Breitbart – by Kristina Wong

The Pentagon has ordered the 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force to deploy to the D.C.-area amid rioting across the nation, according to multiple sources on background. Continue reading “82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force Headed to D.C. amid Riots”

Washington Times – by Alex Swoyer and Valerie Richardson

A professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham used Twitter to tell protesters how to successfully pull down monuments, as rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial and other iconic sites in the nation’s capital over the weekend. Continue reading “Univ. of Alabama Birmingham professor instructs rioters on how to tear down monuments”


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An Illinois man who allegedly traveled to Minneapolis to participate in riots after the death of George Floyd has been arrested and charged with federal counts, after prosecutors say videos posted to his Facebook page showed him handing out explosives and damaging property.  Continue reading “Charges: Illinois man went to Minneapolis to riot”

This is a desperate orchestrated effort to get the American national to pick one of the communist sides so that we may kill one another for the communists.

Target is a big box store that supports slave masks, forced coronavirus testing, and forced vaccinations, all of which are violations of the supreme ratified law of this land, our Bill of Rights. Continue reading “Philadelphia Residents Form Wall to Defend Target From Looters and Rioters”

Fox News

Police officers across the U.S. were targeted in shootings and vehicular attacks Monday night as protests continued in major cities for the seventh night despite President Trump’s vow to clamp down on violence. Continue reading “Rioters target police across US; 4 shot in St. Louis, 1 in Vegas, Bronx hit-and-run caught on video”

NBC News

WASHINGTON — As sirens wailed and flash-bang grenades popped across the street, President Donald Trump announced from the Rose Garden that he would use the U.S. military to stop the riots across the country that have been sparked by the death of George FloydContinue reading “Trump says he will deploy military if state officials can’t contain protest violence”

AFP – by Philip Giraldi

The nearly complete corruption of the U.S. republican form of government has largely come about due to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in January 2010 that basically permitted unlimited donor-spending on political campaigns based on the principle that providing money, normally through a political action committee (PAC), is a form of free speech. The decision paved the way for agenda-driven plutocrats and corporations to largely seize control of the formulation process for certain policies being promoted by the two national parties.  Continue reading “Rep. Omar Surrenders to Israel Lobby”

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ABC News

U.S. retailers large and small have closed some of their stores across the country because of disruptions caused by the widespread street protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Target, CVS, Apple and Walmart all said Sunday that they had temporarily closed or limited hours at some locations for safety reasons. In some places, their stores have been burned, broken into or looted as protests turned violent.  Continue reading “Protests force Target, CVS and Walmart to close some stores”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

There is a lot of information about the murder of George Floyd, the man who was killed by a police officer in broad daylight, that the mainstream media is intentionally hiding from the public while they ask you to look only at the color of the skin of those involved.  A piece of relevant information they just so casually left out of their race-baiting broadcasts was that Floyd’s family conveniently hired the same coroner as Jeffrey Epstein.  Continue reading “Is It One Gigantic Psy-Op? George Floyd’s Coroner Was Also Jeffrey Epstein’s”

Breitbart – by Jeff Poor

Monday on Fox News, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) suggested if local law enforcement were overwhelmed and local politicians were unwilling to act to quell rioting and looting, the federal government should intervene.

The Arkansas senator told “Fox & Friends” the federal government had options at its disposal as to how it could get involved. Continue reading “Cotton: If Local Law Enforcement Overwhelmed, Let’s See How Anarchists Respond When the 101st Airborne Is on the Other Side of the Street”

Breitbart – by Haris Alic

A fundraising campaign set up by George Floyd’s family has raised more than $6.3 million since his death.

Floyd’s younger brother, Philonise, created a GoFundMe page this week to help the family “cover funeral and burial expenses,” along with mental and grief counseling for the family. A portion of the money will also go to benefit and educate Floyd’s children as well as travel and lodging as the family continues to “seek justice for George.” Continue reading “Fundraiser Set Up by George Floyd’s Family Tops More than $6.3 Million”


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Monday derided many governors as “weak” and demanded tougher crackdowns on burning and stealing among some demonstrations in the aftermath of another night of violent protests in dozens of American cities.

Trump spoke to governors on a video teleconference that also included law enforcement and national security officials, telling the state leaders they “have to get much tougher.”  Continue reading “Trump slams governors as ‘weak,’ urges crackdown on protests”