Daily Mail

Workers have benefited almost nothing from the Trump administration’s corporate tax cut, an investigation has found.

This is despite lawmakers promising the billions saved by big companies would trickle down to staff in the form of wage increases.  Continue reading “Workers barely benefited from Trump’s corporate tax cuts, report finds”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

If ever we needed proof of the expression that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” look no further than Britain, where families may have to start practicing cutting their steak and bread at dinner with a spoon. This is, of course, because Britain’s politicians have now made the absurdly ridiculous move to call for the banning of what Reason magazine called “the most useful tool ever invented” – the knife.  Continue reading “With Gun Ban Not Working, Politicians In Britain Now Want To Ban Knives Nationwide”

The Jerusalem Post

The only way to stop antisemitism is to criminalize it, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told reporters in New York on Monday.

“The time for talking and having a conversation is over,” Danon said. “What Israel and the Jewish community around the world demand is action – and now.”  Continue reading “Israeli envoy calls for criminalizing anti-semitism after NYT cartoon”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Caldwell County, TX — The Free Thought Project has reported on multiple instances in which police officers invade a home and are shot in the process. Thousands of these no-knock raids take place across the country every single year, most of which are over alleged possession of substances deemed illegal by the state. But what happens when people defend their homes against these home invasions? Well, as the following case illustrates, sometimes justice can be served.  Continue reading “Charges Dropped Against Couple Who Shot Deputy After DA Rules It Was Self-Defense”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

update 4: In a dramatic escalation, Bloomberg reports that an armored car has plowed into a crowd of protesters demonstrating outside the La Carlota Air Force base in Caracas — scene of prior clashes and reported exchanges of live fire.  Continue reading “Venezuela Coup? “Live Fire” Exchanged Outside Contested Air Base, Armored Car Plows In Protesters”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As if the past months of US push for regime change in Venezuela with officials like Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra conviction infamy at the helm wasn’t bizarre enough, things just got weirder, as Erik Prince has apparently been pitching a plan around Washington to privatize US coup efforts using his latest Blackwater inspired mercenary empire.

According to Reuters, Prince — the brother of billionaire Education Secretary Betsy DeVos who has over the past years since selling his mired-in-controversy Blackwater group (now Academi) revived his mercenary empire in China in the form of Frontier Services Group (FSG) — intends to “deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicholas Maduro”Continue reading “Blackwater Founder Calling For 5,000 Mercenaries To Topple Maduro”


A 19-year-old man accused of murdering one woman and wounding three other people at a California synagogue was due in a San Diego court on Tuesday to face hate crime charges.

John Earnest faces one count of murder and three counts of attempted murder, all of them with hate crime added as a special circumstance, the San Diego District Attorney’s Office said on Monday. He also faces one count of arson.  Continue reading “Accused California synagogue shooter due in court to face hate crime charges”

Eric Peters Autos – by Eric

Obeying the speed limit (or any other law) is no defense against vindictive armed government workers, as the first video which follows below shows.

The AGW who stopped this car with the threat of murderous violence – implicit in everynon-consensual interaction with an AGW – admits, openly, that the driver was notexceeding the posted speed limit – but asserts that his not exceeding it is itself “suspicious.” This assertion of “suspicion” gives him, the AGW, pretext to stop anyone he likes and subject them to an Authority Display.  Continue reading “The New “Stop Resisting””


Self-declared Venezuelan ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido has called for a military uprising in a video shot at a Caracas airbase, accompanied by a number of soldiers and detained activist Leopoldo Lopez.

The moment has come to “start the end of the usurpation,” Guaido said in the video, flanked by heavily-armed soldiers and an armored vehicle. According to him, the speech was made at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas, commonly known as ‘La Carlota’.  Continue reading “US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers”

Health Nut News – by Erin Elizabeth

Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.  Continue reading “60 lab studies now confirm cancer link to a vaccine you probably had as a child”

Boston Globe – by Danny McDonald

A federal appeals court has rejected a challenge to the assault weapons ban in Massachusetts, in what Attorney General Maura Healey called a “defeat for the gun lobby.”

The Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, on Friday affirmed a federal judge’s ruling that last year dismissed the lawsuit, which was filed by gun advocates and a group of gun retailers.  Continue reading “Appeals court rejects challenge to Massachusetts assault weapons ban”


If ever you needed a reason to turn off your cellphone, then maybe this story this will convince you.

The Palm Beach Post recently revealed how the City of Palm Beach, Florida wants to track everyone’s cellphones.  Continue reading “Cities Are Tracking Everyone’s Cell Phone Signal”

Reason – by Jacob Sullum

This month Colorado became the 15th state to enact a “red flag” law that authorizes court orders forbidding gun possession by people deemed a threat to themselves or others. The new law, which has drawn strong criticism from Second Amendment advocates, including some county sheriffs, illustrates the civil liberties concerns raised by such attempts to identify and disarm people prone to suicide or homicide. Continue reading “Colorado’s New ‘Red Flag’ Law Illustrates the Pitfalls of Disarming People Based on Their Future Behavior”

BuzzFeed – by Tom Namako

The rabbi who founded the Chabad of Poway synagogue that was allegedly targeted Saturday by a 19-year-old gunman described a horrifying but also spiritually uplifting scene during and after the attack, one with tales of heroism against the shooter and unspeakable grief as one of the congregants lay dying on the lobby floor.

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, in a news conference Sunday, delivered a step-by-step recounting of the attack that police say came from a man armed with an assault-style weapon who wrote a manifesto of hate against Jewish people. At least two of Goldstein’s fingers were shot off in the assault.  Continue reading ““We Are A Jewish Nation That Will Stand Tall”: The Rabbi Whose Synagogue Was Attacked Delivered A Sermon After His Fingers Were Shot Off”

Breitbart – by John Binder and Kristina Wong

The Department of Defense is planning to spend $7.4 million on a troop mission at the United States-Mexico border that includes feeding and caring for migrants and border crossers, the agency announced Monday afternoon.

The mission will involve sending 320 more U.S. troops heading to the southern border to help Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents take care of migrants who have crossed the U.S. border.  Continue reading “Pentagon Approves $7.4M for Troops to Feed, Care for Border Crossers”


President Donald Trump, three of his children — Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka — and his business are suing two banks to block them from turning over financial records to congressional committees that have issued subpoenas for the information.

It’s the second attempt in court that Trump has made this month to thwart the Democratic-led House of Representatives from investigating his financial history. Continue reading “Trump team sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One to keep them from turning over financial records to Congress”