Truth Out – by Dahr Jamail

If a new bill in the Washington State legislature is passed, commanders of military bases could have the power to impact land use planning anywhere in the state.

Critics of the bill fear it would be a slide down the slippery slope of allowing the military free reign to do what it wants — wherever it wants to do it — within the state, with little or no recourse by the citizens it could impact. For example, the Navy, which has already expressed a desire to control marine traffic along Puget Sound’s Hood Canal region, could decide to close the waterway to all civilian traffic. Another Navy wish has been to end civilian drone traffic over civilian land near its bases — and it could decide to end it over the entire state. (While many might celebrate the end of drones, it would still be an instance of the military impeding civilian liberties.)   Continue reading “The Military Wants to Dictate Private Land Use – and Washington State Might Let It”

CBS Los Angeles

ANAHEIM (CBSLA) – An off-duty Los Angeles police officer who fired his gun during an altercation with a group of teenagers outside his Anaheim home last year, setting off violent protests, will not face criminal charges.

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday morning that Kevin Ferguson acted lawfully as a private citizen when he fired his weapon into the ground while detaining a 13-year-old boy during a confrontation with several teens.  Continue reading “No Charges For Off-Duty LAPD Cop Who Fired Gun During Scuffle With Teens”

The Organic Prepper – by Cat Ellis

Last night, my husband attended our beekeeping association meeting. He was looking forward to it all day. Talking with other “bee people” is exciting, chatting about the upcoming spring, opening up the hives after winter, installing new bees, etc. I couldn’t wait for him to come home to with new beekeeping ideas and to see his face light up as he waxed poetic about beekeeping.

Only, that didn’t happen. Instead, he brought back a story that chilled me to my bones about someone deliberately killing the bees just a few towns away from us in Rehoboth, MA.   Continue reading “Who Is Deliberately Killing the Bees…and Why?”

Electronic Intifada – by Asa Winstanley

When Sima Vaknin-Gil took over as director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the start of 2016, a crucial fact went largely unnoticed.

For years, she had been a high-ranking officer with an Israeli spy agency.

This means that for the last two years a former intelligence officer has been running Israel’s global war against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.  Continue reading “Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed”

The College Fix – by Greg Piper

Judge compared its policies to ‘1984’

Kellogg Community College in Michigan jailed a student for passing out pocket copies of the Constitution on campus.

An administrator said that students from “rural farm areas … might not feel like they have the choice to ignore” the supposed solicitation by the nascent Young Americans for Liberty chapter.   Continue reading “Settlement forces college that jailed student for passing out Constitutions to ditch policies”

Business Insider – by Alex Lockie

The US has been quietly amassing firepower in the Pacific during a lull in tensions with North Korea, but recent developments on an under-the-radar nuclear weapon suggest preparation for a potential tactical nuclear strike.

The US recently sent B-2 stealth bombers to Guam, where they joined B-1 and B-52s, the other bombers in the US’s fleet.  Continue reading “US stealth bombers in Guam appear to be readying for a tactical nuclear strike on North Korea”

Natural Blaze – by Heather Callaghan

“They’re going to have to make a choice – They can have their guns or their marijuana, but not both.”

But, why?

Is our nation really going to be hunting down medical marijuana users and threatening them to surrender their firearms even though they are not criminals?   Continue reading “Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Recipients Pressured To Choose Guns Or Ganja”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Jan. 24, 2018) – An Alabama House committee has passed a bill that would exempt the sale of gold and silver bullion from state sales and use tax, encouraging its use and taking the first step toward breaking the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

Rep. Ronald Johnson (R-Sylacauga) introduced House Bill 19 (HB19) earlier this month. The legislation would exempt the gross proceeds from the sale of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bullion and coins from sales and use tax in the state. The tax repeal would sunset in five years unless renewed by the legislature.   Continue reading “Alabama Committee Passes Bill to Help Encourage Use of Gold and Silver as Money”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The war of words (China) and deeds (US) is hotting up once again tonight, sending the Dollar Index careening back to new cycle lows

Following Wilbur Ross’ “China’s direct threat” comments today in Davos, China’s MOFCOM has responded with the most aggressive rhetoric yet..  Continue reading “Dollar Resumes Nosedive As China Threatens US With “Appropriate Measures” Over Trade”


One of the last unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls has finally been deciphered bringing researchers one step closer to unravelling the mystery of the texts written more than 2,000 years ago.

Most of the scrolls were deciphered in the years after they were found in the 1940s and 1950s. The ancient religious texts, which are written in a range of different languages including Hebrew and Aramaic, the ancient language believed to be spoken by Jesus Christ, have long been restored and published.   Continue reading “Researchers finally decipher ancient Jewish Dead Sea scroll written in secret code”

KSFY News – by Erika Leigh

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KSFY) – A new report from the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (AHAS) has South Dakota’s driving laws ranked as the worst in the country.

The report ranks all 50 states based on 16 driving safety laws it says are optimal. South Dakota has just two of those 16.   Continue reading “South Dakota ranks worst in state driving laws in new report”

Sons of Liberty Chapter – by Donald N. Moran

Editor’s Note: This article was reprinted from the February 1997 Edition of the The Liberty Tree and Valley Compatriot Newsletter

It can be argued that April 19th, 1775 is the most important date in American history. The Battle of Lexington, Concord and Battle Road was the opening engagement of the American Revolution. And, it is not surprising that after two hundred and twenty-two years, some of the details are still the subject of some debate.   Continue reading “Never Too Old: The Story of Captain Samuel Whittemore”

Yahoo News

Washington (AFP) – US President Donald Trump said Wednesday he was prepared to back a deal that would provide a pathway to citizenship to America’s so-called “Dreamer” immigrants over a period of 10 to 12 years.

The latest approach by the White House suggests a key development in negotiations over some 700,000 immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children, and face deportation as early as March.  Continue reading “‘Don’t worry’: Trump lays out path to citizenship for Dreamers”

Daily Mail

A wild boar with radiation levels 25 times the safe consumption limit has been shot in Sweden – the highest ever recorded in the Scandinavian country.

The 45kg animal was shot during a hunt in Tierp, Uppland, in south-central Sweden, and was found to have a radiation level of 39,706 becquerel per kilo (bq per kg).  Continue reading “Highest EVER levels of radiation are found in Sweden’s wild boar – 25 times the safe limit for meat consumption”

Daily Mail

Since the dawn of humanity, men have played a vital role in determining the sex of their offspring.

The Y chromosome, carried by roughly half of a man’s sperm, dictates whether a child will be male or female.

If the Y chromosome is present, a child will develop into a boy, whereas a lack of this strand of DNA will result in a girl.  Continue reading “The end of men? Experts reveal how the male sex chromosome could one day disappear completely”