A months-long search for a 3-year-old led police to a compound buried under New Mexico scrubland. After authorities raided the compound on Friday, they did not recover the toddler but found his alleged abductor and 11 other children — all of whom had been living in what the Taos County sheriff described as “the saddest living conditions and poverty I have seen.”

The search began nine months earlier and nearly 1,500 miles east — in Jonesboro, Ga., where a mother told police that her husband had taken little Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj to a park and never returned.   Continue reading “11 kids rescued from armed ‘extremists’ at buried compound, New Mexico sheriff says”

Daily Mail

Wells Fargo has apologized  on Friday for a error they made that caused hundreds of customers to lose their homes over a five-year period.

The San-Francisco based bank claimed that a calculation error utilizing the company’s mortgage underwriting tool caused 625 customers to be effected.    Continue reading “Wells Fargo APOLOGIZES and admits error that caused hundreds of people to lose their homes because of a computer malfunction”

CBS News

Hurricane Hector strengthened to a Category 4 storm on Saturday as it churned toward the Central Pacific. The National Hurricane Center said the Hawaiian Islands should monitor the storm’s progress.

As of 11 p.m. ET Saturday, Hector was located 1,395 miles south of Hilo, Hawaii. It had maximum sustained winds of 130 mph and moving at 12 mph. Continue reading “Hurricane Hector becomes Category 4 storm, heads toward Hawaii”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

A 20-year-old man with Down syndrome was shot and killed by police this week as he walked down the street with a toy gun. Police claimed the young man — who, according to his mother, had the mentality of a 3-year-old — created a threat that needed to be dealt with with deadly force.

According to the victim’s father, Richard Torell, his son Eric grabbed a toy gun from his toy pile and disappeared overnight.   Continue reading “Young Man with Down Syndrome and Mentality of 3-year-old, Killed by Cops for Holding Toy Gun”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New York, NY — A police sergeant in New York was caught on video this week confronting an unarmed 21-year-old man and shooting him at point blank range right in the face and then planting a weapon on him. Sgt. Ritchard Blake claims the victim, Thayvone Santana was trying to rob him, but video and family members say otherwise.

According to police, Blake claimed that Santana was attempting to rob him, so he had no choice but to shoot him in the face. However, police later admitted that Santana and Blake knew each other and may have been in a dispute over a girl. Continue reading “Cop Walks Up to Unarmed Man, Shoots Him in the Face then Plants a Weapon on Him”

Collective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

Is Donald Trump’s administration really Donald Trump‘s administration? Was the Obama administration really the Obama administration? Was the Bush administration really the Bush administration? The answer by now should be an obvious ‘no’, as so many examples abound where corporate dominance influences and controls the political will of their puppets. Yes, this includes Donald Trump, even though he’s not an insider the same way the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama were.   Continue reading “The Trump Administration Just Lifted The Ban On Bee Killing Pesticides & GMO’s”

Chuck Balwin

Most Americans would be shocked if they knew how many foreign citizens are in our federal government—and at what levels. They don’t know because the mainstream media (or the conservative media, for that matter) almost never talks about it. It is one of the biggest secrets in Washington, D.C.

Back in 2015, Michael Hager wrote a very important missive that appeared in The Hill. Hager said:   Continue reading “Our Government Is Awash With Foreign Citizens”

A DISTURBING child prostitution ring in which more than 250 young women and girls were branded with tattoos by their “owners” has been busted in dramatic raids over the past week.

Colombian cops have now arrested 18 people — including Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello who is known as “Madame” — were charged with the sexual exploitation of more than 250 women and girls. Continue reading “Colombian authorities bust sickening child sex ring”

Press TV

US senators are quietly paving the way for a military aid to Israel that that exceeds $3.8 billion.

The number would amount to $23,000 per year for every family in Israel, according to a Friday report by Minnesota-based news website MintPress News, released amid a media blackout.   Continue reading “Senators pass bill to increase US aid to Israel to $3.8 billion”