CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A Vermont man accused by family members of killing his millionaire grandfather and possibly his mother said several of his relatives are “being driven by malice and greed” and are spreading lies about him.

Nathan Carman has been called a suspect in the 2013 shooting death of 87-year-old real estate developer John Chakalos in Windsor, Connecticut. No one has been arrested. He also has been questioned about the day his boat sank with his mother, Linda Carman, aboard near Rhode Island in 2016. She is presumed dead. He was rescued a week later, after being found floating on a life raft in the Atlantic Ocean.  Continue reading “Vermont man insists he didn’t kill mother, grandfather”

GCN – by Matt Leonard

Columbus, Ohio, is procuring the operating system that will collect, analyze and share data for its multiple smart city efforts. The Smart Columbus Operating System is seen as a vital part of achieving what the city promised when it won the Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge in 2016.

The city describes the SCOS as “the heartbeat of the Smart Columbus Program.” Jodie Bare, the deputy program manager for Columbus and leader of the SCOC development, called it “the backbone” of the efforts. It’s also been called “brains.”
Continue reading “Columbus builds its smart city operating system”

The Hill

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson warned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that he will sue the Trump administration if the state isn’t removed from a plan to expand offshore drilling.

Ferguson in a letter sent to Zinke on Monday demanded that Washington be exempt from the plan to expand oil and gas drilling off the U.S., including off the state’s coast.  Continue reading “Washington state threatens to sue over Zinke offshore drilling plan”

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Fox News

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.   Continue reading “FBI lovers’ latest text messages: Obama ‘wants to know everything’”

World Events and the Bible

I recently read an article that explained how two atheist organizations worked together and filed a complaint with the Department of Defense over graduation prayers. Working together, the two athiest organizatons penned a letter that was sent to Defense Secretary James Mattis in a formal complaint.

After reading the article, I pondered the thought for a moment.  Continue reading “My Letter To Defense Secretary James Mattis”

Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian

WASHINGTON, DC — Hundreds of high-skilled Indians and Indian Americans rallied in front of the White House on Saturday in support of President Donald Trump’s merit-based immigration plan and called for ending the visa lottery system and chain migration while debunking the mainstream media’s attempts to label the commander-in-chief a racist.

Most of those present were experts in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) field.  Continue reading “‘DACA Fix’: High-Skilled Indian Workers Rally to Support Trump’s Merit-Based Immigration Program”

The Great Recession

It took sixteen months to build the exceptionally steep Trump Rally, and just one week to eliminate a quarter of it. While I wouldn’t call that jolting reversal a stock-market crash in the ordinary sense, the largest one-day point fall in the history of the market (by far) certainly marks a massive change in market conditions. From this point forward, it won’t be the same market it was.   Continue reading “Epochal Stock Market Flash Crash Reconnects Stocks and Bonds, Portends End of Fake Recovery”

Breitbart – by Sean Moran

The House passed a stop-gap spending bill on Tuesday that will fund the government through March 23.

The House passed the short-term spending bill 245-182, featuring mostly Republican votes.   Continue reading “House Passes Short-Term Spending Bill, Funding Government Through March 23”

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KCRA 3 News

Authorities seized more than two dozen guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition from a California man, nearly five months after a judge barred him from having firearms, highlighting a backlog in a state system meant to seize guns from those who aren’t allowed to have them.

A judge in September ordered Mark Morman to surrender his firearms and ammunition. In January, agents from the California Department of Justice went to his home in North Hollywood looking for two guns that he had registered.   Continue reading “10,000+ people barred from owning guns in CA still have them”

Reason – by Christian Britschgi

The Indiana branch of the American Civil Liberties Union is fighting for your constitutional right to flip off the cops.

Last week the group filed a lawsuit on behalf of Mark May of Vigo County, Indiana. May was ticketed $500 for flipping off Iowa State Trooper Matt Ames while driving down a state highway last year.   Continue reading “Do You Have a First Amendment Right to Flip Off the Cops?”

WSOC TV – by Joe Bruno

ROCKWELL, N.C. – A Davidson County deputy is accused of robbing the F&M bank on West Main Street in Rockwell Tuesday afternoon.

Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said Jeff Athey was arrested around 4 p.m., four minutes after walking into the bank he is accused of robbing with a semi-automatic weapon.   Continue reading “Davidson County deputy accused of robbing Rowan County bank”

New York Post – by Kevin Carty

America’s biggest tech giants are nothing if not popular. Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon rank as some of the most well-liked brands in the world. Pollsters find that 86 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of Google and 80 percent share a favorable impression of Amazon. The reason is simple — these companies’ products are entertaining, accessible and seemingly cheap.   Continue reading “Tech giants are the robber barons of our time”

Activist Post – by Guevara Noubir, Northern University

U.S. military officials were recently caught off guard by revelations that servicemembers’ digital fitness trackers were storing the locations of their workouts – including at or near military bases and clandestine sites around the world. But this threat is not limited to Fitbits and similar devices. My group’s recent research has shown how mobile phones can also track their users through stores and cities and around the world – even when users turn off their phones’ location-tracking services.   Continue reading “Your Mobile Phone Can Give Away Your Location, Even If You Tell It Not To”

1st Commercial Credit

Six weeks after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 Americans, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act in an attempt to prevent future incidents of terrorism. The acronym USA Patriot Act stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. The law was proposed by the Department of Justice with the intention of providing additional tools to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), federal prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for the purpose of identifying and disabling terror networks both in the United States and abroad. It has far-reaching effects, including changes in immigration and how citizens and non-citizens of the United States interact with banks.   Continue reading “How Does the Patriot Act Affect My Bank?”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

A concerned woman has brought her deeply disturbing story to the Free Thought Project after an incident occurred while she was using Facebook Messenger. While she was playing in the app with her nephew, a random stranger appeared on her screen who seemed to be watching her and her nephew.

“So, I’m taking pics of my nephew through FB messenger while talking to my sister through messenger as well, suddenly a video of a man appears sent instead of the picture I was currently taking,” Courtney explained to the Free Thought Project.  Continue reading “Woman Chatting With Child on FB Messenger Suddenly Sees Man Spying On Them—IN THE APP”