Let’s just start with the 21 trillion dollar debt; no way in hell can you have a legit stock market with this kind of debt, no how, no way. We have American gold sitting in other countries vaults used as leverage, a pacifier to keep them at bay for loaning American mobsters huge money to keep a fake market looking like something half way legit.
The 401k is the instrument most used to support this splattering of diarrhea upon the American people, over the years trillions have been lost from falling market value, and brokers giving phony advice, many of which used a method of “churning” in which they moved the money from one type of investment fund to another, promising bigger returns, costing the account holder a fee, which comes right out of the said account, basically screwing the holder of the 401k. Continue reading “Over Leveraged Securities – Derivatives Gone Wild – A Bunch of Crooks Running the Con”