it takes to ensure that the seriously organized crime goes away,” Lofven said after the party leadership discussion in parliament, adding “it is also obvious that there are social problems… …We see criminals with total lack of respect for human life, it’s a terrible development I’m determined to turn around.”   Continue reading “Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed”

The Intercept – by Jean Marc Manach

THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY maintains a page on its website that outlines its mission statement. But earlier this month, the agency made a discreet change: It removed “honesty” as its top priority.

Since at least May 2016, the surveillance agency had featured honesty as the first of four “core values” listed on, alongside “respect for the law,” “integrity,” and “transparency.” The agency vowed on the site to “be truthful with each other.”  Continue reading “NSA Deletes “Honesty” and “Openness” From Core Values”

NBC New York – by Sander Siegel

An off-duty NYPD officer stole the clothes off a man’s back outside of a Brooklyn hookah bar, then lied to fellow officers to cover and pointed a gun at a group of people in an attempt to cover his tracks, according to prosecutors.

Anthony Delacruz, 34, was arraigned Wednesday after being named in a 14-count indictment with charges including robbery and falsely reporting an incident. It comes after a chain of events on May 28, 2016, that left his alleged victim standing on the sidewalk in nothing but his boxer shorts and a T-shirt.   Continue reading “Off-Duty NYPD Officer Stole Man’s Clothes, Pistol-Whipped Him: DA”