Month: December 2019
S & P Global – by Brian Scheid
Washington — The US Securities and Exchange Commission agreed by a 3-2 vote to release a new proposal requiring multinational oil and gas companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments.
The rule, initially mandated by Section 1504 of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, has been twice adopted by the SEC, overturned by a federal court, and rolled back by Congress and President Donald Trump. Continue reading “US SEC proposes new oil, natural gas disclosure rules with new exceptions”
Universal Chiropractic and Nutrition Center – by Dr. Ronald A. Saltman D.C.
Let’s get right to the answer which is —– NO! Ascorbic acid is not Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is ascorbic acid, which is a fraction of the biologically utilizable Vitamin C complex.
The misunderstanding is due to the government because they decided that you rate any Vitamin C according to the amount of ascorbic acid that it contains. Ascorbic acid is really the anti-oxidant fraction of vitamin C, or in other words, it is the preservative part of the C complex. Continue reading “Vitamin C: Is It Really Just Ascorbic Acid?”
HD, a patriot here at the Trenches, asked me a question recently and he deserves an answer, because it involves something that affects us all, right in the stomach. It involves reaching into your pantry and grabbing that can of soup, or that can of roast beef hash or that can of cream corn among other things. That pantry is becoming harder to stock, and it’s because we are being played like fools. Continue reading “What The Freighk?”
New Canaan Advertiser – by Steven Pearlstein
There is a battle going on for the future of American business. On one side are a handful of giant corporations that dominate their industries. On the other are the smaller companies they compete against, buy from, or sell to, and the workers they hire. And what you need to know is that under President Donald Trump, the Justice Department is routinely weighing in on the side of the corporate giants. Continue reading “From Hollywood to Silicon Valley, the Justice Department is backing corporate giants”
Dr. Keith – by Keith Scott-Mumby
This is for real… there are now mountains of data, all being IGNORED, that says fetal ultrasound is damaging babies. Fetal heart doppler is just as bad. Thing is (this will shock you): THERE IS NO DISCERNIBLE BENEFIT FOR BIRTH OUTCOMES. None. It’s a waste of time, does not improve survival, but actually lowers fetal health and birth weights. Jeanice, my guest, has spent 5 years collecting over 1550 scientific citations to prove this monstrous evil is real and taking place, while assuring Mum’s and the rest of us, it’s safe; it’s just sound waves. IT IS NOT. You have to listen to this broadcast to learn the truth but be prepared to be shocked… horrified! Continue reading “Our Kids Are Being Killed and Damaged by Medical Technology”
New York Post – by Natalie O’Neill
Alexa, help prevent a Christmas blowout!
The Amazon virtual assistant has a new feature meant to help families quit bickering during the holidays — by changing the subject that everyone is talking about, according to a report Wednesday. Continue reading “Alexa’s new feature will help break up holiday fights”
Ordnance, Explosives, and Related Items
The information contained on this site is for information purposes only, and may not apply to your situation. The author, publisher and provider provide no warranty about the content or accuracy of content enclosed. Information provided is subjective. Keep this in mind when reviewing this site.
Neither the Publisher nor Author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages resulting from use of this guide. Continue reading “Ordnance, Explosives, and Related Items”
The Mind Unleashed – by Eliat Marat
Police in Kansas City, Kansas, have been accused of breaking into a man’s home in the dead of the night and severely beating him to the point of hospitalization before charging him with battery of a law enforcement officer.
Joseph Harter, 43, filed a federal lawsuit last week claiming that the beating was so bad that he was temporarily blinded by his own blood and had to go to the hospital after his home was invaded by police officers on October 28, 2018, according to the Kansas City Star. Continue reading “Police Broke Into Kansas Man’s Home at 3 AM, Severely Beat Him for No Reason: Lawsuit”
A man has been imprisoned for burning an LGBTQ flag that was flying at a church in central Iowa.
Adolfo Martinez, 30, of Ames, was sentenced Wednesday to 15 years for the hate crime of arson. Continue reading “Iowa man sentenced to more than 15 years for burning an LGBTQ flag that was flying at a church in central Iowa”
Defense One – by Heather Culdel
The Defense Department expects to focus on domestically created and funded unmanned aerial systems and counter-unmanned aerial systems in 2020 as part of its ongoing efforts to secure its supply chain. Continue reading “Pentagon Wants to Spark an American Small-Drone Industry”
Three states have filed a federal lawsuit seeking to block the addition of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Alabama, Louisiana and South Dakota are suing in response to a renewed push to get the required 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Continue reading “South Dakota 1 of 3 states suing to block Equal Rights Amendment”
New Castle, DE. 2:45 PM
The Mind Unleashed – by Emma Fiala
If you’ve ever lost of track of whether or not your child was vaccinated for any one of the diseases current vaccines are supposed to prevent the spread of, science has something for you.
Thanks to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), vaccine data can now be embedded directly into human skin, as reported by Scientific American. What more could you want? Continue reading “Invisible Ink Could Soon Reveal Whether Children Have Been Vaccinated”
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Archive: TWFTT 12-19-19